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EFHSS- Questions & Answers- Q000-132
Latex Allergic PatientsFollow Up]
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From:    Date: 4 March 2002
Subject: Latex Allergic Patients

Tell me how we should process differently for latex allergic patients. All steam sterilization packaging tape that I know of has latex. Also all of my containers have a rubber gasket and my steam sterilizers have a rubber gasket in the door. Is this a cause for alarm for potential harm to the latex allergic patient. Can I truly produce a latex free product?

Nannette "Lou" Braley
OR Lead Material Coordinator
[email protected]

From:    Date: 9 March 2002
Subject: Re: Latex Allergic Patients

Dear Nannette

latex allergy is a serious medical problem for workers and patients. I found the following answer to your specific question in the AORN Latex Guideline 2001 Standards, Recommended Practices and Guidelines: "Most experts consider reprocessing instruments already processed in steam and potentially exposed to latex contamination via gloves worn in processing, sterilization tape, and container gaskets to be unnecessary because latex is denatured by steam. Mixing fresh glutaraldehyde to eliminate the potential for latex contamiantion during previous handling with latex gloves may be valid due to a potential for protein to be leached from latex gloves, but the chance for latex contamination would be small if recommended practice for rinsing are emploid. This practice also would be unnecessary if powder-free gloves were used".
And of course there ar many web sites offering links to database about "Latex allergy", among them AORN Online.

Kind regards
Josy Holdener

From: Wim Renders   Date: 24 March 2002
Subject: Re: Latex Allergic Patients

I want to be - unnecessary - complementary to Josy.
To avoid latex contamination on the instruments via gloves worn in processing, the personnel can wear non-latex gloves e.g. vinyl, nitrile. This is at the same time a protective measure for the employee.
The door gaskets don't pose a problem as they can't contaminate the allready packed instruments.
If you are using sterilization wraps, the outer packaging - with the tape - should be removed outside the operation room. The tray with the inner wrap can go into the OR. If you are using containers

  • the gasket can be covered with the inner wrap. (The use of an inner wrap in containers is a recommendation in Europe),
  • or the instruments have to be removed from the container to avoid contamination.

Kind regards,

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply