EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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EFHSS- Questions & Answers- Q000-191
Flood water in operating theatreWeb Search]
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From:    Date: 5 September 2002
Subject: Flood water in operating theatre

Dear Colleagues

The operating theatre complex of a local hospital was flooded recently as a result of a flash flood to a depth of approximately 40cm. Given the very short timescale over which the unit was flooded, no equipment was able to be removed from the facility and all equipment remained in situ until the flood water was pumped out. The flood water was contaminated with untreated sewage.

With regard to complex items of equipment within the theatre the options are:

  1. To dispose of these items and replace with new machines
  2. To attempt to decontaminate these items. Obviously, the insurers whowill be paying the bills would prefer option 2.

ETO would be the best choice for this, but all the UK manufacturers/importers of each item of equipment, with one exception, say that under no circumstances should equipment, such as anaesthetic machines, be treated with ETO on the grounds of A) unreliable killing of microorganisms and B) potential damage to devices themselves.

Obviously manufacturers may have a vested interest in, that by stating ETO is contra-indicated, they will be able to sell the hospital replacement equipment!

Any advice would be received with gratitude

Best wishes

Kevin Kerr

Kevin G Kerr MD
Consultant Microbiologist
Dept of Microbiology
Fewston Wing
Harrogate District Hospital
Lancaster Park Road
Harrogate HG2 7SX

Tel + 44 (0)1423 553077
Fax +44 (0)1423 555657

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply