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EFHSS- Questions & Answers- Q000-221
Guidelines relating to the retention of metal implantsFollow Up]
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From:    Date: 2 December 2002
Subject: Guidelines relating to the retention of metal implants

Are there any guidelines relating to the retention of metal implants by patients from whom they have just been removed? Concerns are being raised locally about risk of transmission of prions.

From: Prof. Dr Jean Plum   Date: 15 January 2003
Subject: Re: Guidelines relating to the retention of metal implants


Prion proteins are very stable and bind to metals (Cu ions, but also to other metals) with the result that the stability is enhanced. It is quite unacceptable to re-use these materials unless they have undergone the 134°C, 18 min. See also the new guidelines for Switzerland.
As far as the private use of these materials is concerned, I am of the opinion that the risk of infection is very low unless when the material comes from high risk tissue such as brain tissue (e.g.electrode). This applies to a much lesser extent to bone and heart implants. Moreover the exposure is via the skin trough touch, which is generally accepted as having a very low risk of infecion factor. In other words there is a very limited chance that the patient is infected ( 1 out 1 million) with an almost impossible transmission. This means that there only is a theoretical possiblility of infection but no real risk.

Best regards,
Prof. Dr Jean Plum
Head of the Department of Microbiology and Viroplogy
University of Ghent

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply