
Differin is a medication known for its active ingredient, adapalene, which is a type of retinoid. It’s also found under generic names such as adapalene cream or gel. This medicine is primarily used to treat acne. It works by helping to renew the skin, leading to clearer, less inflamed skin over time.

Differin Price Analysis

The range for Differin price is 13.69$ to 24.89$ per tubes. Factors like pack dimensions and active ingredient potency (5 or 25 gr) play a role.

Overview of Differin

Differin (adapalene) is a topical retinoid medication primarily used in the treatment of acne vulgaris. As a third-generation retinoid, it is often recommended for use in cases of mild to moderate acne. Adapalene in Differin works by modulating cellular differentiation and keratinization processes, thus reducing the formation of microcomedones, which are precursors to acne lesions.

Pharmacological Profile

Differin possesses anti-inflammatory properties and targets the retinoic acid receptors in the skin, leading to normalisation of the skin cell turnover and reducing the likelihood of clogged pores. Unlike its predecessors, adapalene binds more selectively to the gamma subtype of retinoic acid receptors, which provides a favorable efficacy and tolerability profile.

Indications for Use

Differin is indicated primarily for the treatment of acne vulgaris in individuals 12 years of age and older. Its therapeutic benefits are generally observed in the treatment of comedonal acne (blackheads and whiteheads) as well as inflammatory acne lesions.

Dosage and Administration

Differin should be applied once daily to the entire face and other affected areas, avoiding the eyes, lips, and mucous membranes. The medication should be applied to skin that has been thoroughly washed with a mild cleanser and pat dried. A pea-sized amount is generally sufficient to cover the entire face. Hands should be washed immediately after application.

Drug Formulations

Differin is available in multiple formulations, including a 0.1% cream, 0.1% lotion, and 0.3% gel. The selection of the appropriate formulation may depend on individual skin types, severity of acne, and tolerance to the medication.

Application Guidelines

To optimize the treatment with Differin, apply a thin layer to the affected area. Avoid application to the areas of skin around eyes, lips, and any open wounds. Initial worsening of acne may occur, typically known as purging, which usually subsides within 4 weeks. Continual use over several weeks to months may be necessary to observe significant improvement.

Potential Side Effects

Possible side effects of Differin can include local skin irritation, redness, dryness, itching, and scaling. These reactions tend to be mild to moderate in severity and usually decrease with continued use of the medication. Less common side effects may include a burning sensation or worsening of acne.

Special Precautions

While using Differin, patients should minimize exposure to sunlight and artificial UV light by wearing sunscreen and protective clothing when outdoors. A patient’s skin may become more prone to sunburn. Caution should be exercised when using Differin with other potentially irritating topical products.

Interactions with Other Medications

Differin may interact with products containing sulfur, resorcinol, or salicylic acid. Concurrent use can increase skin irritation. It should not be used alongside other retinoids or drugs that increase the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight, including tetracyclines and thiazide water pill.

Pregnancy and Lactation

Although there is limited data on the use of Differin during pregnancy, it should only be used if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus. It is not known if adapalene is excreted in human milk; therefore, caution should be exercised when Differin is administered to a nursing woman.

Monitoring and Follow-Up

Regular follow-up with a healthcare provider is essential to assess the effectiveness of the treatment and to monitor for potential side effects. Adjustments to the treatment regimen may be necessary based on the patient’s progress and response to the medication.

Patient Counseling Information

Patients should be informed about the importance of adhering to the prescribed application frequency to ensure optimal results. Overuse will not accelerate the benefits and may increase the likelihood of side effects. Patients should also be advised about the initial adjustment period that can result in apparent worsening of acne, known as the ‘retinization’ phase.

Storage and Handling

Differin should be stored at controlled room temperature and protected from freezing. Keep the medication out of reach of children. Dispose of any expired or unused medication following specific guidelines to avoid potential harm to others or the environment.



Active ingredient


10 tubes, 15 tubes, 20 tubes, 25 tubes, 5 tubes


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