Boxed Course: Central Service Technical Manual, 5th Edition
This is the most comprehensive manual and reference on Central Service ever developed. Experts were selected to author each chapter, and a special advisory group reviewed the information developed to assure that the very latest information on every aspect of central service is included. It contains the core materiel for IAHCSMM's Certified Registered Central Service Technician (CRCST) program. Boxed set contains: one Textbook, one Workbook, and one Human Body Book.
Esterilización de Productos Sanitarios por Vapor, Volumen I Teoría General - 1 Edición
*** Spanish / español ***
En un hospital o centro sanitario, es necesario que todo producto y material usado para el tratamiento de los pacientes sea absolutamente seguro en su uso ya que el riesgo de contagio de enfermedades debe mantenerse lo más bajo posible. La limpieza, la descontaminación y la esterilización son métodos imprescindibles para combatir este peligro. La demanda para encontrar procedimientos apropiados para el control de infecciones se ha incrementado enormemente, especialmente desde la aparición de enfermedades como el SIDA, de rápida diseminación a escala mundial. Además, enfermedades como la hepatitis B, que pueden ser transmitidas por instrumentos quirúrgicos contaminados, han estimulado la creación de normas y reglamentos más estrictos para los procedimientos de descontaminación y esterilización.
Esta serie de libros, de los que este tomo es el primero, se concentra sobre todo en el método de esterilización más común y seguro de los utilizados habitualmente en los Hospitales y Centros Sanitarios: la esterilización mediante vapor a presión. Un primer paso importante para la mejora de cualquier actividad es la formación del personal implicado en la misma. Recientemente se han publicado las normas europeas sobre la esterilización de productos sanitarios que exigen la formación adecuada para todas aquellas personas, fabricantes, técnicos operadores y/o de mantenimiento, que estén implicados en la esterilización. Es con el objetivo de contribuir a esta formación que se han elaborado estos libros, que esperamos se conviertan en un manual para cualquier persona interesada en el campo de la esterilización. Por esta razón la Asociación Europea para la Esterilización Hospitalaria recomienda su lectura.
EURO 30 (Costes de transporte y IVA no incluidos).
You can order the book through a bookshop using the ISBN number or directly from the author/publisher, Jan Huys/HEART Consultancy through letter, Fax, or Email:
Address: Jan Huys, HEART Consultancy, Quadenoord 2, 6871 NG Renkum, The Netherlands
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Instructor Guide to the CRCST Course, 5th Edition
An Instructor's Packet to facilitate teaching with the newly reprinted text is available. Instructor's Material keyed to each chapter in the book has also been developed for use by anyone wishing to facilitate training in hospitals and/or teaching in post-secondary schools. The Instructor's Material includes: 250 page (approximate) Instructor's Guide, 150 page (approximate) Student Workbook, 110 overheads (black/white hardcopy transparency masters in PowerPoint format and 6 disks of color PowerPoint overheads), Twelve Review Quizzes and Four Progress Tests with answer keys, Course final exam (200 questions) with answer key.
This manual provides valuable information for anyone with responsibility for or working in sterile service departments. It gives detailed information on all the regulatory standards that concern SSDs adn TSSUs as well best practice guidance for these highly specialised areas.
Sterilization of Medical Supplies by Steam, Volume 1 General Theory - Second Revised Edition
In a hospital or clinic it is necessary that all equipment and materials used for treating patients are absolutely safe for use: the chance for spreading of diseases should be kept as small as possible. Cleaning, decontamination and sterilization are important methods in this battle against this ever present threat. Especially since the fatal disease AIDS became so powerful and spread world wide, the demand for proper procedures for infection control gained momentum enormously. Diseases such as Hepatitis B, known to be transmitted through contaminated surgical instruments, stimulated the need for stricter guidelines for disinfection and sterilization.
This book focuses on the most common and most safe method used for sterilization in the Central Sterile Service Departments in healthcare institutions: sterilization by pressurised high temperature steam.
A first major step to improvement of sterile supply is the training of all personnel involved (technicians, staff and users). Moreover, in the recently published European standards on sterilization, education is required of everybody involved in sterilization, whether it concerns the manufacturer of the sterilizing equipment or the technician maintaining or using it. This series of books provides a foundation needed to fulfil this requirement. Originally intended to educate technical service personnel in remote health institutions, it has grown into a textbook that can be used by anyone interested in sterilization.
The International Federation for Sterile Supply (IFSS) and the European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply (EFHSS) are pleased to recommend the book to all their members and all others involved in sterilization practices.
Click here for a book brochure/flyer in PDF format [494 KB].
more than 200 coloured illustrations, photos, graphs and tables
How to order:
The price of the book is 35 Euro (not including shipment and 6% VAT).
You can order the book through a bookshop using the ISBN number or directly from the author/publisher, Jan Huys/HEART Consultancy through letter, Fax, or Email:
Address: Jan Huys, HEART Consultancy, Quadenoord 2, 6871 NG Renkum, The Netherlands