WFHSS - World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

WFHSS - World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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WFHSS - World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply / Sitemap

WFHSS Sitemap



Last Change

World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply  29/12/2014
WFHSS Members  26/10/2014
WFHSS Member Organisations  26/10/2014
ICAN - Infection Control Africa Network  23/11/2014
SOLAES - Sociedad Latinoamericana de Esterilización  18/11/2014
AATAE - Asociación Argentina de Técnicos y Auxiliares en Esterilización  17/12/2014
FUDESA - Foundation for the Development of Sterilization in Argentina  12/12/2014
FSRACA - Federation of Sterilisation Research Advisory Councils of Australia  15/04/2015
ÖGSV - Austrian Society for Sterile Supply  15/03/2013
V.S.Z - Vereniging Sterilisatie in het Ziekenhuis v.z.w.  15/04/2015
Quality Groups  
Quality Management System  29/03/2012
Introduction to a Quality Management System  
Quality Management Manual  
V.S.Z kwaliteitssysteem - Organisatieprocedure: ISO 9002 - Kwaliteitssysteem  
V.S.Z kwaliteitssysteem - Organisatieprocedure: Procedure van de procedures  
V.S.Z kwaliteitssysteem - Procedure: Personeel  
V.S.Z kwaliteitssysteem - Procedure: Interne audit  
V.S.Z kwaliteitssysteem - Procedure: Behandeling van niet-conformiteiten  
V.S.Z kwaliteitssysteem - Procedure: Aankopen  
V.S.Z kwaliteitssysteem - Procedure: Identificatie en naspeurbaarheid van de geneesmiddelen, medische hulpmiddelen en grondstoffen  
V.S.Z kwaliteitssysteem - Procedure: Calibratie  
V.S.Z kwaliteitssysteem - Procedure: Kwalificatie van processen en uitrusting  
V.S.Z kwaliteitssysteem - Procedure: Sterilisatie van medische hulpmiddelen  
V.S.Z kwaliteitssysteem - Procedure: Reinigen en desinfecteren  
V.S.Z kwaliteitssysteem - Procedure: Samenstellen en verpakken instrumentensets  
V.S.Z kwaliteitssysteem - Procedure: Bedieningsvoorschrift lasapparaten  
V.S.Z kwaliteitssysteem - Procedure: Gebruik gassterilisator Sterivac 5XL  
V.S.Z kwaliteitssysteem - Procedure: Hersterilisatie EFO catheters  
V.S.Z kwaliteitssysteem - Procedure: Richtlijn voor het gebruik van snelsterilisatoren in de operatiekwartieren  
OBEUNE - Organização Brasileira de Enfermeiros em Unidade de Esterilização  17/12/2014
SOBECC - Sociedade Brasileira de Enfermeiros de Centro Cirúrgico  17/12/2014
CSAO - Central Service Association of Ontario  05/04/2014
EPE - Enfermeras Pabellon y Esterilización  17/12/2014
SPEDCH - Sociedad de Profesionales en Esterilización de Chile  17/12/2014
ACPCE - Asociación Colombiana de Profesionales de Centrales de Esterilización  17/12/2014
HUMS-te - Croatian Association for Hospital Sterile Supply - Hrvatska Udruga Medicinske Sterilizacije  17/12/2014
CSS - Czech Society for Sterilization - Česká společnost pro sterilizaci  17/12/2014
DKCS - The Danish Society for Hospital Hygiene and Sterile Supply - Den Danske Klub for Centralsterilisering og Sygehushygiejne  26/10/2014
FSHIC/EM - Finnish Society for Hospital Infection Control - Equipment Maintenance Section  15/03/2013
AFS - Association Française de Stérilisation  17/12/2014
SGS - Société Gabonaise de Stérilisation  17/12/2014
DGSV - German Society for Sterile Supply e.V.  17/12/2014
GORNA - Greek Operating Room Nurses Association  15/04/2015
HKSSMA - Hong Kong Sterile Services Management Association  05/04/2014
HuDiS - Hungarian Disinfectology Association  17/12/2014
ICSSA - Indian Central Sterile Services Association  15/03/2013
HSSSI - Hospital Sterile Service Society of India  15/03/2014
PERSISI - Perhimpunan Sterilisasi Sentral Indonesia  15/03/2013
BFJ - Behbod Faraz Jam  15/04/2015
IDI - Irish Decontamination Institute  15/04/2015
Introduction & History  
IDI Committee  
IDI Contact  
IDI Meetings  
IDI Events 2015/2016  
IDI Membership  
IDI Constitution  
IDI General Guidelines  
IDI Funding  
IDI Conferences and Training Programs  
IDI Links  
Professional Standard Handbook - Cleaning and Disinfection - Flexible Endoscopes  
IDI Surveys  
Lean Survey of Irish SSD's  
ISA - Israel Sterilization Association  17/12/2014
AIOS - Associazione Italiana Operatori addetti alla Sterilizzazione  15/04/2015
JSMI - Japanese Society of Medical Instrumentation  15/03/2013
SCSTS - Studies in Central Supply and Techniques of Sterilization  15/03/2013
ICD - Infection Control Directorate - Ministry of Health  15/03/2013
IKSA - Infection Control and Sterilization Association  17/12/2014
CSSA - Lithuanian Sterilisation Specialists and Sterile Supply Association  17/12/2014
DSAM - Disinfection and Sterilization Association of Macedonia - Aсоцијација за дезинфекција и стерилизација на Македонија  15/04/2015
MSSA - Malaysian Sterile Service Association  05/04/2014
SAM - Sterilization Association of Malta  15/03/2013
AMPE - Asociación Mexicana de Profesionales en Esterilización  17/12/2014
SMS - Société Marocaine de Stérilisation - Moroccon Sterilization Society  17/12/2014
SVN - Sterilisatie Vereniging Nederland - Sterilization Association of The Netherlands  17/12/2014
vDSMH - Vereniging van Deskundigen Steriele Medische Hulpmiddelen  17/12/2014
NZSSA - New Zealand Sterile Services Association  15/08/2014
NfS - Norwegian Association of Sterile Supplies - Norsk Forening for Sterilforsyning  15/03/2013
SAO - Sterilization Association of Oman  17/12/2014
PSSA - Pakistan Sterile Services Association  05/04/2014
SOCIENEE - Sociedad Científica de Enfermeras Especialistas en Esterilización  17/12/2014
PSMSDD - Polish Society for Medical Sterilization and Disinfection Development  17/12/2014
ANES - Portuguese Association for Sterilization  17/12/2014
RNA - Russian Nurses Association  15/03/2013
SRDI - Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute  18/11/2014
SFHSS - Saudi Forum for Hospital Sterilization Services  15/03/2013
SUSID - Serbian Association of Sterilization and Disinfection - Srpsko Udruženje Sterilizacije i Dezinfekcije  13/12/2013
SPNN - Czech and Slovak Society for Nosocomial Infections Prevention  17/12/2014
ZZNS - Nurses Association of Slovenia - Sterilisation Section  17/12/2014
CFSA - CSSD Forums of South Africa  17/12/2014
KACSDN - Korea Association of Central Supply Department Nurses  05/04/2014
AAES - Asociación de Auxiliares de Esterilización Sanitaria  17/12/2014
CEDEST - Club Español de Esterilización  17/12/2014
SASIC - Swedish Association for Sterilization and Infection Control - Sterilization Section  17/12/2014
SGSV/SSSH/SSSO - Swiss Society for Sterile Supply  17/12/2014
TAHMSS - Taiwanese Association for Hospital and Medical Sterile Supply  15/04/2013
DAS - Disinfection Antisepsis and Sterilization Association  05/04/2014
MSÜD - Central Sterilization Units Society of Turkey - Merkezý Sterýlýzasyon Ünýtelerý Derneðý  17/12/2014
UASD - Ukrainian Association of Sterilization and Disinfection  15/04/2015
T3 - Ta3qym mean sterilization  15/03/2013
IDSc - Institute of Decontamination Sciences  17/12/2014
IAHCSMM - International Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management  11/02/2014
A.EST.U - Asociación de Esterilización del Uruguay  17/12/2014
Individual WFHSS Members  26/10/2014
Corporate WFHSS Members  26/10/2014
WFHSS Membership Application  26/10/2014
WFHSS Communications  30/05/2011
WFHSS Mission Statement  30/05/2011
WFHSS Executive Committee  12/12/2014
WFHSS Executive Committee  12/12/2014
WFHSS Memorandums  30/05/2011
Farewell Message by Wim Renders  18/11/2014
Open letter to heads of sterilization departments in countries where there are no national societies  25/06/2011
The WFHSS "Sparkling Egg" Award 2007  25/06/2011
EFHSS becomes WFHSS  25/06/2011
The EFHSS "Sparkling Egg" Award 2006  25/06/2011
World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply - Training Programme  
DSc 2005 Congress: Free Poster Award  01/11/2011
The First EFHSS "Sparkling Egg" Award  25/06/2011
EU Enlargement - The EFHSS Welcomes the new European Union Membership Candidate Countries  27/08/2011
Welcome to the EFHSS Website  08/04/2011
WFHSS Announcements  30/05/2011
September 28th - Annual Day of the Sterile Service Technician  
Press Release - 22 March 2010: Arjowiggins Pulp Surcharge  
National Healthcare Central Service and Sterile Processing Week to be Celebrated in October 2002  05/05/2010
WFHSS Recommendations  30/05/2011
Recommendations by the Quality Task Group [11]  26/10/2014
WFHSS Member Society Reports  30/05/2011
SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Annual Report 2009  15/04/2015
SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Annual Report 2008  17/12/2014
SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Annual Report 2007  15/04/2015
Organisation of the sterilization courses: the Flemish experience  25/06/2011
EFHSS Board Meeting - Winterthur 04-07-2003 - Report  15/03/2013
Intercollegiate auditing - "A guiding instrument for and by the workforce"  
SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Annual Report 2000  25/06/2011
WFHSS Interactive  30/05/2011
BBC News: NHS 'chaos' over tools  
WFHSS Congress and Conference Calendar  05/04/2014
Conference Reports  15/04/2015
Conference Lectures and Presentations  15/04/2015
Upcoming Conferences 2015  05/04/2014
Annual WFHSS and AFS Conference 2015  15/04/2015
IDI Annual Conference 2015  
Past Conferences 2015  05/04/2014
IDI General Meeting and Discussion Forum on "Implementing EN ISO 13485" 7 February 2015  
17th Meeting of G.O.R.N.A. on Central Sterilisation  
IDI General Meeting and Discussion Forum on "T.O.E. Probe Decontamination and Safety Checks" 16 May 2015  
1st Ibero-American & 8th National Sterilization Congress  
Past Conferences 2014  05/04/2014
IDI General Meeting and Discussion 1 February 2014  
IDI Workshop 1 March 2014 - "Surgical Instrument Care & Maintenance"  
IDSc Study Day 12 March 2014  
IDI General Meeting and Education Forum on "GS1/MS1" 29 March 2014  
IDI General Meeting and Education Forum on "GS1/MS1" 29 March 2014 - Lectures  18/11/2014
IDI General Meeting and Education Forum on "GS1/MS1" 29 March 2014 Lectures - Global Standard 1 Part 1 - GS1 Standards in Healthcare  
IDI General Meeting and Education Forum on "GS1/MS1" 29 March 2014 Lectures - Global Standard 1 Part 2 - Adopting GS1 Standards in Healthcare  
IDI General Meeting and Education Forum on "GS1/MS1" 29 March 2014 Lectures - Medical Standard 1  
HSSSI Seminar and Workshop 5 April 2014 - South India CSSD, OT, CATHLAB Personnel Seminar cum Workshop on Recent Advance in Sterilization Technology  
19th MSSA Annual General Meeting, Conference and Exhibition - "Join the Rush - Knowledge is gold"  
IAHCSMM Annual Conference & Expo 2014  
CFSA Decontamination and Sterilization Conference 7-8 May 2014  
IDI General Meeting and Education Forum on "ISO Standards - Developments & Updates" 24 May 2014  18/11/2014
IDI General Meeting and Education Forum on "ISO Standards - Developments & Updates" 24 May 2014 - Lectures  18/11/2014
IDI General Meeting and Education Forum on "ISO Standards - Developments & Updates" 24 May 2014 Lectures - Standards for Healthcare - NSAI Update  
IDI General Meeting and Education Forum on "ISO Standards - Developments & Updates" 24 May 2014 Lectures - Standards: Overview and Up-date 2014  
IDI General Meeting and Education Forum on "ISO Standards - Developments & Updates" 24 May 2014 Lectures - Your Standards Your Say  
VIII Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización  
Annual SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Conference and Meeting 2014  
Irish Cleanroom Society Open Day, Workshop & Podcast 25 June 2014  
6th International Infection Control Conference - "New Paradigms In Infection Control"  
16th International Congress of Iranian Association of Endodontists  
SRACA Queensland Conference 28-30 August 2014  
IDI Study Day 6 September 2014 - "Storage of Non-Channelled Endoscopes”  18/11/2014
IDI Study Day 6 September 2014 - Lectures  10/06/2014
IDI Study Day 6 September 2014 Lectures - Validation of an Endoscope Drying Cabinet for Extended 7 Day Storage of Non-Channelled Endoscopes - A Clinical Perspective  
IDI Study Day 6 September 2014 Lectures - Supplement: Choice Framework for local Policy and Procedures (CFPP) 01-06 Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Validation and verification  
IDI Study Day 6 September 2014 Lectures - Supplement: BSG Guidance on the Decontamination of Equipment for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy  
IDI Study Day 6 September 2014 Lectures - Supplement: QFC24 Risk Assessment - Deviation Form  
C.S.A.O. Annual Conference 2014 - Taking it to the Top - People, Process and Peak Performance  
2ème Journées Internationales Francophones de Stérilisation - "Les différents contrôles en stérilisation"  
Annual NZSSA Conference 2014  
9th International Symposium of Sterilization and Infection Control in Health Assistance - SOBECC  
XII Congreso Nacional de Esterilización 1°,2 y 3 de Octubre 2014 Santiago Chile  
Annual DGSV Conference 2014  
Annual DGSV Conference 2014 - DGSV 18 years on - a responsible adult - Conference Report  
25th Panhellenic Congress of Perioperative Nursing  
Annual WFHSS & Central and Eastern European Congress 2014  15/04/2015
Annual WFHSS & Central and Eastern European Congress 2014 - Lectures and Presentations  15/04/2015
Scientific Programme  
Opening Ceremony  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Opening Ceremony: Opening Speech  
Key Note Lecture  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Key Note Lecture: Assessing the risk of disease transmission to patients when there is a failure to follow recommended desinfection and sterilization guidelines  
Session 1 - Modern Technologies and Procedures  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 1 - Modern Technologies and Procedures: New developments in sterilization and decontamination using nanotechnologies  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 1 - Modern Technologies and Procedures: The use of robotics and automatisation to achieve a better work environment and efficiency  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 1 - Modern Technologies and Procedures: Best practices for robotic instrument reprocessing  
Session 2 - Cleaning and Disinfection  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 2 - Cleaning and Disinfection: Influence factors on cleaning efficacy of standard instruments  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 2 - Cleaning and Disinfection: How to solve the problem of cleaning of narrow lumina  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 2 - Cleaning and Disinfection: Reducing the risk of iatrogenic CJD - Improving the cleaning of re-usable neurosurgical instruments  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 2 - Cleaning and Disinfection: Best practices in disinfection of noncritical surfaces in the health care setting: Creating a bundle for success  
Session 3 - Infection Prevention in Dentistry  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 3 - Infection Prevention in Dentistry: Infection prevention in dental practices  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 3 - Infection Prevention in Dentistry: Medical devices in dentistry  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 3 - Infection Prevention in Dentistry: The reprocessing of medical devices in dentistry. Are there any differences to the reprocessing of surgical instruments?  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 3 - Infection Prevention in Dentistry: Investigating steam penetration into dental handpieces when processed in benchtop sterilizers  
Session 4 - Sterilization  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 4 - Sterilization: Sterilization of MD in healthcare organizations. Development of medical service  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 4 - Sterilization: Where is a challenge for process challenge devices  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 4 - Sterilization: New, modern textiles as wrapping material for sterilization  
Session 5 - Endoscopes  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 5 - Endoscopes: Endoscopy reprocessing trends  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 5 - Endoscopes: Practical implementation of new compliant endoscopy reprocessing  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 5 - Endoscopes: National RIMD / endoscope GS1, track & trace system project - The Irish experience  
Session 6 - Sterlization  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 6 - Sterlization: Traceabilitiy and productivity  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 6 - Sterlization: Practical issues of the validation of steam autoclaves  
Session 7 - Endoscopes  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 7 - Endoscopes: The impacts of disinfectants on endoscope surfaces  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 7 - Endoscopes: Endoscope reprocessing with brushless cleaning process conditions  
Session 8 - Operating Theatres  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 8 - Operating Theatres: Pre assembly of operating trays in OT: an innovating and structuring concept  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 8 - Operating Theatres: An unknown danger in the operating rooms: open system filling adaptors  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 8 - Operating Theatres: Case-related provision of reusable medical devices and diposables in a operation theatre of so called a hospital with maximum supply  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 8 - Operating Theatres: Safe surgery safes lives, WHO challenge impacts on daily CSSD activities  
Session 9 - Hospital Environment, LT Sterilization  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 9 - Hospital Environment, LT Sterilization: Methods for assessing the adequacy of practice and improving room disinfection  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 9 - Hospital Environment, LT Sterilization: Critical aspects on selection and validation of LTS-processes  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 9 - Hospital Environment, LT Sterilization: Biocide resistance, real risk in hospital environment  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 9 - Hospital Environment, LT Sterilization: Biocidal control of mycoses and mycotoxicoses  
Session 10 - Varia  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 10 - Varia: Delivering better customer service; A 25 point plan to sucess  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 10 - Varia: A study on the A0-concept has started  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 10 - Varia: Education system in Poland  
Session 11 - Infection Control  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 11 - Infection Control: Infection control in 21st century. Developed vs. developing countries  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 11 - Infection Control: From todayīs infection prevention activities we can profit in the future  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 11 - Infection Control: Practical experiences from implementation, control and surveillance of nosocomial infections  
Session 12 - Reprocessing  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 12 - Reprocessing: Reprocessing of single use medical devices: regulations coming to Europe  
Session 13 - Working Environment  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 13 - Working Environment: Promotion of team building and reinforce the team spirit  
Poster Presentations  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Poster Presentations: Incomplete Closure of the Gusset Type Sterilization Pouch in Clinical Use  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Poster Presentations: Instruments recontamination in the packing area after handling  
WFHSS Conference 2014 - Lectures and Presentations - Poster Presentations: Performance of the sterilization device using a low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasma  
X. Annual International Congress and Exhibition Czech Society for Sterilization  
SRACA New South Wales Conference 26-28 October 2014  
5th ICAN Conference 2014  
International Congress "Modern facilities and technologies of disinfection and sterilization in the prevention of HAIs"  
IDI Annual Conference 2014 - Pre-conference Symposium - "Advanced Enzyme Cleaning Technologies"  
IDI Annual Conference 2014 - "Frontline Decontamination - Are We There Yet?"  15/04/2015
SRACA Victoria Conference 13-15 November 2014  
UASD Workshop 28 November 2014  
UASD Workshop 28 November 2014 - Workshop Report / Press Release  
Past Conferences 2013  05/04/2014
Irish Decontamination Institute Workshop 16 February 2013 - "Care & Maintenance of RIMD"  
Annual SVN Meeting and vDSMH/SVN Congress 2013  
18th MSSA Annual General Meeting, Conference & Exhibition - "Sterilization - An Integrated Approach"  
2013 CSC Annual Scientific Meeting  
Annual IMSTA Conference 2013  
IAHCSMM Annual Conference & Expo 2013  
Irish Decontamination Institute Workshop 18 May 2013 - "Periodic Testing of an Endoscope Washer Disinfector and Drying & Storage Cabinet"  
VII Congreso Nacional de Centrales de Esterilización  
Annual SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Conference and Meeting 2013  
First National AAES Congress 2013  
19th Asian Congress of Surgery & 1st SingHealth Surgical Congress from 18 - 23 July 2013  
Irish Decontamination Institute Workshop 31 August 2013 - "Care & Maintenance of RIMD"  
Irish Decontamination Institute Workshop 7 September 2013 - "Environmental Monitoring assurance through local and practical risk assessment" - "Environmental Monitoring assurance through local and practical risk assessment"  
Irish Decontamination Institute Workshop 7 September 2013 - "Environmental Monitoring assurance through local and practical risk assessment" - Lectures  05/04/2014
Irish Decontamination Institute Workshop 7 September 2013 - "Environmental Monitoring assurance through local and practical risk assessment" Lectures - National Decontamination Standards for Environmental Cleaning & Monitoring  
Irish Decontamination Institute Workshop 7 September 2013 - "Environmental Monitoring assurance through local and practical risk assessment" Lectures - National Standard Requirements for Sterile Services Units (Ireland)  
Irish Decontamination Institute Workshop 7 September 2013 - "Environmental Monitoring assurance through local and practical risk assessment" Lectures - Environmental Monitoring  
Irish Decontamination Institute Workshop 7 September 2013 - "Environmental Monitoring assurance through local and practical risk assessment" Lectures - Environmental Risk Assessment  
Irish Decontamination Institute Workshop 7 September 2013 - "Environmental Monitoring assurance through local and practical risk assessment" Lectures - Result interpretation and implementation of corrective actions  
2013 CSAO Conference - "Canadian MDRD Processes"  
Annual DGSV Conference 2013 - Acceptance through competence  
Annual DGSV Conference 2013 - Acceptance through competence - Conference Report  
IDI Annual Conference 2013 - Pre-conference Symposium - "The science behind the proreveal system: in situ protein detection"  
IDI Annual Conference 2013 - "Pathway to successful decontamination"  
Annual WFHSS and DAS Conference 2013  28/12/2014
Advancing knowledge - Signposting the future - WFHSS Congress in Antalya, Turkey, 6 - 9 November 2013 - Conference Report  
Annual WFHSS and DAS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations  15/04/2015
Scientific Programme  
Opening Ceremony  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Opening Ceremony - - Opening Speech  
Session A-1  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-1 - - The role of surface disinfection in infection prevention  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-1 - - Quality assurance of new surgical instruments. Don't accept our rejects  
Session A-2  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-2 - - Adsorption of proteins to surgical stainless steel surfaces and assessment of SSD decontamination procedures  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-2 - - Key Points of Infection Control in Dental Practices  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-2 - - Does a representative test soil exist for the reprocessing of dental intruments?  
Session A-3  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-3 - - Potential of Cold Atmospheric Plasma as a new method for the decontamination and sterilization of reusable surgical instruments  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-3 - - From a time- or event-related to a databased shelf-life practice for sterilized items  
Session A-4  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-4 - - Sustainable development: a new approach for quality management  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-4 - - Biohazardous Waste Treatment and its Management - the evolving story in Ireland  
Session A-5  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-5 - - Upgrade of the central sterilization service at Mohamed V Military Training Hospital in Morocco: from design to implementation  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-5 - - Northern transparent education and competence for staff in Central Sterile Services Department  
Session A-6  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-6 - - Conception and development of a mega center of sterilization for public hopitals in Lyon - France  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-6 - - To be or not to be ISO 13 485? - Quality systems in the CSSD  
Session A-7  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-7 - - Systematic comparison of the ability of commercial cleaning indicators to predict process failures  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-7 - - Implementation of feed back experience committee in CSSD  
Session A-8  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-8 - - Technology, Machines, Robots: Getting the Instruments Clean Requires the Human Factor  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-8 - - Decontamination of Medical Devices from Human Prions  
Session A-9  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-9 - - Economic study on the impact of reprocessing of single-use medical devices in Belgium  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-9 - - Logistical improvements in the Operating Room  
Session A-10  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-10 - - Central Sterile Service in Japan  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-10 - - Monitoring the Performance of your Automated Endoscope Reprocessor - Validation  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-10 - - The National Health Training Package - ‘The Australian Way’  
Session A-11  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-11 - - Validation Of An Endoscope Drying Cabinet For Extended 7 Day Storage Of Non-Channelled Endoscopes - A Clinical Perspective  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-11 - - AORN Recommended Practices: Attire & Traffic Patterns  
Session A-12  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-12 - - International and European Standardization of Sterilization Processes and Equipment  
WFHSS Conference 2013 - Lectures and Presentations - Session A-12 - - Investigation of an increase in surgical site infections among Orthopaedic and Ophthalmology patients  
V.S.Z Study Day 28 November 2013  
Past Conferences 2012  05/04/2014
Annual General IDI Meeting 28 January 2012  
Annual IMSTA Conference 2012 - Smarter Care Better Health  
SVN Spring Congress 9 March 2012  
SSSH French Section Training Session and General Assembly 10 March 2012  
Federal SRACA Conference 2012 - Great Expectations - Lifting the Bar  
IDI Managers/Technicians Study Day 24 March 2012 - "Process Challenge Device Workshop"  
SGSV German Section Training Session and General Assembly 3 April 2012  
34th National Sterilisation Days 2012 - Satellite Symposium  
34th National Sterilisation Days 2012  
IDI General Meeting and Educational Discussion 12 April 2012  
Computers in Nursing - International Conference  
Causa International Symposium - ‘Quality of reprocessing medical devices’  
IAHCSMM Annual Conference & Expo 2012  
XX. National Congress of the PSMSDD  
VIII. International Congress on Nosocomial Infection Prevention  
IDI Managers/Technicians Study Day 9 June 2012 - "Process Challenge Device Workshop"  
VII Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización  
5th International Infection Control Conference - "Timely Infection Control: Problems and Solutions"  
2012 CSAO Conference - "Patient Safety Begins With You"  
VII Congresso Internacional de Esteriliza Ción Hospitalaria  
1ères Journées Internationales Francophones de Stérilisation  
IMSTA 30th Anniversary Awards Dinner  
Annual DGSV Conference 2012  
1st Symposium on Operating Room Sterilization and Disinfection - 1. Sterilizasyon Ameliyathane Dezenfeksiyon Sempozyumu  
V.S.Z Study Day 4 October 2012  
V.S.Z Study Day 4 October 2012 - Lectures  05/04/2014
V.S.Z Study Day 4 October 2012 - Detergents in CSSD  
V.S.Z Study Day 4 October 2012 - Detergenten in de CSA  
V.S.Z Study Day 4 October 2012 - Ethische en juridische aspecten bij sterilisatie  
V.S.Z Study Day 4 October 2012 - Determination of the Efficacy of Sterile Barrier Systems  
V.S.Z Study Day 4 October 2012 - Methods of Verification of Cleaning in CSSD  
V.S.Z Study Day 4 October 2012 - Lean management en Six Sigma in ziekenhuizen  
V.S.Z Study Day 4 October 2012 - Invulling wet op de overheidsopdrachten  
V.S.Z Study Day 4 October 2012 - Ziekenhuizen: bouwstenen voor een nieuw financieringsmodel  
V.S.Z Study Day 4 October 2012 - Workshop II: Lean binnen de CSA  
RNA Forum of Nurses  
XII Congresso Nazionale AIOS - 2012  
2nd Congress of the Moroccan Sterilization Society - "Sterilization of reusable medical devices in endoscopic surgery"  
7th Middle East Decontamination & Sterilization Conference  
VIII. Annual International Congress and Exhibition Czech Society for Sterilization  
IDI Annual Conference 2012 - "RIMD get it, keep it & send it safe"  
IDI Annual Conference 2012 - Lectures  05/04/2014
IDI Annual Conference 2012 Lectures - Where do we fit in: The Medical Device Directive  
IDI Annual Conference 2012 Lectures - Chemical Safety  
IDI Annual Conference 2012 Lectures - Loan Instruments - Practical Tips  
IDI Annual Conference 2012 Lectures - Loan Instrumentation - A Loan Providers Perspective  
IDI Annual Conference 2012 Lectures - Finally, a standard for Flexible Endoscope Storage?  
IDI Annual Conference 2012 Lectures - Transportation of Contaminated RIMD to an External Central Decontamination Unit  
Annual DKCS Meeting and Conference 2012  
Annual NZSSA Conference 2012  
Annual WFHSS and JSMI Conference 2012 - 13th World Sterilization Congress  17/12/2014
Annual WFHSS and JSMI Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations  17/12/2014
Scientific Programme  
Opening Session  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Opening Session - - Welcome Speech  
Keynote Lecture  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Keynote Lecture - - Reprocessing of medical devices (MD) in Germany with analysis of reprocessing quality in 170 German Central Sterilization Service Centers and in 18 dermatological medical practices  
Session 1: Cleaning  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 1 - - Washer-Disinfectors - Effectiveness and Quality Assurance  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 1 - - Development of New Washing Method "Vacuum Boiling Washer"  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 1 - - Development of a Method of Assay of Residual Protein in Metallic Medical Device Containing Aluminum  
Session 2: Packaging & Sterilization  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 2 - - Study on Sealing Quality and Reliability of Pouch Package Sterilized in Hospital  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 2 - - Guideline for the validation of packaging processes according to DIN EN ISO 11607-2  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 2 - - Comparative study of current low temperature sterilization methods (EOG, PLASMA and LTSF)  
Session 3: CSSD Environment and Management  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 3 - - Environmental Monitoring Methods for Decontamination Units  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 3 - - Modelization of CSSD’s Organisation: A Real Help to Manage a Project  
Session 4: Education and Risk Management  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 4 - - National Blended Education Programme - the Irish Experience  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 4 - - Minimizing the Risk Associated with Processing Reusable Medical Devices while Safeguarding Quality and Implementing Cost Savings  
Session 5: Flexible Endoscope Reprocessing  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 5 - - Justified confidence of the patient in safe application of flexible endoscopes  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 5 - - Flexible Endoscopes Reprocessing: Retrospective analysis of 7818 endoscope samples  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 5 - - Centralised Endoscope Reprocessing - A Proof of Concept  
Session 6: Reprocessing Paradigms  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 6 - - Reuse of single-use medical devices - Towards an European harmonization  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 6 - - Evaluating the Quality of Surgical Drapes Reprocessing Services  
Session 7: Hydrogen Peroxide  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 7 - - The Role of “NO-TOUCH” Decontamination Technologies: Room Disinfection by Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor at Siriraj Hospital  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 7 - - Problems on Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilisation - New Proposal for Safety and Effective Use  
Session 8: Flexible Endoscope Decontamination (cont.)  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 8 - - The Research and Application of Disposable Sheath for Preventing Digestive Endoscope Cross-infection  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 8 - - A Study on the Cleaningof Flexible Endoscope by Adenosine Triphosphate Measure  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 8 - - Water Leak of Gastrointestinal Endoscope and Bronchoscope after Clinical Use  
Session 9: Sterilization and Disinfection  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 9 - - Current Situation of the CSSD in Mexico and Seven Latin American Countries  
Scientific Evening Seminar  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Scientific Evening Seminar - - Prions - A Challenge and Informative Paradigm for the Cleaning and Disinfection of Medical Devices  
Workshop Sponsored by JSMI Sterilization - Technician Approval Committee: Panel Discussion : The Role of Sterilization in Implementing Infection Prevention  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Workshop Sponsored by JSMI Sterilization - Technician Approval Committee - - Hydrogen Peroxide Gas Plasma System  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Workshop Sponsored by JSMI Sterilization - Technician Approval Committee - - The V-Pro Series of Hydrogen Peroxide Gas Sterilizers  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Workshop Sponsored by JSMI Sterilization - Technician Approval Committee - - Sterilization with LTSFLow Temperature Steam Formaldehyde  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Workshop Sponsored by JSMI Sterilization - Technician Approval Committee - - Ethylene Oxide Gas Sterilization  
Symposium: Peri-Sterilization Supply Services in Clinical Settings of East Asia  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Symposium - - Sterile Supply Assurancein Clinical Settings of Japan  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Symposium - - Toward a New Hospital and Medical Sterile Supplies Management: A New Challenges Brought by Global Budget Payment System  
WFHSS Conference 2012 - Lectures and Presentations - Symposium - - Sterile Services Development in Hong Kong - Journey to Service Excellence  
Annual IDSc Conference and Exhibition 2012  
Past Conferences 2011  05/04/2014
Annual General IASSM Meeting 22 January 2011  
4th MSÜD Sterilization Symposium  
CLEANICAL FORUM 2011 - 12th International Forum "Medical Devices and Processes"  
IDI Study Day 19 February 2011 - "Endoscopy Decontamination Workshop"  07/05/2014
7th National DAS Congress on Disinfection and Sterilization  
NfS Annual General Meeting 2011  
CSC Spring Congress 18 March 2011  
Annual VAAM Conference 2011  
33nd National Sterilisation Days 2011 - Satellite Symposium  
33nd National Sterilisation Days 2011  
IDI General Meeting and Education Forum 7 April 2011 - RIMD Maintenance & Management  
SRACA South Australia Conference 8-9 April 2011  
IDI Study Day 16 April 2011 - "Endoscopy Decontamination Workshop"  
16th MSSA Annual General Meeting, Conference & Exhibition - "Excellence in Sterilization Services"  
V. Czech-Slovak Congress - Olomouc Days  
IDI Launch 29 April 2011  
IAHCSMM Annual Meeting 2011  
XIX Congreso Internacional del CEDEST  
Annual ÖGSV Conference 2011  
Professional CSS Congress - Savings through Prevention  
IDI General Meeting and Education Forum 26 May 2011 - "Drying Cabinets Technical & Regulatory Aspect"  
XI. International Central Sterilization Congress Brno 2011  
Annual SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Conference and Meeting 2011  
I Jornadas De Esterilización  
VI Congreso Nacional de Centrales de Esterilización  
10th Brazilian Congress of Operating Room Nursing, Anesthetic Recovery and Material and Storage Sterilization  
SRACA Victoria Conference 12-13 August 2011  
SRACA Queensland Conference 18-20 August 2011  
IDI General Meeting and Education Forum 1 September 2011 - "STERLAB - global leader in the sterilisation field"  
3M Sterilisation Forum 15 September 2011  
Annual DGHM Conference 2011  
First International DSAM Conference 2011 - "Setting up new CSSD standards in healthcare facilities"  
Annual DGSV Conference 2011  
IMSTA Innovation Showcase 2011  
Annual WFHSS and ANES Conference 2011  17/12/2014
Annual WFHSS and ANES Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations  17/12/2014
Scientific Programme  
Opening Session  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Opening Session - - Welcome Speech  25/03/2012
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Lecture - - Sterilization - challenges in the 21st century!  
Panel 1: Cleaning (I)  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 1 - - Validation of manual cleaning and desinfection procedures  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 1 - - Cleaning with ultrasound: The secret life of bubbles  
Panel 2: Cleaning (II)  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 2 - - New insights in cleaning of highly complex minimal invasive surgery  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 2 - - Are the cleaners safe for medical devices? Story of an unfortunate experience  
Panel 3: Traceability  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 3 - - Medical device tracking - Myth or reality  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 3 - - Individual traceability of surgical instruments: guide of application  
Panel 4: International practices  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 4 - - Sterilization with limited resources, what is essential?  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 4 - - Global warning - what next?  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 4 - - The RUMED concept - a new WFHSS guideline  
Panel 5: Environmental factors  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 5 - - Environmental control  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 5 - - Meeting the challenges of medical device packaging  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 5 - - Specifications for temperature and humidity in sterile storage environments - Where's the evidence?  
Panel 6: Advanced technologies  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 6 - - Once upon a time in a lumen after washing process  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 6 - - Developing new sterilization methods of medical devices by supercritical fluids  
Panel 7: Training, psycho-social and other risks  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 7 - - Standards are the instruments to manage risk and quality in the CSSD  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 7 - - Psycho-social risks in closed environments  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 7 - - How to improve the training methodologies to be more efficient  
Panel 8: Airborne microbial contamination risks  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 8 - - Ventilation and airborne contamination  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 8 - - Clothing systems used in operating rooms and in clean areas  
WFHSS Conference 2011 - Lectures and Presentations - Panel 8 - - Air movements and dispersion of contaminants  
VII. Annual Congress and Exhibition Czech Society for Sterilization  
6th Middle East CSSD Decontamination & Sterilization Conference  
XVIII Jornadas Nacionales y V Internacionales de enfermería  
1st Congress of the Moroccan Sterilization Society - Central Sterilization: Perspectives in Morocco?  
1st Congress of the Moroccan Sterilization Society - Lectures and Presentations  05/04/2014
1st Congress of the Moroccan Sterilization Society - Société Marocaine de Stérilisation Présentations  
1st Congress of the Moroccan Sterilization Society - Stérilisation centrale expérience CHU HASSAN II  
1st Congress of the Moroccan Sterilization Society - Critères de Choix d’un Détergent Pré-désinfectant  
1st Congress of the Moroccan Sterilization Society - Le lavage en laveur-désinfecteur des DM au cœur du processus de stérilisation  
1st Congress of the Moroccan Sterilization Society - Monitoring your decontamination and reprocessing cycle  
1st Congress of the Moroccan Sterilization Society - Les Défis Du Départment De Stérilisation Centrale Moderne  
1st Congress of the Moroccan Sterilization Society - La stérilisation des dispositifs médicaux Expérience Polyclinique Mère Enfant CNSS Casablanca  
1st Congress of the Moroccan Sterilization Society - Mutualiser ou centraliser: du concept ā l’expérimentation - « un modèle organisationnel en Suisse »  
1st Congress of the Moroccan Sterilization Society - Tendances & Progrès en stérilisation ā basse température  
1st Congress of the Moroccan Sterilization Society - Stérilisation ā basse température VBTF  
3rd IPCAN Conference 2011  
IDI Annual Conference 2011 - "Enabling and assuring to guarantee quality decontamination of medical devices"  
IDI Annual Conference 2011 - Lectures  05/04/2014
IDI Annual Conference 2011 Lectures - Quality and Patient Safety (QPS) - The Link between Self-Assessment and QPS  
IDI Annual Conference 2011 Lectures - Cleaning Effiecacy of Ultrasonic  
IDI Annual Conference 2011 Lectures - Removal of Contaminate from RIMD  
IDI Annual Conference 2011 Lectures - EN ISO 15883 explained: IMS - The Independent Monitoring System in the Endoscope Washer Disinfector  
IDI Annual Conference 2011 Lectures - Conflict Resolution Strategy for the Workplace  
IDI Annual Conference 2011 Lectures - Cleanliness of Work Surfaces within the IAP Room  
CSC Autumn Congress 5 November 2011  
SRACA New South Wales Conference 9-11 November 2011  
Annual NZSSA Conference 2011  
Annual DKCS Meeting and Conference 2011  
V.S.Z Study Day 1 December 2011  
V.S.Z Study Day 1 December 2011 - Lectures  05/04/2014
V.S.Z Study Day 1 December 2011 - Steam penetration in steam sterilization processes  
V.S.Z Study Day 1 December 2011 - Visitatie  
V.S.Z Study Day 1 December 2011 - Centrale Reprocessing van Flexibele Endoscopen  
V.S.Z Study Day 1 December 2011 - Standards: Overview and Up-date  
V.S.Z Study Day 1 December 2011 - The Relation Between Time and Bacterial Load on Stainless Steel Surgical Instruments  
Past Conferences 2010  05/04/2014
Annual General IASSM Meeting 23 January 2010  
Technicians Study Day 20 Februay 2010 - "The Importance of Process Auditing for CDU Technicians"  
IV. International Sterilization Conference Turkey 2010  
NfS Annual General Meeting 2010  
CSC Spring Congress 19 March 2010  
15th MSSA Annual General Meeting, Conference & Exhibition - "Moving With Time"  
Conference Highland X. - Central Sterilization  
Aseptic Surgery Forum March 2010 - International Expert Meeting on Good Surgical Practices and Technological Innovations to Prevent and Cure Infections  
3rd Joint VAAM and DGHM Conference 2010  
IASSM General Meeting and Education Forum 1 April 2010 - Operational costs in the modern CSSD & the importance of reporting and traceability  
10th International DGKH Congress  
32nd National Sterilisation Days 2010 - Satellite Symposium  
32nd National Sterilisation Days 2010  
32nd French National Sterilisation Days in Lille, 28 and 29 April 2010 - Sustained Developments in Reprocessing - Conference Report  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 29 April 2010 - "Logistics System and CSSD"  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 29 April 2010 - "Logistics System and CSSD" - Lectures  05/04/2014
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 29 April 2010 - "Logistics System and CSSD" - High Risk in Central Sterilization Department  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 29 April 2010 - "Logistics System and CSSD" - Sustainability of Sterility  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 29 April 2010 - "Logistics System and CSSD" - Case carts in de praktijk: casecart + stericart = 1  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 29 April 2010 - "Logistics System and CSSD" - Optimizing sterilization logistics  
IAHCSMM Annual Meeting 2010  
45th annual conference of the International Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management (IAHCSMM) in San Diego on 1 - 5 May 2010 - IAHCSMM in Wonderland - Conference Report  
IX. Conference Dezinfection, Desinsection, Deratization 2010 - Prívora Days  
CSS Conference - Program for Patient Safety  
85th Annual JSMI Meeting 2010  
IASSM General Meeting and Education Forum 27 May 2010 - Storage, Handling & Transportation Systems  
6th National Sterilization Days  
Annual SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Conference and Meeting 2010  
XI Congresso Nazionale A.I.O.S. - 1986-2010: 24 anni di attività AIOS - Aggiornamento e rivisitazione del processo di sterilizzazione  
Annual WFHSS and SOBECC Conference 2010  17/12/2014
Annual WFHSS and SOBECC Conference 2010 - Lectures and Presentations  05/04/2014
Scientific Programme  
Opening Ceremony  
WFHSS Conference 2010 - Lectures and Presentations - Opening Ceremony - Welcome Speech  17/12/2011
WFHSS Conference 2010 - Lectures and Presentations - Opening Ceremony - The importance of materials processing in hospital infection control  
Session 1  
WFHSS Conference 2010 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 1 - Your Sterilizer is not your Father's Water Heater - It's a Class II Medical Device  
WFHSS Conference 2010 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 1 - Queuing and Chaos Theories Application in CSSD  
Session 2  
WFHSS Conference 2010 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 2 - The Effects of Steam Sterilization on Stainless Steel Instruments  
WFHSS Conference 2010 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 2 - Reprocessing of Implants: What are the Issues?  
WFHSS Conference 2010 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 2 - Determination of the efficacy of sterile barrier systems against microbial challenges during transport and storage  
Session 3  
WFHSS Conference 2010 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 3 - Outsourcing Decontamination Services - An English Experience  
WFHSS Conference 2010 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 3 - Quality Indicators in the CMS  
Session 4  
WFHSS Conference 2010 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 4 - The Toyota/Lean Approach Applied to Health Care  
Session 5  
WFHSS Conference 2010 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 5 - Challenging the STERRAD 100NX Sterilizer under experimental "clean" and "dirty" conditions  
WFHSS Conference 2010 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 5 - Challenges in the US approach to Disinfection and Sterilization  
Session 6  
WFHSS Conference 2010 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 6 - Comparative Study upon Cleaning Indicators for Washer-disinfectors for Flexible Endoscopes and Routine Control after Maintenance and Repair  
WFHSS Conference 2010 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 6 - Central Processing of Flexible Endoscopes  
Session 7  
WFHSS Conference 2010 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 7 - Disinfection of Surgical Procedures Undertaken with the NOTES Technique (Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery)  
Session 8  
WFHSS Conference 2010 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 8 - The Quality of Water - How Should One Choose the Best Water Treatment  
WFHSS Conference 2010 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 8 - Ergonomics in the CMS  
Session 9  
WFHSS Conference 2010 - Lectures and Presentations - Session 9 - Nursing Activities at the CSSD: Subsidies to Evaluate the Personnel  
Annual WFHSS and SOBECC Conference 2010 - Conference Report  
SRACA Queensland Conference 19-21 August 2010  
4th International Infection Control Conference - "The Expanding Horizons of Infection Control"  
2nd IPCAN Conference - Joint IPCAN / IFIC Conference 2010  
IASSM General Meeting and Education Forum 2 September 2010  
Annual DGSV Conference 2010  
Annual DGSV Conference 2010 - Conference Report  
21st National Greek Conference of Surgery Nurses  
FUDESA - Argentine Congress of Sterilization and Disinfection 2010  
Annual NZSSA Conference 2010  
First National Moroccan Day of Sterilization  
VI. Annual Conference and Exhibition Czech Society for Sterilization  
SRACA New South Wales Conference 20-22 October 2010  
V.S.Z Study Day 28 October 2010  
V.S.Z Study Day 28 October 2010 - Lectures  05/04/2014
V.S.Z Study Day 28 October 2010 - Wegwijs in BanaBa, PHV, Postgraduaten, Permanente vorming, ... in het licht van erkenning van de functie ‘Centrale Sterilisatie’  
V.S.Z Study Day 28 October 2010 - Stérilisation: lumière et ombres  
V.S.Z Study Day 28 October 2010 - Instrument Management Services  
V.S.Z Study Day 28 October 2010 - Quels contrôles de fonctionnalité après le nettoyage?  
V.S.Z Study Day 28 October 2010 - Sterilization Wrap - STERISHEET user guide for the validation of the packaging  
V.S.Z Study Day 28 October 2010 - Steriele aanlevering van leeninstrumentarium, een vernieuwende aanpak  
V.S.Z Study Day 28 October 2010 - Les modèles industriels d’organisation du travail peuvent-ils nous inspirer?  
V.S.Z Study Day 28 October 2010 - Sterilisatie is voor professionals  
IASSM Annual Conference 2010 - "Innovation and standardization... Future of the CDU ...moving forward"  30/04/2014
Annual DKCS Meeting and Conference 2010  
CSC Autumn Congress 27 November 2010  
Annual IDSc Conference and Exhibition 2010  
Annual IDSc Conference and Exhibition 2010 - Conference Report  
XIII Jornadas Nacionales de Actualización en Prevención y Control de Infecciones Hospitalarias  
Past Conferences 2009  05/04/2014
Annual General IASSM Meeting 24 January 2009  
III. International Sterilization Conference Turkey 2009  
IASSM Studyday 21 February 2009  
IASSM Studyday 21 February 2009 - Lectures and Presentations -  05/04/2014
IASSM Studyday 21 February 2009 - Lectures and Presentations - - Management of non-conformances during the decontamination life cycle  
CLEANICAL FORUM 2009 - 10th International Forum "Medical Devices and Processes": Users and Experts  
14th MSSA Annual General Meeting, Conference & Exhibition - "True Knowledge, Advocate Excellent Practice"  
6th National DAS Sterilization Disinfection Congress  
IASSM Members General Meeting & Education Forum 2 April 2009  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 23 April 2009 - "Ophthalmology"  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 23 April 2009 - "Ophthalmology" - Lectures  05/04/2014
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 23 April 2009 - "Ophthalmology" - Voorprogramma: Ecologische stap in de CSA: van vloeibaar naar solids  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 23 April 2009 - "Ophthalmology" - Oog in oog  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 23 April 2009 - "Ophthalmology" - Reprocessing of ophthalmic instruments  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 23 April 2009 - "Ophthalmology" - Validatie van was - en desinfectietoestellen, een hele uitdaging  
XVI. Annual General Meeting of PSSSM Members  
Annual ÖGSV Conference 2009  
84th Annual JSMI Meeting 2009  
V. International Congress on Nosocomial Infection Prevention  
IASSM Members General Meeting & Education Forum 28 May 2009 - "The fight against prions"  
Annual SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Conference and Meeting 2009 - "Innovation in Sterilization"  
Annual SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Conference and Meeting 2009 - "Innovation in Sterilization" - Lectures and Presentations -  17/12/2014
Annual SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Conference and Meeting 2009 - "Innovation in Sterilization" - Lectures and Presentations - - Welcome to the Annual SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Conference and Meeting 2009 in Regensdorf  
5. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - "Innovation in der Sterilisation" - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Neue Methoden zur Überwachung der Dampfdurchdringung von komplexen Medizinprodukten oder sonstigen komplexen Beladungsmustern mit MDS- oder BMS-Prüfsystemen  
5èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - "Démarches innovantes en stérilisation" - Exposés et Présentations - Nouvelles méthodes de contrôle de la pénétration de vapeur pour les dispositifs médicaux complexes ou tout autre charge témoin avec les systèmes de contrôle MDS ou BMS  
5. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - "Innovation in der Sterilisation" - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Entwicklung und Vermarktung eines Prüfcontainers für die Sterilisation: der Goubanne  
5èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - "Démarches innovantes en stérilisation" - Exposés et Présentations - Mise au point et commercialisation d’un conteneur test de stérilisation: le Goubanne  
5. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - "Innovation in der Sterilisation" - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Fallstudie Reinstdampfprüfung im Kantonsspital Aarau  
5èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - "Démarches innovantes en stérilisation" - Exposés et Présentations - Etude de cas sur le contrôle de la vapeur pure ā l’Hôpital cantonal d’Aarau  
5. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - "Innovation in der Sterilisation" - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Ergebnisse der Umfrage ZSVA in Schweizer Spitälern  
5èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - "Démarches innovantes en stérilisation" - Exposés et Présentations - Résultats de l’enquęte sur les stérilisations centrales des hôpitaux suisses  
5. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - "Innovation in der Sterilisation" - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Mikroskopie und Sterilgutversorgung: unser Beruf aus einem anderen Blickwinkel  
5èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - "Démarches innovantes en stérilisation" - Exposés et Présentations - Microscopie et stérilisation hospitalière: un autre regard sur la profession  
5. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - "Innovation in der Sterilisation" - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Welche optischen Kontrollen eignen sich für die ZSVA?  
5èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - "Démarches innovantes en stérilisation" - Exposés et Présentations - Quels contrôles des optiques en stérilisation centrale?  
5. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - "Innovation in der Sterilisation" - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Nachspülqualität bei RDG - Anforderungen, Messsystem und Routineüberwachung in der Praxis  
5èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - "Démarches innovantes en stérilisation" - Exposés et Présentations - Qualité de rinçage final des LD, système demesure et contrôles de routine dans la pratique  
5. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - "Innovation in der Sterilisation" - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Leitlinie für die Validierung des Siegelprozesses nach EN ISO 11607-2  
5èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - "Démarches innovantes en stérilisation" - Exposés et Présentations - Guide de validation du processus de scellage selon l’EN ISO 11607-2  
5. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - "Innovation in der Sterilisation" - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Markierung durch Nadelprägen: eine autonome Lösung für die individuelle Rückverfolgbarkeit chirurgischer Instrumente  
5èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - "Démarches innovantes en stérilisation" - Exposés et Présentations - Marquage par micro percussion: une solution autonome pour la traçabilité individuelle des instruments de chirurgie  
5. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - "Innovation in der Sterilisation" - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Verantwortung bei der Aufbereitung von Medizinprodukten aus Sicht der Behörde  
5èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - "Démarches innovantes en stérilisation" - Exposés et Présentations - Le point de vue des autorités sur les responsabilités lors du retraitement de dispositifs médicaux  
5. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - "Innovation in der Sterilisation" - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Rekrutierung - Auswahl - Einarbeitung neuer Mitarbeiter in der Sterilisation: ein neuer Weg  
5èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - "Démarches innovantes en stérilisation" - Exposés et Présentations - Recrutement - sélection - plan d’insertion de nouveaux collaborateurs en stérilisation: une nouvelle route  
5. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - "Innovation in der Sterilisation" - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - ZSVA im Tessin: Umsetzung? Schwierigkeiten?  
5èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - "Démarches innovantes en stérilisation" - Exposés et Présentations - Stérilisation centrale au Tessin. Mise en place? Difficultés?  
5. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - "Innovation in der Sterilisation" - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Entwicklung in der ZSVA  
5èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - "Démarches innovantes en stérilisation" - Exposés et Présentations - Le futur dans les stérilisations centrales  
5. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - "Innovation in der Sterilisation" - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Karrieremöglichkeiten in der Sterilisation  
5èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - "Démarches innovantes en stérilisation" - Exposés et Présentations - L’opportunité d’une carrière professionnelle dans le domaine de la stérilisation  
IASSM Managers Study Day 25 June 2009  
3rd MSÜD Sterilization Symposium  30/04/2014
9th Brazilian Congress of Operating Room Nursing, Anesthetic Recovery and Material and Storage Sterilization  
V Congreso Nacional de Centrales de Esterilización  
IASSM Members General Meeting & Education Forum 3 September 2009 - "The Role of Pure Water in CSSD"  
1st IPCAN Conference - 1st African Congress on Infection Prevention Control 2009  
3rd Eurasia Congress of Infectious Diseases  
Annual NZSSA Conference 2009  
Annual WFHSS and GORNA Conference 2009  04/05/2011
Annual WFHSS and GORNA Conference 2009 - Lectures and Presentations  05/04/2014
Scientific Programme  
Opening Ceremony  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Opening Ceremony - Welcome Speech  04/05/2011
Lecture - Sterilization: Light and Shadow  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Lecture - Sterilization: Light and Shadow  
Lecture - Guidelines for the use of disinfectants in hospital settings  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Lecture - Guidelines for the use of disinfectants in hospital settings  
Session 1 - Cleaning  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Session 1 - Automated medical instrument washers: To clean or NOT to clean?  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Session 1 - Test soils, cleaning indicators and protein residual tests in comparison  
Remarks on: "Test soils, cleaning indicators and protein residual tests in comparison"  
Session 2 - Control of Instruments  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Session 2 - Microscope assessment of surgical instrument cleanliness  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Session 2 - Establishment of a systematic monitoring for electrosurgery instruments in laparoscopy  
Lecture - Sterilization Programs, Air Removal and Steam Penetration  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Lecture - Sterilization Programs, Air Removal and Steam Penetration  
Oral Presentations  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Oral Presentations - Purchase a Heat Sealer - The right test for the right choice  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Oral Presentations - CSSD Technicians Practical Training Course  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Oral Presentations - Side Effects to the Hospital Employees During the Use of Disinfectants and Antiseptics in the Central Sterilization Service Departments  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Oral Presentations - Investigation about Log Reduction of Blood Contamination by Washer-Disinfectors  
Plenary Session  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Plenary Session - Prion inactivation  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Plenary Session - Risk Management on Reuse Single Use Medical Device (SUD)  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Plenary Session - Reprocessing of dental instruments and angle handpieces  
Session 3 - Low Temperature Sterilization Methods  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Session 3 - Modelling the inactivation of Bacillus subtilis spores by ethylene oxide processing  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Session 3 - Pyrogenic Risk in Reusing SUDs: Efficiency of Plasma Sterilization in Removing Endotoxins from Electrophysiology Catheters  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Session 3 - Basic study and clinical application for LTSF (Low Temperature Sterilization Formaldehyde)  
Session 4 - Personnel Selection  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Session 4 - From cleaning person to sterilization assistant: a talent management approach  
From cleaning person to sterilization assistant: a talent management approach - Training Programme: Basic GrowthPath for new members of staff  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Session 4 - Wanted: Professional education for heterogeneous group of CSSD staff: Yes, we can!  
Session 5 - Endoscope Reprocessing  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Session 5 - Reusable Medical Equipment Reprocessed in a CSSD - Shelf life times  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Session 5 - Testing, Validation and Routine Control in Processing of flexible Endoscopes in Austria  
Plenary Session  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Plenary Session - Surgical and Central Sterile Supplies Department: How to challenge a win/win approach?  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Plenary Session - CSSD Vision on Joint Commission Accreditation  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Plenary Session - Optimizing Sterilization Logistics in Hospitals  
Closing Ceremony  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Closing Ceremony - We manage our sterilization errors: do you?  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Closing Ceremony - Cleaning efficiency of pre-sterilization protocols for reusable dental burs  
WFHSS Conference 2009 Closing Ceremony - Factors influencing aluminium foil test results in an ultrasonic cleaner  
Annual DGSV Conference 2009  
V. Annual Conference and Exhibition Czech Society for Sterilization  
FUDESA - Argentine Congress of Sterilization and Disinfection 2009  
XVIII Congreso Internacional del CEDEST  
V.S.Z Study Day 29 October 2009  
V.S.Z Study Day 29 October 2009 - Lectures  05/04/2014
V.S.Z Study Day 29 October 2009 - Waterbehandelingen zonder handelingen  
V.S.Z Study Day 29 October 2009 - Traceersystemen en productcoderingen  
V.S.Z Study Day 29 October 2009 - Sterilization Programs, Air Removal and Steam Penetration  
V.S.Z Study Day 29 October 2009 - Influence of Steam Quality on Instruments and Sterile Goods  
V.S.Z Study Day 29 October 2009 - Waarom maken mensen fouten en wat is er tegen te doen?  
Annual DKCS Meeting and Conference 2009  
Annual IASSM Conference 2009 - "Continuous process improvement for challenging times"  30/04/2014
Annual IASSM Conference 2009 - "Continuous process improvement for challenging times" - Lectures and Presentations  05/04/2014
Annual IASSM Conference 2009 - "Continuous process improvement for challenging times" - Lectures and Presentations - Empowering Beliefs and Attitudes  
Annual IASSM Conference 2009 - "Continuous process improvement for challenging times" - Lectures and Presentations - Developing Sterile Services for the 21st Century  
Annual IASSM Conference 2009 - "Continuous process improvement for challenging times" - Lectures and Presentations - Non Conformance of Instrument Sets  
Annual IASSM Conference 2009 - "Continuous process improvement for challenging times" - Lectures and Presentations - Central Sterile Services Department  
Annual IASSM Conference 2009 - "Continuous process improvement for challenging times" - Lectures and Presentations - Health Service Executive Code of Practice for the Decontamination of Reusable Invasive Medical Devices  
Annual IASSM Conference 2009 - "Continuous process improvement for challenging times" - Lectures and Presentations - Quality Activity in the H.S.S.U. Department in St James’s Hospital  
Annual IASSM Conference 2009 - "Continuous process improvement for challenging times" - Lectures and Presentations - Loan Instrument Management  
Annual IASSM Conference 2009 - "Continuous process improvement for challenging times" - Lectures and Presentations - Dangerous Goods  
Annual IASSM Conference 2009 - "Continuous process improvement for challenging times" - Lectures and Presentations - Lean Project  
Annual IASSM Conference 2009 - "Continuous process improvement for challenging times" - Lectures and Presentations - Validation Service Contracts / Testing Schedules  
CSC Autumn Congress 2009 - Najaarscongres CSC - 40th CSC Anniversary  
XVII Jornadas de Perfeccionamiento, IV Internacionales - Factores humanos y seguridad en la atención del paciente  
Annual IDSc Conference and Exhibition 2009  
SOBECC Scientific Day 5 December 2009  
Past Conferences 2008  05/04/2014
Annual General IASSM Meeting 26 January 2008  
II. International Sterilization Conference Turkey 2008  26/10/2014
IASSM Study Day 23 February 2008 - "Environmental Monitoring in an SSD"  26/10/2014
CLEANICAL FORUM 2008 - 9th International Forum "Medical Devices and Processes": Process Control  
UNAMEC Info Session: "Standardisation and Medical Devices"  
II. Conference Trends in Dezinfection and Sterilization  
ICCAID 2008 - Second International Congress of Central Asia Infectious Diseases  
ICCAID 2008 - Second International Congress of Central Asia Infectious Diseases - Lectures and Presentations  05/04/2014
Sterilization and Disinfection  
ICCAID 2008 - Lectures and Presentations - Main principles in sterilization at hospitals  
ICCAID 2008 - Lectures and Presentations - Disinfection policies at hospitals: Why? How? Where? When?  
SGSV Seminar and Member Meeting 1. April 2008 - "Validating CD Equipment Processes according to ISO EN 15883"  
SGSV Seminar and Member Meeting 1. April 2008 - "Validating CD Equipment Processes according to ISO EN 15883" - Lectures and Presentations -  05/04/2014
SGSV Fortbildungsveranstaltung und Mitgliederversammlung 1. April 2008 - "Validierung von RDG-Prozessen nach ISO EN 15883" - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Praktische Aspekte der Leitlinie - Leistungsprüfung  
SGSV Fortbildungsveranstaltung und Mitgliederversammlung 1. April 2008 - "Validierung von RDG-Prozessen nach ISO EN 15883" - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Bewertung der Reinigungsleistung - eine kritische Analyse  
SGSV Fortbildungsveranstaltung und Mitgliederversammlung 1. April 2008 - "Validierung von RDG-Prozessen nach ISO EN 15883" - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit - praxisorientierte Validierung maschineller Aufbereitungsprozesse  
SGSV Fortbildungsveranstaltung und Mitgliederversammlung 1. April 2008 - "Validierung von RDG-Prozessen nach ISO EN 15883" - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Validierung aus Sicht eines Leiters ZSVA  
IASSM General Meeting & Educational Forum 3 April 2008  
30th National Sterilisation Days 2008 - Satellite Symposium  
30th National Sterilisation Days 2008  
30th National Sterilisation Days 2008 - Lectures  17/12/2014
30th National Sterilisation Days 2008 - Sterilization - is it useful?  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 24 April 2008  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 24 April 2008 - Report  25/06/2011
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 24 April 2008 - Lectures  05/04/2014
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 24 April 2008 - Betrokkenheid CSA bij bouwen/verbouwen  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 24 April 2008 - Lay-out en inrichting CSA  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 24 April 2008 - Microbiologische vereisten van oppervlakken en lucht op de CSA  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 24 April 2008 - Communicatie CSA - OK  
IAHCSMM's 43rd Annual Meeting 2008  
VIII. Conference Dezinfection, Desinsection, Deratization 2008  
Conference Highland VIII. - Central Sterilization  
83rd Annual JSMI Meeting 2008  
1st MSÜD Sterilization Symposium  
IV. International Congress on Nosocomial Infection Prevention  
IASSM General Meeting & Educational Forum 29 May 2008  
5th National Sterilization Days  
Annual WFHSS and AIOS Conference 2008  30/05/2011
WFHSS and AIOS World Congress 2008 - Lectures and Presentations  05/04/2014
Opening Session  
WFHSS Conference 2008 Opening Session - Welcome  25/06/2011
Session I - Health Care Governance and Risk Management in Sterilization Centres  
WFHSS Conference 2008 Session I - Health Care Governance and Risk Management in Sterilization Centres - Introduction  25/06/2011
WFHSS Conference 2008 Session I - Health Care Governance and Risk Management in Sterilization Centres - Health Care Governance  
WFHSS Conference 2008 Session I - Health Care Governance and Risk Management in Sterilization Centres - Patient Safety: Time for a process redesign  
WFHSS Conference 2008 Session I - Health Care Governance and Risk Management in Sterilization Centres - Accreditation with JCI (Joint Commission International)  
WFHSS Conference 2008 Session I - Health Care Governance and Risk Management in Sterilization Centres - Risk analysis in sterilization centres  
WFHSS Conference 2008 Session I - Health Care Governance and Risk Management in Sterilization Centres - Restructuring the CSSD at a University Hospital: Methodology and analysis  
Session II - Planning for Major Events or Disasters: Emergency and Management of Medical Supplies  
WFHSS Conference 2008 Session II - Planning for Major Events or Disasters: Emergency and Management of Medical Supplies - Intra-hospital emergency plan for massive inflow of injured patients (PEIMAF). - Organizational update of sterilization centres after major events and disasters  
WFHSS Conference 2008 Session II - Planning for Major Events or Disasters: Emergency and Management of Medical Supplies - Sterilization in the field  
WFHSS Conference 2008 Session II - Planning for Major Events or Disasters: Emergency and Management of Medical Supplies - Steam sterilizer for mobile field hospitals  
Session III - Regulatory Framework for the Sterilization Process  
WFHSS Conference 2008 Session III - Regulatory Framework for the Sterilization Process - Evolution of the European technical standards in the field of sterilization  
WFHSS Conference 2008 Session III - Regulatory Framework for the Sterilization Process - EN ISO 17665-1 Standard  
WFHSS Conference 2008 Session III - Regulatory Framework for the Sterilization Process - EN 13060 Standard  
Session IV - Training and Responsibility  
WFHSS Conference 2008 Session IV - Training and Responsibility - School for sterilization operators. The Swiss experience  
WFHSS Conference 2008 Session IV - Training and Responsibility - Skills and responsibilities of support staff in sterilization centres  
Session V - Confetti  
WFHSS Conference 2008 Session V - Confetti - RFDI coding of instruments  
Round Table - Sterilization of Medical Supplies as a Health Right in the World  
WFHSS Conference 2008 Tavola Rotonda - Sterilization of Medical Supplies as a Health Right in Turkey  
Annual SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Conference and Meeting 2008 - "Environmental Protection and Sterilization"  
Annual SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Conference and Meeting 2008 - Lectures and Presentations -  17/12/2014
Annual SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Conference and Meeting 2008 - Lectures and Presentations - - Introduction and History of the Society  
4. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Lebenszyklusanalyse. Ein Tool zur Berücksichtigung der Umwelt bei Entscheidungen: Anwendung bei Einwegmaterial  
4èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - Exposés et Présentations - L’analyse du cycle de vie, un outil pour intégrer le paramètre environnement dans la prise de décision  
4. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Umweltrelevanz und biologische Abbaubarkeit von chemischen Produkten - Kommunikation in Sicherheitsdatenblättern  
4èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - Exposés et Présentations - Impact écologique et dégradabilité biologique des produits chimiques: les informations des fiches de données de sécurité  
4. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Desinfektion in Spitälern: Abwasserproblem?  
4èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - Exposés et Présentations - La désinfection dans les hôpitaux: un problème pour les eaux?  
4. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Entsorgung und Recycling von Kunststoffen im Gesundheitswesen  
4èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - Exposés et Présentations - Elimination et recyclage des produits synthétiques dans les établissements de santé publique  
4. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Abfallentsorgungskonzept im Spital  
4èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - Exposés et Présentations - Concept d’élimination des déchets ā l’hôpital  
4. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Materialwahl - was ist wichtig?  
4èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - Exposés et Présentations - Choix de matériel - de quoi faut-il tenir compte?  
4. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Neueste Entwicklungen bei der Wiederaufbereitung von Medizinprodukten  
4èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - Exposés et Présentations - Derniers développements en matière de retraitement de dispositifs médicaux  
4. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Installation von RDG und Energierückgewinnung  
4èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - Exposés et Présentations - Installation de LD et récupération d’énergie  
4. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Wassersparsysteme für Vakuumpumpen: ökologische und ökonomische Vorteile?  
4èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - Exposés et Présentations - Les systèmes économiseur d’eau pour les pompes ā vides amènent-ils un plus sur les plans environnemental et économique?  
4. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Umwelt und Sterilisation: eine Herausforderung für alle  
4èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - Exposés et Présentations - Environnement et stérilisation, un challenge pour tous  
4. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Gewebe im OP-Saal: Einweg- oder waschbare Textilien? Welches sind die Kosten?  
4èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - Exposés et Présentations - Les textiles en salle d’OP: ā usage unique ou recyclables? Quid des coûts?  
4. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Einweg vs. Mehrweg - ökonomischer Standpunkt  
4èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - Exposés et Présentations - Usage unique versus recyclable - point de vue économique  
4. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz  
4èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - Exposés et Présentations - Protection de la santé et sécurité au travail  
Annual SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Conference and Meeting 2008 - Lectures and Presentations - - Efficiency of STERRADs on Prions In vitro & In vivo studies  
4èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - Exposés et Présentations - Présentation des résultats in-vivo et in-vitro des études d’efficacité des STERRAD contre les prions  
4. Schweizerische Fachtagung über die Sterilisation - Vorträge und Präsentationen - - Reise zum Mars: medizinische und biologische Aspekte  
4èmes Journées Nationales Suisses sur la stérilisation - Exposés et Présentations - Voyage vers Mars: aspects médicaux et biologiques  
IASSM S.S.D. Manager's Study Day 23 June 2008 - "Understanding & Implementing EN ISO 13485"  16/10/2012
IASSM S.S.D. Manager's Study Day 24 June 2008 - "Understanding & Implementing EN ISO 13485"  16/10/2012
2nd MSÜD Sterilization Symposium  
5th Pan-American Congress on Sterilization - 6th International Symposium of Sterilization and Hospital Infection Control - SOBECC  
5th Pan-American Congress on Sterilization - 6th International Symposium of Sterilization and Hospital Infection Control - SOBECC - Lectures and Presentations -  17/12/2014
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Gestão de resíduos hospitalares na CME  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Segurança no Processo de Esterilização de Motores  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Responsabilidade do SCIH frente a sociedade: relacionada aos surtos de infecção hospitalar  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Investigação de surtos em serviços de saúde: ações desenvolvidas pela A ANVISA  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - A responsabilidade do enfermeiro de CME e SCIH frente ā sociedade relacionada aos surtos de infecção Hospitalar  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Endoscópios  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Sistema de Rastreabilidade na CME: A Informática é a SOLUĮÃO?  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Sistema de Rastreabilidade no CME: A Informatização é a Solução?  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Segurança do Paciente no século XXI e as Perspectivas para a CME  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - NR 32 - Segurança e saúde no trabalho em serviços de saúde  
5th Pan-American Congress on Sterilization - 6th International Symposium of Sterilization and Hospital Infection Control - SOBECC - Lectures and Presentations - - Central Sterile Reprocessing  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Panorama Mundial das Centrais de Materiais e Esterilização: Avaliação Brasil  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Realidad de las Centrales de Esterilización en Latinoamérica  
5th Pan-American Congress on Sterilization - 6th International Symposium of Sterilization and Hospital Infection Control - SOBECC - Lectures and Presentations - - Sterilization in Europe  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Cuidados com o ar condicionado para o controle de partículas em suspensão  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Aspectos relevantes na escolha do sistema de purificação de água para o CME  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - I Fórum de Ensino da América Latina  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - I Fórum de Ensino da América Latina  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - I Fórum de Ensino da América Latina  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Aspectos éticose legais da formação profissionalpara a atuação em CME  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Influęncia do processamento dos materiais no controle de infecções  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Estratégias de Redução da Infecção do Sítio Cirúrgico  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Noções Básicas de um Projeto de uma Central de Materiais e Esterilização  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Implicações Legais Relacionadas ao Processamento de Artigos que Constam da Lista de Proibições RE 2605/2606  
5th Pan-American Congress on Sterilization - 6th International Symposium of Sterilization and Hospital Infection Control - SOBECC - Lectures and Presentations - - The future of sterilization/disinfection  
5th Pan-American Congress on Sterilization - 6th International Symposium of Sterilization and Hospital Infection Control - SOBECC - Lectures and Presentations - - Configuration of Surgical Instruments: Influence and Validation of the Cleaning Process according to ISO 17664  
5th Pan-American Congress on Sterilization - 6th International Symposium of Sterilization and Hospital Infection Control - SOBECC - Lectures and Presentations - - Cleaning Verification Importance of clean instruments and the requirements for residue testing methods  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Água tratada por método de osmose reversa: Mitos X Realidade e a Sustentabilidade do Planeta  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Água tratada por método de osmose reversa: Mitos X Realidade e a Sustentabilidade do Planeta  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Ácido peracético: Alternativa para desinfecção de alto nível  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Plasma de Peróxido de Hidrogęnio  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Embalagens para esterilização - O que vocę precisa saber sobre: Normas técnicas  
5š Congresso Pan-Americano de Esterilização - 6š Simpósio Internacional de Esterilização e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar - SOBECC - Palestras e apresentações - - Indicadores de calidad en esterlización  
3rd International Infection Control Conference - "Breakthrough in Infection Control"  
IASSM General Meeting & Educational Forum 4 September 2008  
FUDESA - XIII. Sterilization Days - "Relationship between Surgical Center and Sterilization"  
Annual DGSV Conference 2008  
Annual DGSV Conference 2008 - Systematic Decontamination: Techniques, Quality and Risk Containment - Conference Report  
CSC Autumn Congress 2008 - Najaarscongres CSC  
V.S.Z Study Day 16 October 2008 - "Does routine testing make sense?"  
V.S.Z Study Day 16 October 2008 - "Does routine testing make sense?" - Report  25/06/2011
V.S.Z Study Day 16 October 2008 - "Does routine testing make sense?" - Lectures  05/04/2014
V.S.Z Study Day 16 October 2008 - "Does routine testing make sense?" - Advances in Low Temperature Sterilization  
V.S.Z Study Day 16 October 2008 - "Does routine testing make sense?" - Openingswoord voorzitter  
V.S.Z Study Day 16 October 2008 - "Does routine testing make sense?" - Bowie and Dick test and validation?  
V.S.Z Study Day 16 October 2008 - "Does routine testing make sense?" - Alles wat u altijd al over sterilisatortesten wilde weten (maar nooit durfde te vragen)  
V.S.Z Study Day 16 October 2008 - "Does routine testing make sense?" - Draadloze procescontrole met ebro dataloggers  
V.S.Z Study Day 16 October 2008 - "Does routine testing make sense?" - Aspects of Steam Sterilization Process Monitoring: from Huckaback Towels to ETS and what Standards do and don't cover  
V.S.Z Study Day 16 October 2008 - "Does routine testing make sense?" - New methods to monitor steam penetration into complex medical devices (MD) using Medical Device Simulators (MDS) and Batch Monitoring Systems (BMS)  
V.S.Z Study Day 16 October 2008 - "Does routine testing make sense?" - Bowie & Dick test en validatie  
V.S.Z Study Day 16 October 2008 - "Does routine testing make sense?" - De Belgische CSA...toen en nu  
IV. Annual Conference and Exhibition Czech Society for Sterilization  
IASSM Conference 2008 - "Audit aftershock"  
XX Jornada de Esterilización - IV Jornada Bonaerense de Esterilización  
Annual NZSSA Conference 2008 - "Join the Rush - Knowledge is Gold"  
Annual IDSc Conference and Exhibition 2008  
4th International Basle Symposium, 4th December 2008 - Ready for Reprocessing?!  
4th International Basle Symposium, 4th December 2008 - Ready for Reprocessing?! - Conference Report  
Past Conferences 2007  05/04/2014
General IASSM Meeting 27 January 2007  
CLEANICAL FORUM 2007 - 8th International Forum "Medical Products and Processes": Prevention  
IASSM Study Day 24 February 2007: "Understanding the Reprocessing Life-Cycle"  
12th MSSA Annual General Meeting, Conference & Exhibition  
Trendy v dezinfekci a sterilizaci / Trends in disinfection and sterilization  
CSC Spring Congress 2007 - Voorjaarscongres CSC  
NfS Annual General Meeting 2007  
General IASSM Meeting 31 March 2007  
5th National DAS Congress  
29th National Sterilisation Days 2007 - Satellite Symposium  
29th National Sterilisation Days 2007  
Vysočina VII. Centrální sterilizace / Highland VII. - Central Sterilization  
Annual WFHSS and ÖGSV Conference 2007  
Annual WFHSS and ÖGSV Conference 2007 - Info, Lectures and Presentations  05/04/2014
Annual WFHSS and ÖGSV Conference 2007 - Conference Report  25/06/2011
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lecture Abstracts  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Poster Abstracts  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Workshop Abstracts  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Introduction  15/04/2015
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Meeting the Informative Needs of a Multinational Forum - A Survey of Questions and Answers Posted on the WFHSS Web Site  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Processing of Medical Products in Malaysia  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Safety of Medical Devices - Medical Device Vigilance and Reporting  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Hygienic Management of Medical Devices in/for Health Care Facilities: The Austrian Approach  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - EN ISO 15883 - A Milestone?  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Generation of a Processing Instruction According to ISO 17664  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - What is the place for Hydrogen peroxide plasma sterilisation in hospital sterile supply?  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Legal Aspects of Medical Product Reprocessing  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Acquisition of Medical Products  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Acquisition of WDs (Washer-Disinfectors)  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Loaner instrumentation, the Dutch approach  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Comparative Investigations Concerning Protein Detection on/in Medical Products  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Development of a Routine Control Plan Concerning Detection of Protein Residuals in MIS Instruments  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Investigation of Cleaning Efficacy conducted by Cleaning Evaluation/Determination Working Group in Japanese Hospital Settings  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Instructions for Reuse - Beware when buying  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Evaluation of the Endotoxin Risk Posed by Use of Contaminated Water during Sterilisation  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - (v)CJD and Reprocessing of Medical Products  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Validation of Sterilisation Processes - a Practical View  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Validation of Cleaning and Disinfection Processes in WDs: Implementation of the OEGSV Guideline  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Testing and Validation: Crash, Breakdown and Bad Luck  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Testing and Validation of Cleaning - Disinfection Processes for flexible Endoscopes  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Influence of different Parameters on the Cleaning of flexible Endoscopes  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - The Role of Nursing in the Processing of Medical Products  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - "Credentialing" in Queensland / Australia  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - QM: They way to Certification according to ISO 9001 and ISO 13485  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - 3 Years Experience with Certification of Reprocessing Based on the German RKI/BfArM Recommendations - A Field Report  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Instrument Traceability with RFID  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Wood Fiber Products in Healthcare  
WFHSS Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Outsourcing from the Point of View of the Public Health Authority  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 24 May 2007  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 24 May 2007 - Lectures  05/04/2014
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 24 May 2007 - Introduction  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 24 May 2007 - Ultrasoon Reinigen - Technieken en Toepassingen  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 24 May 2007 - Ultrason practisch  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 24 May 2007 - Manuele (voor)-behandeling van medisch materiaal en instrumenten in de CSA  
82nd Annual JSMI Meeting 2007  
III. International Congress on Nosocomial Infection Prevention  
Annual SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Conference and Meeting 2007  
ISA Conference 2007 - Cleaning, Disinfection & Sterilization - Key concepts in Infection Control  15/04/2015
Conference Topics  
Conference Programme  
Conference Lectures and Presentations  
ISA Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Infection Control Past Present and Today in Israel  
ISA Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - The smaller the instrument, the bigger the task - our own processing experiences  
ISA Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Machine-based cleaning and disinfecting process  
ISA Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Does cleaner mean healthier?  
ISA Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - What Steam Sterilization Cycle Should I Run?  
General IASSM Meeting 30 June 2007  
SRACA Victoria Conference 17-18 August 2007 - "Through the Looking Glass"  
General IASSM Meeting 1 September 2007  
ASHCSP 2007: Gateway to Success  
IV Congreso Nacional de Profesionales en Centrales de Esterilización Hospitalaria - De lo Fundamental al Desarrollo de la Gestión Administrativa  
IV Congreso Nacional de Profesionales en Centrales de Esterilización Hospitalaria - Lectures and Presentations  05/04/2014
The Basics - Thursday, September 27th, 2007  
IV Congreso Nacional de Profesionales en Centrales de Esterilización Hospitalaria - Conferencias - Acción Detersiva y Efecto Bactericida en el Control de las Infecciones Nosocomiales  
IV Congreso Nacional de Profesionales en Centrales de Esterilización Hospitalaria - Conferencias - El Agua  
IV Congreso Nacional de Profesionales en Centrales de Esterilización Hospitalaria - Conferencias - La Detergencia - Una necesidad de calificación - Una innovación necesaria - Una eficacia probada  
IV Congreso Nacional de Profesionales en Centrales de Esterilización Hospitalaria - Conferencias - Determinación Rápida de la Actividad de Proteasa en Detergentes Enzimáticos  
IV Congreso Nacional de Profesionales en Centrales de Esterilización Hospitalaria - Conferencias - El Sal - En el Proceso de Esterilizacion  
ACPCE Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Physics of Sterilization  
Learn from Experience - Friday, September 28th, 2007  
ACPCE Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - The Importance of Education for Central Sterilization Personnel  
ACPCE Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Comments on Sterilization  
ACPCE Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Validation in Healthcare  
ACPCE Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Re-use of single use medical devices?  
ACPCE Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Traceability  
Management & Protocols - Saturday, September 29th, 2007  
ACPCE Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Management of the Central Sterilization Department  
ACPCE Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Traceability System Implementation  
ACPCE Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Implementation of Special Surgical Set Systems - "In Search of Efficiency"  
FUDESA - XII. Sterilization Days  
III. Annual CSS Conference 2007  
Symposium for OR, Infection Control and CSSD professionals  
Annual DGSV Conference 2007 - Diverse Range of Topics in Sterile Supply  
Annual DGSV Conference 2007 - Diverse Range of Topics in Sterile Supply - Conference Report  16/10/2012
V.S.Z Study Day 25 October 2007  
CSC Autumn Congress 2007 - Najaarscongres CSC / Landelijke assistentendag  
IASSM Conference 2007  
IASSM Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations  05/04/2014
IASSM Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - HSE Code of Practice for Decontamination of Reusable Invasive Medical Devices  
IASSM Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Centralisation of Endoscope Decontamination  
IASSM Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Endoscope Decontamination: Where are we now!  
IASSM Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Key Performance Indicators - "Where on earth do we start"  
IASSM Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Beyond Employee Engagement - Creating a Great Place to Work Model  
IASSM Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Management of the Environment  
IASSM Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Equipment Validation - Current guidelines and standards  
IASSM Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - Elaborating of a Reprocessing Instruction According to ISO 17664  
IASSM Conference 2007 - Lectures and Presentations - A Quality Service - Implementing EN ISO 13485:2003  
Annual NZSSA Conference 2007 - "Moving with the Times"  30/04/2014
1st meeting of the Dutch Association of Experts for Sterile Medical Devices - Design of Surgical Instruments - Patient Safety First  
1st meeting of the Dutch Association of Experts for Sterile Medical Devices - Design of Surgical Instruments - Patient Safety First - Conference Report  
1st meeting of the Dutch Association of Experts for Sterile Medical Devices - Design of Surgical Instruments - Patient Safety First - Lectures and Presentations  05/04/2014
1st meeting of the Dutch Association of Experts for Sterile Medical Devices - Design of Surgical Instruments - Patient Safety First - Lectures and Presentations - Safety of medical devices - Perspective of the users and controllers in laparoscopy  
1st meeting of the Dutch Association of Experts for Sterile Medical Devices - Design of Surgical Instruments - Patient Safety First - Lectures and Presentations - Operational Application of Instruments and Infection Prevention - the Surgeonīs View  
1st meeting of the Dutch Association of Experts for Sterile Medical Devices - Design of Surgical Instruments - Patient Safety First - Lectures and Presentations - Purchasing of surgical instruments  
1st meeting of the Dutch Association of Experts for Sterile Medical Devices - Design of Surgical Instruments - Patient Safety First - Lectures and Presentations - Universal criteria for the design of medical instruments  
1st meeting of the Dutch Association of Experts for Sterile Medical Devices - Design of Surgical Instruments - Patient Safety First - Lectures and Presentations - Cleanable MIS-instruments, a challenge for the designer  
1st meeting of the Dutch Association of Experts for Sterile Medical Devices - Design of Surgical Instruments - Patient Safety First - Lectures and Presentations - Clean care is safer care  
1st meeting of the Dutch Association of Experts for Sterile Medical Devices - Design of Surgical Instruments - Patient Safety First - Lectures and Presentations - Classification of Instruments - Elaborating of a Reprocessing Instruction According to ISO 17664  
1st meeting of the Dutch Association of Experts for Sterile Medical Devices - Design of Surgical Instruments - Patient Safety First - Lectures and Presentations - Future of the general washer disinfector?  
1st meeting of the Dutch Association of Experts for Sterile Medical Devices - Design of Surgical Instruments - Patient Safety First - Lectures and Presentations - Responsibilities of the parties involved  
1st meeting of the Dutch Association of Experts for Sterile Medical Devices - Design of Surgical Instruments - Patient Safety First - Lectures and Presentations - Instructions for the reprocessing of reusable medical devices - Does ISO 17664 make a difference?  
IDSc Pre-conference Symposium 2007  
Annual IDSc Conference and Exhibition 2007  
Informa 2007 - Sterilisation for Medical Devices  
Past Conferences 2006  05/04/2014
11th MSSA Annual General Meeting, Conference & Exhibition - "Quality is Priority"  26/10/2014
CLEANICAL FORUM 2006 - 7th International Forum "Medical Device Processing": Regulatory Affairs  
I. National Sterilization Conference Turkey 2006  26/10/2014
in control! - EDANA's Brand New Infection Control Conference - The critical role of the nonwoven industry in the prevention of infection  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 30 March 2006  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 30 March 2006 - Lectures  05/04/2014
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 30 March 2006 - Chlorine Dioxide - An alternative for disinfecting flexible endoscopes?  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 30 March 2006 - Resultaten van een Belgische vragenlijst over de stoompenetratietest (Bowie Dick) in de ziekenhuizen. Welke test gebruiken?  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 30 March 2006 - Uitbesteding van de CSA: De aanpak van het UZA.  
28th National Sterilisation Days 2006 - Satellite Symposium  
28th National Sterilisation Days 2006  
28th National Sterilisation Days 2006 - Conference Report  17/12/2014
XV. International Conference - Hospital Hygiene  
Annual PSSSM Conference 2006  
SMIT-Meeting - 1 Session: - CLEANICAL FORUM 2006 - 7th International Forum "Medical Device Processing": Regulatory Affairs  
Annual EFHSS and NfS Conference 2006  26/10/2014
Annual EFHSS and NfS Conference 2006 - Conference Report  25/06/2011
Annual EFHSS and NfS Conference 2006 - Special Information for V.S.Z Members and Attendees/Visitors from Belgium  
2nd International Congress on Nosocomial Infection Prevention  15/03/2013
CLEANICAL FORUM 2006 - 7th International Forum "Medical Device Processing": Regulatory Affairs  
CLEANICAL FORUM 2006 - 7th International Forum "Medical Device Processing": Regulatory Affairs  
4th National Sterilization Days  
4th National Sterilization Days 2-3 June 2006 - Lectures  05/04/2014
4th National Sterilization Days 2-3 June 2006 - The physical architecture of the CSSD  
4th National Sterilization Days 2-3 June 2006 - Certificação de Processos, Produtos e Sistemas  
4th National Sterilization Days 2-3 June 2006 - Manutenção preventiva nos equipamentos do serviço central de esterilização  
4th National Sterilization Days 2-3 June 2006 - Certificação dos testes de Esterilização por instituição acreditada - uma garantia de fiabilidade  
4th National Sterilization Days 2-3 June 2006 - A short study of sterilisation packaging materials and final pack integrity  
4th National Sterilization Days 2-3 June 2006 - Biodescontaminação dos Dispositivos Médicos - Responsabilidade dos utilizadores - Importância da Certificação da Biodescontaminação dos Dispositivos Médicos, externos aos Hospitais  
4th National Sterilization Days 2-3 June 2006 - Re-use of single use medical devices  
4th National Sterilization Days 2-3 June 2006 - Expectativas do serviço central de esterilização para com o bloco  
4th National Sterilization Days 2-3 June 2006 - Segurança nos Blocos Operatórios  
4th National Sterilization Days 2-3 June 2006 - Norma EN ISO 15883-1-2; Lavagem e desinfecção - Procedimentos de qualicade e validação de processos  
4th National Sterilization Days 2-3 June 2006 - Norma Europeia EN 13795 - Cobertura cirúrgicas/áreas de ambiente controlado  
4th National Sterilization Days 2-3 June 2006 - Aplicação da Norma ISO 14937 aos Esterilizadores  
Annual SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Conference and Meeting 2006  
2nd International Infection Control Conference - "Infection Control: Evidence Vs Reality"  
Medische Hulpmiddelen voor de OK - Richtlijnen en Normen - Colloquium over Normen en Praktijk in de Actualiteit  
General IASSM Meeting 24 June 2006  
General IASSM Meeting 19 August 2006  
FUDESA - XI. Sterilization Days - 8 to 9 September 2006  17/12/2014
EAES Congress - 1 Session: - CLEANICAL FORUM 2006 - 7th International Forum "Medical Device Processing": Regulatory Affairs  
Annual DGSV Conference 2006 - The DGSV 10 Years On - Medical Device Decontamination Today and Tomorrow  
Annual DGSV Conference 2006 - The DGSV 10 Years On - Medical Device Decontamination Today and Tomorrow - Conference Report  16/10/2012
DGSV Conference - Workshop: - CLEANICAL FORUM 2006 - 7th International Forum "Medical Device Processing": Regulatory Affairs  
CLEANICAL FORUM 2006 - 7th International Forum "Medical Device Processing": Regulatory Affairs  
I Congreso Nacional y IV Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización Hospitalaria - "La Esterilización Hospitalaria; Estrategia Fundamental para el Control y la Prevención de Infecciones Nosocomiales"  
I Congreso Nacional y IV Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización Hospitalaria - Conference Report  17/12/2014
I Congreso Nacional y IV Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización Hospitalaria - Presentations and Lectures  12/12/2014
I Congreso Nacional y IV Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización Hospitalaria - WFHSS  
I Congreso Nacional y IV Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización Hospitalaria - WFHSS Presentation  
I Congreso Nacional y IV Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización Hospitalaria - La enfermería y la ingeniería industrial con un solo propósito  
I Congreso Nacional y IV Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización Hospitalaria - vCJD - Historia  
I Congreso Nacional y IV Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización Hospitalaria - Seguridad e Higiene Laboral para los trabajadores en las Centrales de Esterilización  
I Congreso Nacional y IV Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización Hospitalaria - Estrategia para Lograr una Relación de Equipo Entre la Unidad Quirúrgica y la Central de Esterilización  
I Congreso Nacional y IV Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización Hospitalaria - Validación de Procesos en Centrales de Esterilización  
I Congreso Nacional y IV Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización Hospitalaria - Sistema de Gestión de Calidad en los Procesos de la CEyE  
I Congreso Nacional y IV Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización Hospitalaria - Gestión de Control de Mando en Centrales de Esterilización (Balance Score Card)  
I Congreso Nacional y IV Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización Hospitalaria - Esterilización Hospitalaria Infecciones Nosocomiales  
I Congreso Nacional y IV Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización Hospitalaria - Indicadores de Calidad en la Central de Equipos y Esterilización  
I Congreso Nacional y IV Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización Hospitalaria -  
I Congreso Nacional y IV Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización Hospitalaria - El Futuro de la Certificación para los Profesionales de las Centrales de Esterilización  
I Congreso Nacional y IV Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización Hospitalaria -  
I Congreso Nacional y IV Congreso Panamericano de Esterilización Hospitalaria - Validation of Cleaning Processes for tubular instruments following EN/ISO 17664  
Federal SRACA Conference 2006  
XVI Congreso Internacional del CEDEST  
II. Annual CSS Conference 2006  
V.S.Z Study Day 27 October 2006  
V.S.Z Study Day 27 October 2006 - Lectures  05/04/2014
V.S.Z Study Day 27 October 2006 - Wettelijke verplichtingen in de sterilisatieafdeling  
V.S.Z Study Day 27 October 2006 - Aan welke vereisten rond GMP dient een Medical Device Manufacturer te voldoen? Hoe gaan we te werk bij de certificatie?  
V.S.Z Study Day 27 October 2006 - CSA & KMS: Een Centrale Sterilisatie Afdeling en een Kwaliteitsmanagementsysteem  
V.S.Z Study Day 27 October 2006 - Aanbevelingen voor sterilisatie  
V.S.Z Study Day 27 October 2006 - Validatie bij Terumo Europe NV  
V.S.Z Study Day 27 October 2006 - De CSA in de Vlaamse ziekenhuizen: een analyse van de enquęteresultaten  
V.S.Z Study Day 27 October 2006 - Bringing cGMP regulations alive at the work floor  
First International Congress of Central Asia Infectious Diseases  
Annual NZSSA Conference 2006  
IASSM Conference 2006 - "Raising the Bar in Decontamination"  
XVIII Jornada de Esterilización - III Jornada Bonaerense de Esterilización  
Decontamination Sciences Congress 2006  
Past Conferences 2005  05/04/2014
6th International Forum "Medical Device Processing": Instrument Management  
6th International Forum "Medical Device Processing": Instrument Management - Conference Report  16/10/2012
NfSSL Annual General Meeting & Seminar 2005  
EFHSS Board Meeting  
DSc 2005 - Decontamination Sciences Congress 2005  02/11/2012
DSc 2005 - Decontamination Sciences Congress 2005 - "Decontamination Sciences Worldwide" - Conference Report  16/10/2012
EFHSS Board Meeting  
VI. Work Days - Sterilisation  
XIV. International Conference - Hospital Hygiene  
V.S.Z Study Day 28/29 April 2005  
V.S.Z Study Day 28/29 April 2005 - Lectures  05/04/2014
V.S.Z Study Day 28/29 April 2005 - Welcome  17/12/2014
V.S.Z Study Day 28/29 April 2005: Nieuwste ontwikkeling in het wassen van instrumentarium  
V.S.Z Study Day 28/29 April 2005: ReDis  
V.S.Z Study Day 28/29 April 2005: Reprocessing - Standpunt van de industrie  
V.S.Z Study Day 28/29 April 2005: Combi-Ster  
V.S.Z Study Day 28/29 April 2005: CSA zelf doen of laten doen?  
V.S.Z Study Day 28/29 April 2005: Kwaliteitsgroep provincie Antwerpen  
Annual ÖGSV Conference 2005  
XV Congreso Internacional del CEDEST  
1st International Congress on Nosocomial Infection Prevention  
Annual SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Conference and Meeting 2005  
FUDESA - X. Sterilization Days - 9 to 10 September 2005  01/11/2011
Annual CSS Conference 2005  
Annual DGSV Conference 2005  
X Congresso Nazionale A.I.O.S.  
Annual IASSM Conference 2005 - 'Challenging Decontamination'  26/10/2014
Annual IASSM Conference 2005 - Results of Delegates Questionnaire  
V.S.Z Study Day 27 October 2005  
V.S.Z Study Day 27 October 2005 - Study Day Report  25/06/2011
V.S.Z Study Day 27 October 2005 - Lectures  05/04/2014
V.S.Z Study Day 27 October 2005: Een andere manier van meten...  
V.S.Z Study Day 27 October 2005: Financiering vs kost van de CSA: een kwaliteitsbedreigend onevenwicht  
V.S.Z Study Day 27 October 2005: Microscopische oppervlaktebehandeling van Inox, macroscopische gefolgen  
V.S.Z Study Day 27 October 2005: Outsourcing de la Stérilisation de la Fondation Rotschild: Expériences en Ophtalmologie  
V.S.Z Study Day 27 October 2005: Logistieke flow en afspraken binnen AZ Groeninge over leeninstrumentarium  
V.S.Z Study Day 27 October 2005: Bijdrage en uitdagingen van de industrie teneinde de optimale behandeling van de patient te garanderen  
Annual NZSSA Conference 2005  
Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet HF - Sterilisation Days 2005  16/10/2012
Institute of Decontamination Sciences Annual Conference 2005  
Second National Bulgarian Symposium on Hospital Sterile Supply  
Past Conferences 2004  05/04/2014
NfSSL Conference and Annual General Meeting 2004  
Nosocomial Infections in Slovak Health-care Institutions  
Annual EFHSS and MSÜD Conference 2004  26/10/2014
Annual EFHSS and MSÜD Conference 2004 - Conference Minutes  15/04/2015
Annual EFHSS and MSÜD Conference 2004 - Conference Report  04/05/2011
ASP Seminar Izmir 2004 - Advances in Clinical Instrument Processing - Cleaning, Disinfection, Sterilization  26/10/2014
ASP Seminar Izmir 2004 - Advances in Clinical Instrument Processing - Cleaning, Disinfection, Sterilization - Seminar Report  14/08/2011
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 23 April 2004  
3rd Cerveka's Days of Preventive Medicine  
Annual SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Conference and Meeting 2004  
II Jornada Bonaerense de Esterilización  26/10/2014
DGSV Member Meeting with Elections  
Annual DGSV Conference 2004  
Quality - a Dynamic Process - DGSV Annual Meeting and Congress 2004 - Conference Report  16/10/2012
FUDESA - Sterilization Day - 15 to 16 October 2004  16/10/2012
Día del Técnico en Esterilización  
V.S.Z Study Day 21 October 2004  
2004 IAHCSMM Fall Meeting  
CSC Congress 2004 - "Perpetuum mobile (eeuwig in beweging)"  
Annual NZSSA Conference 2004  
Annual IASSM Conference 2004 - 'Decontamination - much to do'  26/10/2014
The 12th Days of Central Sterilization and The 6th Days of Central Operating Theatres  
ISSM Annual Conference and Exhibition 2004  
XVII Jornada de Esterilización  
Consultation Day 2004 - Disinfection, Disinfestation  
Past Conferences 2003  05/04/2014
3rd Annual ÖGSV Conference and Member Meeting  
Nosocomial Infections in Slovak Health-care Institutions  
NfSSL Annual General Meeting and Conference 2003  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 20 March 2003  
V.S.Z Study Afternoon 20 March 2003 - Study Afternoon Report  28/03/2011
Congress of the Slovak Medical Association  
IAHCSMM Annual Meeting 2003  
3rd MSÜD Sterilization and Re-use Course  
3rd MSÜD Sterilization and Re-use Course - Conference/Seminar Comments  25/06/2011
3rd MSÜD Sterilization and Re-use Course - Conference/Seminar Report  16/05/2011
ZZNS Sterilisation Section Conference 2003 - The Meaning of Quality in Sterilization  
ZZNS Sterilisation Section Conference 2003 - The Meaning of Quality in Sterilization - Conference Report  16/05/2011
2nd Cerveka's Days of Preventive Medicine  
Annual EFHSS and SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Conference 2003  26/10/2014
Annual EFHSS and SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Conference 2003 - Conference Report  14/08/2011
All-country Vaccination Day  
Congress of the Slovak Paediatric Association  
NfSSL Autumn Seminar 2003  
Annual DGSV Conference 2003  
Achieving the Impossible - DGSV Annual Congress 2003 - Conference Report  14/08/2011
IX Congresso Nazionale A.I.O.S.  
National Reference Centre Consultation Day  
XIV Congreso Internacional del Club Español de Esterilización  
Annual NZSSA Conference 2003  
Annual IASSM Conference 2003 - 'Changing Attitudes in Sterile Service Units'  26/10/2014
Annual IASSM Conference 2003 - Delegates Feedback  
IAHCSMM Fall Meeting 2003  
ISSM Annual Conference and Exhibition 2003 - Validation, Evaluation & Monitoring  
V.S.Z Study Day 27 November 2003  
V.S.Z Study Day 27 November 2003 - Study Day Report  25/06/2011
SGSV Study Day  
Past Conferences 2002  05/04/2014
Annual SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Meeting 2002  
24e Journees Nationales d'Etudes sur la Sterilisation  
IAHCSMM Annual Meeting 2002  
V.S.Z Afternoon Conference and Visit to the CSSD Department  
V.S.Z Afternoon Conference and Visit to the CSSD Department - Study Visit Report  28/03/2011
2nd Extraordinary General SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Meeting  
Annual EFHSS and IASMM Conference 2002  26/10/2014
Annual EFHSS and IASSM Conference 2002 - Conference Report  12/10/2014
Annual DGSV Conference 2002  
Quality without the Quandary - DGSV Conference 2002 - Conference Report  14/08/2011
XIII Congreso Internacional CEDEST  
Annual NZSSA Conference 2002  
IAHCSMM Fall Meeting 2002  
ISSM Annual Conference and Exhibition 2002  
V.S.Z - 13th Day of Hospital Hygiene  
V.S.Z - 13th Day of Hospital Hygiene 12 December 2002 - "A new look at an old topic" - Workshop Report  12/10/2014
Past Conferences 2001  05/04/2014
Annual SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Meeting 2001  
First International IFSS Meeting 2001  26/10/2014
First International IFSS Meeting 2001 - Successful Start to IFSS - Conference Report  16/05/2011
ASTER Congress 2001  
V.S.Z Study Visit 10 May 2001  
V.S.Z Study Visit 10 May 2001 - Study Visit Report  28/03/2011
CEDEST Conference 2001  
Annual DGSV Conference 2001  
Sterile Supply Faces New Challenges - Prion diseases dominate the agenda at DGSV Congress - Conference Report  17/05/2011
Annual IASSM Conference 2001  26/10/2014
Annual SASIC Conference 2001  
Pre-seminar of the EFHSS Conference 2001: - Opportunities and Challenges in Infection Control, Disinfection and Sterilization  
Annual EFHSS Conference 2001  26/10/2014
Annual EFHSS Conference 2001 - Conference Minutes  25/03/2012
Annual EFHSS Conference 2001 - Conference Report  25/03/2012
ISSM Annual Conference and Exhibition 2001  
Past Conferences 2000  05/04/2014
NfSSL Conference for CSSD Staff 2000  
Annual SVLS Meeting 2000  
Annual SVLS Meeting 2000 - Conference Report  16/05/2011
CSC Spring Meeting 2000  
V.S.Z Workshop 27 April 2000  
V.S.Z Workshop 27 April 2000 - Workshop Report  25/06/2011
IASSM Study Day  
Board Meeting  
Branch meeting, Central/Southern  
Branch meeting, East Anglia  
Branch meeting, Yorkshire/Trent  
SVLS Meeting 1 September 2000  
SVLS Meeting 1 September 2000 - Conference Report  16/05/2011
Branch meeting, Central/Southern  
Branch meeting, East Anglia  
V.S.Z Congress 2000  
V.S.Z Congress 26 October 2000 - Conference Report  25/06/2011
Annual EFHSS and DGSV Conference 2000  26/10/2014
Annual EFHSS and DGSV Conference 2000 - Minutes of the first general meeting of the EFHSS  25/03/2012
Potsdam and the DGSV - A Synthesis of the Arts - Annual EFHSS and DGSV Conference 2000 - Conference Report  28/03/2011
Annual SASIC Conference 2000  
Branch meeting  
Branch meeting, Yorkshire/Trent  
Annual IASSM Conference 2000  26/10/2014
Annual ÖGSV Conference and Member Meeting 2000  
ISSM Annual Conference and Exhibition 2000  
Branch meeting, East Anglia  
Past Conferences 1999  05/04/2014
NfSSL Annual Meeting 1999  
Annual SASIC Conference 1999  
Annual CSC and V.S.Z Congress 1999 - "The CSC 30 Years on the Move"  
Annual CSC and V.S.Z Congress 1999 - "The CSC 30 Years on the Move" - Conference Report  25/03/2012
Annual IASSM Conference 1999  26/10/2014
NfSSL Conference for CSSD Staff 1999  
ISSM Annual Conference and Exhibition 1999  
WFHSS Courses and Seminar Listings  29/12/2014
Upcoming Seminars and Training Courses  29/12/2014
Manepa Training Course 8-10 September 2015 - Endoscope Decontamination for Managers [EDU31]  
Manepa Training Course 17 September 2015 - Weekly Testing of Washer Disinfectors in accordance with HSE Standards and Recommended Practices for Central Decontamination Units [CDU200]  
Wassenburg Training Course 23 September 2015 - Periodic Testing of an Endoscope Washer Disinfector and Drying & Storage Cabinet  
Wassenburg Training Course 24 September 2015 - Periodic Testing of an Endoscope Washer Disinfector and Drying & Storage Cabinet  
Wassenburg Training Course 25 September 2015 - Periodic Testing of an Endoscope Washer Disinfector and Drying & Storage Cabinet  
Past Seminars and Training Courses  29/12/2014
Pre-seminar of the EFHSS Conference 2001 - "Opportunities and Challenges in Infection Control, Disinfection and Sterilization"  
Decontamination with special reference to variant Creutzfeld Jacob Disease (vCJD) - "TO DEFINE NEW UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS FOR THE SAFE DECONTAMINATION OF MEDICAL DEVICES"  
European Parliament Public Hearing - Stakeholders discuss how to enhance safer use of medical devices - "Sharps injuries and reuse of single use devices"  
European Parliament Public Hearing - Stakeholders discuss how to enhance safer use of medical devices - "Sharps injuries and reuse of single use devices" - Comments by the EFHSS  15/03/2013
Decentennial Seminar 2003  16/05/2011
First Bulgarian "Sterilization" Workshop  15/03/2013
First Bulgarian "Sterilization" Workshop - Seminar Report  25/03/2012
DSc 2005 Symposium - "Developments in Instrument Reprocessing"  
DSc 2005 Symposium - "Advances in Sterilization and Disinfection"  
Annual EFHSS Workshop 2005 "CSSD"  15/03/2013
Annual EFHSS Workshop 2005 "CSSD" - Seminar Report  17/12/2011
International Specialist Training Courses - Sterile Processing Technician Level I  
Braun/Aesculap Satellite Symposium - "CSSD Quality Management"  
ASP Professional Instrument Processing Seminar - "Low Temperature Sterilization in Today's Decontamination Environment"  
Getinge T-DOC Symposium  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD"  18/11/2014
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - Lectures  05/04/2014
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD"  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - Bahrain Experience on Education and Training of CSS Personnel  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - Getting Hospital Management Support for C.S.S.D. Practices and Protocols  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - CSSD and Infection Control - How to Work Together  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - Routine monitoring of the disinfection / washing process ISO 15883  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - Controlix ID bracelets - Patient safety and individual billing issues  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - How to optimize and streamline your procedures in a CSSD with a computerized system?  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - Validation Process  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - Cleaning Processes and Methods in CSSD  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - Ultrasonic Cleaning of Today’s Instruments ...and Tomorrow’s  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - Cleaning & Disinfection Instruments  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - About Biofilm and prevention of nosocomial infection through water associated germs  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - ISO 11607 - Council Directive 93/42/EEC Of June 14 1993 Concerning Medical Devices - Patient’s Safety and Staff’s Safety  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - ISO 11607:2006 - focused on: Sealable Pouches and Reels  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - Validation of heat sealing processes - ISO 11607 Part 2  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - ISO 11607 - How to translate into action - Sterile Container Systems  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - Historical Relections  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - Where do we go from here? National and Regional Objectives  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - 3 ETS - Electronic Test System - A Revolution in Testing Steam Sterilizers  
Annual WFHSS Workshop 2006 "CSSD" - Photo Album  16/05/2011
XIII. Disinfection and Sterilization Seminar - XIII. dni centrálnej sterilizácie a VII. dni centrálnych operacných sál  
International Specialist Training Courses - Sterile Processing Technician with extended terms of reference Level II  
MSÜD Sterilization Seminars 1 - "General Review of Sterilization"  17/12/2014
MSÜD Sterilization Seminars 2 - "General Review of Sterilization"  17/12/2014
MSÜD Sterilization Seminar 3  26/10/2014
International Specialist Training Courses - Sterile Processing Technician Level I  
International Specialist Training Courses - Sterile Processing Technician with extended terms of reference Level II  
Informa 2007 - Sterilisation for Medical Devices - Pre-Conference Workshop 3 December 2007  
Informa 2007 - Sterilisation for Medical Devices - Post-Conference Workshop 6 December 2007  
Eastern European Workshop for Sterile Supply 2007  26/10/2014
Eastern European Workshop for Sterile Supply 2007 - Workshop Report  24/08/2013
Eastern European Workshop for Sterile Supply 2007 - Lectures  05/04/2014
Eastern European Workshop for Sterile Supply 2007 - Combating Biofilms - a new challenge in medicine  
Eastern European Workshop for Sterile Supply 2007 - Potentials of an alkaline cleaner - Development tendencies for improving process safety  
Eastern European Workshop for Sterile Supply 2007 - EN ISO 15883: The cleaning issue  
Eastern European Workshop for Sterile Supply 2007 - Objectives for use of washer/disinfectors and dependency of performance  
Eastern European Workshop for Sterile Supply 2007 - Ultrasonic Cleaning of today's instruments ...and tomorrow's  
Eastern European Workshop for Sterile Supply 2007 - New methods to monitor steam penetration into complex medical devices (MD) using Medical Device Simulators (MDS) and Batch Monitoring Systems (BMS)  
Eastern European Workshop for Sterile Supply 2007 - Internal transport and storage of sterile goods within the CSD and the DS  
Eastern European Workshop for Sterile Supply 2007 - The role of cleaning in the manual reprocessing of medical devices and quality assessment of different cleaners  
Eastern European Workshop for Sterile Supply 2007 - The Removal and Inactivation of Prions  
Eastern European Workshop for Sterile Supply 2007 - High level disinfection of endoscopes - A central vision  
Eastern European Workshop for Sterile Supply 2007 - How to remove all those Bugs after using an Endoscope  
First DAS School  
IDSc Course: Basic Microbiology & Infection Control  
IDSc Course: Anatomy & Physiology  
IDSc Chemistries Study Day  
International Specialist Training Courses - Sterile Processing Technican Course, Level I  
9th Educational Seminar on Sterilization  
5 Day Theoretical and Practical MSÜD Education Programme 26-30 May 2008  
5 Day Theoretical and Practical MSÜD Education Programme 16-20 June 2008  
MSÜD Sterilization Seminar 4  
10th Educational Seminar on Sterilization  
11th Educational Seminar on Sterilization  
12th Educational Seminar on Sterilization  
International Specialist Training Courses - Sterile Processing Technican with terms of reference Level II  
Second DAS School  
5 Day Theoretical and Practical MSÜD Education Programme 22-26 December 2008  
Advanced Course in Sterilization Technology and Qualifying Course for Authorising Engineer (Decontamination) - Year 2009 - Week One  
Advanced Course in Sterilization Technology and Qualifying Course for Authorising Engineer (Decontamination) - Year 2009 - Week Two  
Advanced Course in Sterilization Technology and Qualifying Course for Authorising Engineer (Decontamination) - Year 2009 - Week Three  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection  26/10/2014
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - Lectures  05/04/2014
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - Place and role of sterilisation and disinfection in health care systems  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - Profile of sterilisation managers and workers - educational programme  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - Validated procedures in CSSD - Basic knowledge and requirements  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - Qualification of equipment for washing and disinfection - validation  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - Validation of washing and disinfection procedures - performance testing  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - General information on application technologies, disinfection and detergents in automatic reprocessing of medical devices  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - Sterilisation equipment characteristics - validation  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - Sterilization - recent changes to EN285 and EN ISO 15882  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - Reprocessing of flexible endoscopes  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - Manual reprocessing of surgical instruments  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - Low temperature steam ethylene oxide and low temperature steam formaldehyde sterilisation  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - Advances in hydrogen peroxide gas plasma sterilization  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - VHP Sterilization and Prion Inactivation  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - Penetration tests according to ISO 11140  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - New methods to monitor steam penetration into complex medical devices (MD) using Medical Device Simulators (MDS) and Batch Monitoring Systems (BMS)  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - Sterilisation and disinfection in small clinics, private practices and dentistry  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - Reprocessing of complex surgical instruments  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - Total solution for endoscope reprocessing  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - Pack Safely! Properties and Demands of Good Packaging Materials  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - Sterile Container Packaging System  
International Annual Meeting and Scientific Workshop 25-28 March 2009 - Sterilisation and Disinfection - Biological and chemical indicators  
Advanced Course in Sterilization Technology and Qualifying Course for Authorising Engineer (Decontamination) - Year 2009 - Revision Seminar / Examinations  
CDU Advanced Management Course 25/26 February 2010  
IASSM Training Course for CDU Managers to Understand Validation & Validation Reports  
ACIST 2010 - Advanced Course in Sterilization Technology and Qualifying Course for Authorising Engineer (Decontamination) - Year 2010 - Week One  
17th DAS Seminar  
ACIST 2010 - Advanced Course in Sterilization Technology and Qualifying Course for Authorising Engineer (Decontamination) - Year 2010 - Week Two  
ACIST 2010 - Advanced Course in Sterilization Technology and Qualifying Course for Authorising Engineer (Decontamination) - Year 2010 - Week Three  
ACIST 2010 - Advanced Course in Sterilization Technology and Qualifying Course for Authorising Engineer (Decontamination) - Year 2010 - Revision Seminar / Examinations  
IASSM Training Course for CDU Managers to Understand Validation & Validation Reports  
3 Day Theoretical and Practical MSÜD Education Programme 9-11 February 2011  
IDI Technicians/Operatives Study Day 5 March 2011 - "Care & Maintenance of RIMD Workshop"  30/04/2014
Special CSS Course - Hazardous Chemical Substances and Mixtures  
ZNSS - Section Nurses and Medical Technicians in Sterilisation Seminar: "Recognition of Our Work - A Challenge or Request?"  
IDI Training Course for CDU Managers to Understand Validation & Validation Reports (Sterilizers)  
IDI Manager's Study Day 24 June 2011 - "Conflict Resolution & Change Management"  
Principles & Practices of Decontamination of Medical Devices: Endoscopy  
Principles & Practices of Decontamination of Medical Devices: Endoscopy  
SUSID Course: Staff Qualification for Disinfection and Hospital Sterile Supply - Basic Module 1st Level Education  
ITT Dublin Higher Certificate in Science - Sterile Services Technology  
SUSID Seminar: New trends in sterilization and disinfection  
Wassenburg Study Days 2012 - 09 October 2012  
Wassenburg Study Days 2012 - 10 October 2012  
Wassenburg Study Days 2012 - 11 October 2012  
ZNSS - Section Nurses and Medical Technicians in Sterilisation Seminar: "Challenges, Opportunities, Possibilities"  
SGH Operating Theatre Management Course & Theatre Sterile Supplies Unit Workshop 19-22 July 2013  
7th DAS School  
IDI Training - Wassenburg Training Course February 2014 - 18 February 2014  
IDI Training - Wassenburg Training Course February 2014 - 19 February 2014  
IDI Training - Wassenburg Training Course February 2014 - 20 February 2014  
IDI Training - Wassenburg Training Course February 2014 - 21 February 2014  
ZNSS - Section Nurses and Medical Technicians in Sterilisation Seminar: "Safety is not the accident"  
Eastwood Park Training - Decontamination & Infection Control Training Courses  
Manepa Course 24/07/2014 - The Complete Decontamination Process - Endoscopy  
5th IHCC Seminar on Sterilization and Disinfection  
Wassenburg Training Course 2 September 2014 - Periodic Testing of an Endoscope Washer Disinfector and Drying & Storage Cabinet  
Wassenburg Training Course 3 September 2014 - Periodic Testing of an Endoscope Washer Disinfector and Drying & Storage Cabinet  
Wassenburg Training Course 4 September 2014 - Periodic Testing of an Endoscope Washer Disinfector and Drying & Storage Cabinet  
Wassenburg Training Course 17 February 2015 - Periodic Testing of an Endoscope Washer Disinfector and Drying & Storage Cabinet  
Wassenburg Training Course 18 February 2015 - Periodic Testing of an Endoscope Washer Disinfector and Drying & Storage Cabinet  
Wassenburg Training Course 19 February 2015 - Periodic Testing of an Endoscope Washer Disinfector and Drying & Storage Cabinet  
Manepa Training Course 26 February 2015 - The Complete Decontamination Process [EPD32]  
Manepa Training Course 26 March 2015 - Weekly Testing of Steam Sterilisers in accordance with HSE Standards and Recommended Practices for Central Decontamination Units [CDU100]  
Manepa Training Course 12-14 May 2015 - Endoscope Decontamination for Managers [EDU31]  
Manepa Training Course 4 June 2015 - The Complete Decontamination Process [EPD32]  
Online Training Programmes  29/12/2014
Courses  29/12/2014
WFHSS Questions and Answers  15/06/2014
WFHSS Questions and Answers - Search  15/06/2014
CEN Standards  26/10/2014
WFHSS and CEN - Introduction  
CEN Organisation  
EU Directives  
CEN Standards  
CEN/TC 102 - Sterilizers for medical purposes  26/10/2014
CEN/TC 102 - Structure  
CEN/TC 102 - Standards under development (work started, drafts issued)  
CEN/TC 102 - Published standards  
CEN/TC 204 - Sterilization of medical devices  26/10/2014
CEN/TC 204 - Structure  
CEN/TC 204 - Standards under development (work started, drafts issued)  
CEN/TC 204 - Published standards  
CEN Comments  25/06/2011
CEN Reports  
CEN Reports - Report of CEN TC102/WG8 to CEN TC102  12/04/2011
CEN Reports - Report for CEN TC102  26/10/2014
CEN Articles  
CEN Articles - Packaging Materials  26/10/2014
WFHSS - Publications  01/11/2011
WFHSS Publications - Periodicals  
Central Service  01/11/2011
Central Service Archive  29/10/2006
Central Service - Issue 6/2014  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 5/2014  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 4/2014  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 3/2014  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 2/2014  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 1/2014  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 6/2013  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 5/2013  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 4/2013  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 3/2013  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 2/2013  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 1/2013  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 6/2012  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 5/2012  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 4/2012  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 3/2012  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 2/2012  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 1/2012  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 6/2011  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 5/2011  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 4/2011  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 3/2011  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 2/2011  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 1/2011  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 6/2010  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 5/2010  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 4/2010  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 3/2010  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 2/2010  15/04/2015
Central Service - Issue 1/2010  01/04/2010
Central Service - Issue 6/2009  01/04/2010
Central Service - Issue 5/2009  01/04/2010
Central Service - Issue 4/2009  15/03/2010
Central Service - Issue 3/2009  19/01/2010
Central Service - Issue 2/2009  17/12/2014
Central Service - Issue 1/2009  01/04/2010
Central Service - Issue 6/2008  17/12/2014
Central Service - Issue 5/2008  01/04/2010
Central Service - Issue 4/2008  17/12/2014
Central Service - Issue 3/2008  17/12/2014
Central Service - Issue 2/2008  26/11/2009
Central Service - Issue 1/2008  26/11/2009
Central Service - Issue 6/2007  26/11/2009
Central Service - Issue 5/2007  17/12/2014
Central Service - Issue 3/2007  17/12/2014
Central Service - Issue 2/2007  17/12/2014
Central Service - Issue 1/2007  11/04/2011
Central Service - Issue 6/2006  29/05/2009
Central Service - Issue 5/2006  29/05/2009
Central Service - Issue 3/2006  29/05/2009
Central Service - Issue 2/2005  31/05/2009
Central Service - Issue 1/2005  31/05/2009
Central Service - Issue 6/2004  29/05/2009
Central Service - Issue 5/2004  29/05/2009
Central Service - Issue 4/2004  29/05/2009
Central Service - Issue 3/2004  31/05/2009
Central Service - Issue 2/2004  11/04/2011
Central Service - Issue 1/2004  29/05/2009
Central Service - Issue 6/2003  11/04/2011
Central Service - Issue 5/2003  31/05/2009
Central Service - Issue 4/2003  01/04/2010
Central Service - Issue 3/2003  01/04/2010
Central Service - Issue 2/2003  01/04/2010
Central Service - Issue 1/2003  01/04/2010
Central Service - Issue 6/2002  01/04/2010
Central Service - Issue 5/2002  08/04/2011
Central Service - Issue 4/2002  01/04/2010
Central Service - Issue 3/2002  11/04/2011
Central Service - Issue 2/2002  01/04/2010
Central Service - Issue 1/2002  01/04/2010
Central Service - Issue 6/2001  01/11/2011
Central Service - Issue 5/2001  01/04/2010
Central Service - Issue 4/2001  01/04/2010
Central Service - Issue 3/2001  01/04/2010
Central Service - Issue 2/2001  01/04/2010
Central Service - Issue 1/2001  01/04/2010
Central Service - Issue 6/2000  29/11/2009
Central Service - Issue 5/2000  29/11/2009
Central Service - Issue 4/2000  29/11/2009
Central Service - Issue 3/2000  29/11/2009
Central Service - Issue 2/2000  29/11/2009
Central Service - Issue 1/2000  29/11/2009
Central Service - Issue 6/1999  25/03/2012
Central Service - Issue 5/1999  27/08/2011
Central Service - Issue 4/1999  27/08/2011
Central Service - Issue 3/1999  29/05/2009
SGSV/SSSH/SSSO Forum  01/11/2011
IDSc Journal  01/11/2011
El Autoclave  01/11/2011
Fudesa Informa  01/11/2011
Sterifix  01/11/2011
Other Publications  01/11/2011
WFHSS Education  04/04/2013
Education - General Information  15/04/2015
Sterilization Basics  01/11/2011
The Sterile Supply Cycle  15/04/2015
The Sterile Supply Cycle: Cleaning  18/11/2014
The Sterile Supply Cycle: Packaging  26/10/2014
Education - Recommendations  17/12/2014
General Guidelines and Recommendations  
Guideline for the Validation of the Sealing Process according to DIN EN ISO 11607-2, Revision 01, July 2008  
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy agents: safe working and the prevention of infection - Guidance from the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens' TSE Working Group  
Manual de esterilización para centros de salud  
L Recommendations de l’agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé - Creutzfeldt-Jakob et produits de santé - Protocole Standard Prion  
Guidelines and Recommendations published in Central Service  
Guideline Compiled by the DGKH, DGSV and AKI for Validation and Routine Monitoring of Automated Cleaning and Disinfection Processes for Heat-Resistant Medical Devices as Well as Advice on Selecting Washer-Disinfectors  
Recommendations by the Quality Task Group  04/04/2013
[2] Transport from the OR to the CSSD  29/10/2006
[73] Medical device reprocessing logistics  
[8] Cleaning and Disinfection in the Ultrasonic Bath (Part 1)  12/04/2011
[9] Cleaning and Disinfection in the Ultrasonic Bath (Part 2)  04/04/2013
[11] Programmes for Automated Processing  26/10/2014
[12] Programmes for Automated Processing (Part 2)  26/10/2014
[14] Thermal Washer-Disinfectors - Investigating the Disinfection Effect with Thermologgers  26/10/2014
[17] Quality Assurance on the Unclean Side of a CSSD (Part 2)  12/04/2011
[19] Cleaning (Part 1) - Instruments Causing Problems  12/04/2011
[20] Cleaning (Part 2) - Validation of Cleaning Efficacy  12/04/2011
[25] Water for Operating Washer-Disinfectors  
[26] Water for Operating Washer-Disinfectors (Part 2)  
[28] Daily Check of Washer-Disinfectors Before Placing Them in Operation  
[29] Verification of the Performance of Washer-Disinfectors Used for Thermal Disinfection  
[35] Loading Pattern and Its Implications for Successful Cleaning in the Washer-Disinfector  
[40] Automated Processing of Ophtalmologic Instruments  
[42] Using Process Challenge Devices To Verify Cleaning Performance for Validation of Washer-Disinfector Processes  
[45] Decontamination of Narrow-Lumened Medical Devices  
[46] Manufacturer's Instructions for Decontamination  
[47] Insights Gleaned from Workshops at the 10th DGSV Congress: Manufacturer's Instructions for Decontamination  
[49] Decontamination of Plastic Sterilisation Containers and Plastic Supports  
[51] Decontamination of Anaesthesia and Respiratory Accessories  
[53] Verification of Completeness of Validation Protocols for WD Processes  
[55] Performance Requalification on Changing the Process Chemicals  
[56] Decontamination of Motor Systems  
[57] Physical Data for Routine Control in Washer-Disinfectors  
[62] Manual Reprocessing of Medical Devices (wish-wash workshop, DGSV Cogress, Fulda)  
[63] Outlook of DGSV Quality Task Group’s Activities for 2010  
[64] Decontamination of Containers  
[66] General Principles for Using Ultrasound for Cleaning Medical Devices - Part 1  
[67] Using Ultrasonic Basins to Reprocess Medical Devices - Part 2  
[69] Problem instruments when it comes to reprocessing - Part 1  
[70] Reprocessing ophthalmologic medical devices (Part 1)  
[71] Reprocessing ophthalmologic medical devices (Part 2)  
[72] Reprocessing ophthalmologic medical devices (Part 3)  
[86] Programme Controls Part 1: Washer-disinfectors with a thermal and chemothermal disinfection cycle  
[87] Water for reprocessing medical devices (Part 1)  
[13] Quality Assurance on the "Clean Side" of a CSSD  12/04/2011
[27] Packaging Systems  
[30] Packaging Systems - Part 2: Hard Packaging  
[33] Mesh Trays and Their Implications for Successful Cleaning in the Washer-Disinfector  
[34] Packaging Part 3: Summary  
[41] Production of Heat Sealing Seams for Packing Medical Devices (based on the currently valid standards, ISO 11607, EN 868, DIN 58953)  
[60] Instrument Identification  
[79] Sterile barrier and packaging systems  
[83] Reprocessing sterilization containers with synthetic components used for sterile supplies and for contaminated medical devices  
[10] "Flash Sterilisation"  12/04/2011
[43] Recommendations for Validation of Steam Sterilisation Processes in Large Sterilisers  
[48] Decontamination of Plastic Medical Devices or of Devices with Plastic Components (Part 1)  
[3] Validation (Part 1)  29/10/2006
[4] Validation (Part 2)  29/10/2006
[6] Deciding How to Process a New Medical Device  12/04/2011
[7] Validation of Older Steam Sterilisers  29/10/2006
[16] Quality Assurance on the Unclean Side of a CSSD  12/04/2011
[18] Bowie Dick Test  29/10/2006
[32] How Quality Management is Structured in CSSD Practice  
[37] Guide to Compilation of Standard Operating Procedures  
[54] Performance Requalification for No Particular Reason  
[65] Computer-Assisted Batch Documentation  
[15] Release and Storage of Medical Devices after Sterilisation  26/10/2014
[39] Recommendations for the Storage Period for Sterile Medical Devices  
[82] Release of medical devices after sterilization  
[85] Recommendations for the storage period for sterile medical devices  
[1] Recommendations  12/04/2011
[5] Cooperation with the OR and other Departments  12/04/2011
[21] Why Computerised Documentation? - Reflections from the Field  01/11/2011
[22] Classifying Medical Devices before Processing (Part 1)  12/04/2011
[23] Classifying Medical Devices before Processing (Part 2)  12/04/2011
[24] Classifying Medical Devices before Processing (Part 3)  
[31] Updating the Decision Tree on Risk Assessment and Classification of Medical Devices  
[36] Risk Management in the CSSD  
[38] Checklist for Preparation of Visits by the Competent Inspection Authorities  
[44] Compilation of Procedures  
[50] Requirements for Construction or Conversion of a Hospital Central Sterile Supply Department  
[52] Requirements for Construction or Conversion of a Hospital Central Sterile Supply Department Part 2 - Staff and Material Routes  
[58] Requirements for Construction or Conversion of a Hospital Central Sterile Supply Department Part 3 - Technical and Functional Fittings and their Installation  
[61] Requirements for Construction or Conversion of a Hospital Central Sterile Supply Department Part 4 - Room Ventilation Systems in the CSSD  
[68] Problems today - tomorrow, how can we solve them?!  
Commentary by the Quality Task Group of the German Society of Sterile Supply (DGSV) on the topic of the «Hygiene Scandal»  
[74] Transmission Instruments - Hand and Angled Pieces and Turbines - Part 1  
[75] Cooperation with the operating room and other departments  
[76] Reprocessing Transmission Instruments in Dentistry  
[77 Revised Version] DGSV Flow Chart 2013 for Classification of Medical Devices  
[78] Management of Loan Instruments (Part 1)  
[80] Quality assurance in reprocessing  
[81] Management of Loan Instruments (Part 2)  
[84] Quality assurance in reprocessing (Part 2)  
Recommendations by the Committee for Hygiene, Construction and Technology  
Requirements for construction or reconstruction of a Reprocessing Unit for Medical Devices (RUMED) - Part 1 - Basics  
Recommendations and Publications by the AFS Working Group  
Sterilisation Premises Architecture and Layout  
Recommendations by the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE)  
Health Service Executive Code of Practice for Decontamination of Reusable Invasive Medical Devices  
Health Service Executive Code of Practice for Decontamination of Reusable Invasive Medical Devices - Part 1: Background  
Health Service Executive Code of Practice for Decontamination of Reusable Invasive Medical Devices - Part 2: Standards  
Health Service Executive Code of Practice for Decontamination of Reusable Invasive Medical Devices - Part 3: Recommended Practices for Central Decontamination Units  
Health Service Executive Code of Practice for Decontamination of Reusable Invasive Medical Devices - Part 4: Recommended Practices for Endoscopy Units  
Health Service Executive Code of Practice for Decontamination of Reusable Invasive Medical Devices - Part 5a & 5b : Recommended Practices for Dental Services (CDU & LDU)  
Health Service Executive Code of Practice for Decontamination of Reusable Invasive Medical Devices - Part 6: Audit Tool  
Health Service Executive Code of Practice for Decontamination of Reusable Invasive Medical Devices - Part 7: Additional Resources and Appendices  
Guidelines by the World Health Organization (WHO)  
WHO Guidelines for Safe Surgery 2009  
WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care  
Recommendations by Swissmedic - Swiss Agency for therapeutic products  
Guideline for sourcing a small steam sterilizer  
Example of a checklist for sourcing a small steam sterilizer  
Guidelines for using small steam sterilizers  
Guidelines and Recommendations by vDSMH and SVN (The Netherlands)  
Guidelines and Recommendations by DAS  
Turkish Guideline for Sterilization and Disinfection in Health Care Settings  
Guidelines and Recommendations by SFERD  
SFERD Professional Standard Handbook - Flexible Endoscopes Cleaning and Disinfection, Version 3.1, 2014  
Conference Lectures and Presentations  15/04/2015
EFHSS Conference 2002, Dublin, Ireland  
EFHSS Conference 2002 - Lectures - Loan Instruments  30/04/2014
EFHSS Conference 2003, Winterthur, Switzerland  
EFHSS Conference 2003: How a quality system had to be implemented for the hospital sterilisation  
EFHSS Conference 2003: Certification d´un hôpital comme fabriquant de dispositifs médicaux  
EFHSS Conference 2003: Washer-Disinfectors - EN 15883 and the role of the operator  
EFHSS Conference 2003: Testanschmutzungen (TA) für die Kontrolle von Dekontaminationsgeräten  
EFHSS Conference 2003: Qualification de la performance des laveurs désinfecteurs  
EFHSS Conference 2003: Maîtrise de l´air en stérilisation  
EFHSS Conference 2003: Verpackungsarten / Unterschiede  
EFHSS Conference 2003: La qualité des emballages  
EFHSS Conference 2003: Can Temperature And Pressure Datalogging Replace The Bowie and Dick Test?  
EFHSS Conference 2003: Bioindikatoren - Sinn oder Unsinn?  
EFHSS Conference 2003: Umsetzung der MP-Gesetzgebung in der ZSVA  
EFHSS Conference 2004, Izmir/Cesme, Turkey  
EFHSS Conference 2004 - Lectures and Presentations - Opening Session  25/06/2011
EFHSS Conference 2004: What's new in sterilisation... since Louis Pasteur?  
EFHSS Conference 2004: Infection Control and Sterilization Unit  
EFHSS Conference 2004: Industrial Ethylene Oxide Sterilization of Medical Devices  
EFHSS Conference 2004: Validation of a low-temperature, low-pressure, vaporized aqueous hydrogen peroxide-based, plasma sterilization system - STERRADŪ100S sterilizer  
EFHSS Conference 2004: Bioburden estimation of reusable and single use medical devices - methodology and evaluation  
EFHSS Conference 2004: Practical instructions for the Validation of cleaning and disinfection methods according to the recommendation of the German Society for Hospital Hygiene (DGKH) and according to the prEN ISO 15883  
EFHSS Conference 2004: Decontamination of Reusable Medical Devices: A Risk Management  
EFHSS Conference 2004: Sterilization Process Monitoring - 'In-Pack' Monitoring versus 'Load Control'  
EFHSS Conference 2004: Outsourcing the CSSD a threat? Or a challenge?!  
DSc 2005 - Decontamination Sciences Congress 2005  
DSc 2005 - Lectures and Presentations - Opening Session - Introduction  25/06/2011
DSc 2005: The UK Approach  
DSc 2005: What Sterile Processors Need to Know and Do: A Ten Year Analysis of Accreditation in the United States  
DSc 2005: Validation in the practice of sterile supply  
DSc 2005: Organisational redesign - did Bowie and Dick get their MBA?  
DSc 2005: Parametric control of cleaning processes in the age of vCJD  
DSc 2005: Product Release - a modern mythology?  
DSc 2005: Cleaning, decontamination and disinfection in Argentina  
DSc 2005: The standard helix test in hospital sterilisers  
DSc 2005: Validation of a low temperature, low pressure, Hydrogen Peroxide Gas Plasma (HPGP) Sterilization System  
DSc 2005: Innovation in decontamination services  
DSc 2005: Development of Ozone Sterilization  
DSc 2005: Specifications of steam sterilizers for health facilities with limited resources  
DSc 2005: Surviving the ride  
DSc 2005: Jack van Asten Memorial Lecture  
DSc 2005: Risk Management for Instrumentation  
DSc 2005: A Quality Based Approach for Error Reduction in Surgical Sets Assembly  
DSc 2005: Analysing hazards: a tool for quality management  
DSc 2005: MDD and ISO13485:2003 Compliance - An Integrated Approach  
DSc 2005: Decontamination of Instruments in Dentistry  
DSc 2005: The Decontamination of Endoscopes - a review in Northern Ireland  
DSc 2005: The Essential Relationships between Decontamination Services  
DSc 2005 Conference Paper Abstract: The Practical and Cost Implications of the different Instrument Identification Systems currently available  
DSc 2005 Symposium: Developments in Instrument Reprocessing  
DSc 2005 Symposium: Comparative assessment of various automated processes following prEN/ISO 15883-1  
DSc 2005 Poster Presentations  
DSc 2005 Poster Presentation: Evaluation of the use and re-use of cotton fabrics as medical and hospital articles wraps in steam sterilization method  
DSc 2005 Poster Presentation: 3M ETS (Electronic Test System) in a university hospital: Diagnostics beyond the BDT!  
EFHSS Conference 2006, Lillehammer, Norway  
EFHSS Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - Opening Speech  25/06/2011
EFHSS Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - University Education of CSSD Managers in Norway  
EFHSS Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - Education of CSSD Technicians in Sweden  
EFHSS Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - Working with certification - Experience from Sweden  
EFHSS Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - Danish Standard for CSSD  
EFHSS Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - New cleaning processes: Oxivario and two other component procedures  
EFHSS Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - Our own cleaning experiences and its Parameters - The Value of Ultrasound  
EFHSS Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - Experience of Soil Test Used in Two French Hospitals: Hollow Instrumentation and Detergent Validation  
EFHSS Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - Experience of Soil Test Used in Two French Hospitals: Detergent Validation  
EFHSS Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - Combi load experiences - a manager's view - Validation of Combi load  
EFHSS Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - Textile technology - fundamental principles  
EFHSS Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - A change from disposable to reusable textiles in the OR - experiences from a Norwegian University Hospital  
EFHSS Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - Job Satisfaction. Motivation. Confidence in CSSD workers  
EFHSS Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - Jack van Asten Memorial Lecture - "Standards under continuous development" - Meet your expectations  
EFHSS Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - Advantages and limitations of class 5 and 6 chemical indicators according to EN-ISO 11140-1  
EFHSS Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - Bowie & Dick type testing  
EFHSS Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - Loan instruments, an avoidable problem  
EFHSS Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - Transparency of expenses by recording, calculation and billing of CSSD service  
EFHSS Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - "Humour at Work" - Sense of humour as working tool - clinical aspects  
EFHSS Conference 2006 Poster Presentations  
EFHSS Conference 2006 Poster Presentation: The Role of Quality Management System in Patient Safety Culture for Central Sterilization Units  
APIC Conference 2006, Tampa, Florida, United States  
APIC Conference 2006 - Lectures and Presentations - Cleaning: Recent advances in products and processes and Real-time monitoring  
Education - Training Programs and Courses  26/07/2011
Education - Sterilization Articles  26/07/2011
European Expert Condemns the Re-use of Sterilization Packaging  26/10/2014
Sterilization. Past and Future  12/04/2011
CSSD Expert Visits South Africa  12/04/2011
Challenging times for sterile barrier industry  26/10/2014
Relevance of the Bowie and Dick Test today?  
Wet Loads  
Manual Methods Are Suboptimal Compared With Automated Methods for Cleaning of Single-Use Biopsy Forceps  
Emballages de stérilisation - Nouvelle norme ISO 11607 1&2: Quels changements dans les pratiques de conditionnement?  
Thermal Disinfection - The A0 Concept and the Biological Background  
The Standard for sterilisation packaging EN ISO 11607 - Definitions and concepts  
Review of surface steam sterilization for validation purposes  12/04/2011
A Short History of the Old Trip of Sterilization  
Peninsula Regional Medical Center - Central Processing  
Peninsula Regional Medical Center - 2013 CS/SPD Department of the Year  
Managing the Consequences of Neurosurgical Intervention in a Patient with Previously Undiagnosed Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease  
Commercial and Industrial Education  02/07/2013
STERIKING - Ensure Safety at Point of Use - Posters  
STERIKING - See-Through Reels - Instructions for Use  
Low-temperature sterilization using low-temperature steam and formaldehyde  
Validation and routine testing of the ultrasonic process  
Decon Solutions Ltd - City and Guilds Accredited Decontamination Training Programme  
Education - Periodicals, Online and Multimedia Publications  15/03/2013
Sterile Supply Videos  12/04/2014
Video: "Sterilization - a view for insiders!"  12/04/2014
Video: "The Central Sterilization Department - an important link in the organization"  12/04/2014
Video: "STERILIZATION - AZ ST JAN BRUGGE - IHC presents its Data Processing Application for the Central Sterilization Department"  12/04/2014
Education - Reference  11/07/2012
Sterilisation Literature and Book Recommendations  08/12/2007
Sterilisation and Sterile Supply Glossary  07/02/2015
Miscellaneous Educational Material  28/10/2012
Sterilization Leaflets and Posters  15/04/2015
Quiz: Taboos in CSSD  
Quiz: Taboos in CSSD - Solution  
WFHSS Quality Management  02/11/2014
WFHSS Quality Management Articles  02/11/2014
Five S for Healthcare  04/02/2012
The Toyota/Lean Approach Applied to Health Care  
How to do visual management in the sterilization: practical Five-S for CSSD  
WFHSS Quality Management Helpdesk  02/11/2014
WFHSS Guidelines and Recommendations  25/03/2012
WFHSS Recommendation 01 - Validation of Decontamination Processes  25/03/2012
WFHSS Recommendation 02 - Compliance Test Reports  16/03/2014
WFHSS Guideline No. 01 - Tests/checks after maintenance/repairs  
WFHSS Guideline No. 02 - Check List for Procurement of Medical Devices pursuant to EN ISO 17664:2004  
WFHSS Guideline No. 02 - Check List for Procurement of Medical Devices pursuant to EN ISO 17664:2004 - [MS-Word Version]  
WFHSS Guideline No. 03 - Requirements for Reprocessing Units for Medical Devices (RUMEDs) in Healthcare Establishments  
WFHSS Guideline No. 04 - Reprocessing of Medical Devices in/for Healthcare Establishments  
WFHSS Training Programme  15/04/2015
WFHSS Training Programme - Syllabus  15/04/2015
WFHSS Training Programme - Editors' Notes  15/04/2015
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 1: Reprocessing of Medical Devices  15/04/2015
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 1: Reprocessing of Medical Devices - Title/Cover  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 1: Reprocessing of Medical Devices - Foreword  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 1: Reprocessing of Medical Devices - Table of Contents  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 1: Reprocessing of Medical Devices - Module I: General Hygiene  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 1: Reprocessing of Medical Devices - Module II: Fundamentals of Microbiology and the Science of Infection  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 1: Reprocessing of Medical Devices - Module III: Fundamentals of Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 1: Reprocessing of Medical Devices - Module IV: Occupational Safety for Medical Device Reprocessing  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 1: Reprocessing of Medical Devices - Module V: Introduction to Quality Management  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 1: Reprocessing of Medical Devices - Module VI: Sterile Supply Packaging  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 1: Reprocessing of Medical Devices - Module VII: Fundamentals of Instrumentation  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 1: Reprocessing of Medical Devices - Module VIII: Introduction to the Science of Law for Healtcare Sector Employees  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 2  15/04/2015
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 2 - Module I: Special Microbiology  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 2 - Module II: Fundamentals of Medical Device Reprocessing  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 2 - Module III: Reprocessing Endoscopes  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 2 - Module IV: Sterilization of Medical Devices  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 2 - Module V: Constructional Requirements for a Reprocesing Unit for Medical Devices  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 2 - Module VI: Process-Oriented Medical Device Circuit  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 2 - Module VII: Quality Management in the RUMED  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 2 - Module VIII: Induction of New Staff / Personnel Training  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 2 - Module IX: Materials used in Medical Technology  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 2 - Module X: Testing, Validation and Routine Control of Decontamination Processes for Medical Devices  
WFHSS Training Programme - Level 2 - General: Professional Ethics and Communication  
Practical WFHSS Training Programme  15/04/2015
WFHSS Industrial Partners  15/04/2015
ASP - Advanced Sterilization Products  09/07/2007
Aesculap AG  26/10/2014
Ahlstrom  12/10/2014
ALVI srl  31/03/2014
Amcor Flexibles SPS  15/04/2015
Anios  15/03/2013
Arjowiggins Healthcare  17/12/2014
ASANUS Medizintechnik GmbH  15/04/2015
BAG Health Care GmbH  12/10/2014
BANDELIN electronic  15/04/2015
Belimed AG  15/03/2013
Belintra  09/10/2014
BHT Disinfection Technology  26/10/2014
Borer Chemie AG  15/03/2013
Bureau Veritas Group  08/03/2014
C.B.M. S.r.l. Medical Equipment  15/03/2013
Cisa s.r.l.  15/03/2013
Chemische Fabrik DR. WEIGERT (GmbH & Co.)  15/03/2013
ebro Electronic  31/03/2014
Ecolab  31/03/2014
Ellab A/S  15/03/2013
FAMOS BV  12/10/2014
Franke Medical Oy  15/03/2013
Gandus Saldatrici Srl  12/10/2014
Getinge Infection Control AB  04/04/2013
gke-GmbH  31/03/2014
hawo GmbH  12/10/2014
HEART Consultancy  15/03/2013
Humanmeditek Co,Ltd.  15/03/2013
ICOS Impianti Group S.p.A.  05/06/2013
Interster International  24/01/2014
Kimberly-Clark Health Care  03/05/2011
Laoken Technology Co., Ltd  15/03/2013
Matachana  15/03/2013
Medisafe International  15/03/2013
Miele & Cie. KG  12/04/2011
MMM Münchener Medizin Mechanik GmbH  15/03/2013
Mölnlycke Health Care  04/04/2013
Pereg GmbH  15/03/2013
Pharmalabel BV  15/03/2013
PMS Medikal  15/03/2013
RENOSEM  31/03/2014
Schülke & Mayr GmbH  05/01/2013
SIGMA Medical Supplies Corp.  31/03/2014
STEELCO S.p.A.  15/03/2013
Stericool™  18/11/2014
STERIS  03/05/2011
TERRAGENE S.A.  18/11/2014
TRANS Medikal  12/10/2014
VP Group  31/03/2014
Warwick SASCo Ltd  15/03/2013
Wipak Medical  12/04/2011
3M Health Care  31/03/2014
4A Medical Industry  20/12/2013
WFHSS Commercial Announcements  15/04/2015
WFHSS Related Sites & Links  15/04/2015
WFHSS Vacancies  12/04/2014
WFHSS Humour - Cartoons  31/12/2014
Contact WFHSS  18/02/2015
WFHSS Sitemap  07/05/2014
WFHSS - Search  26/07/2011
WFHSS - News  26/10/2014
News Archive  
WFHSS Logos  12/04/2014
WFHSS - World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply / Sitemap