DSc 2005
Lectures and Presentations
Opening Session - Introduction
by Wim Renders
London 31 March 2005
It is my great pleasure to welcome you in name of the European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply to the DSc congress. First of all, I'd like to use this opportunity to thank the organisers, the former ISSM, now IDSc, and the IFSS for the invitation to the forum.
Our European forum, as the name suggests, would like to be the meeting place for non-profit national and regional societies with an interest in the reprocessing of medical devices in the hospital. All members of these societies are automatically members of the forum. But this is where our marketing leaves gaps, because this is still insufficiently known. But in our informal organisation, they are in fact jointly responsible for the success of the forum. Because this will greatly depend on their amount of participation and willingness to share their knowledge and experience with others. If the EFHSS can't join in with the shop floor to contribute in this way to improve the quality in practice, then the reason for its being ceases.
Originally founded as an exclusively European society, two years ago, we decided to accept non-European countries as members. Sterilisation shouldn’t have borders.
The EFHSS wants to foster communication, stimulate the transfer of knowledge and exchange information on European directives and norms. In this way we hope harmonisation between the sterilization departments will be stimulated.
To accomplish this, the point of departure is simple. We would like everybody to have informal and non-commercial access to information on sterilisation as a broad data as knowledge is the beginning of wisdom and improvement.
The website is our electronic meeting place. Conferences are where we meet face to face. Sterilisation experts, co-workers and industry can exchange information, get inspiration and submit research to critical debate.
We are convinced that the future of sterilization is in globalisation. An example of this is the cooperation between the different organisations who have brought this conference to a success. And another example of this is the wide international presence here.
One for all, all for one is the way in which we should built the future of the CSSD in order to be in a position which allows us to successfully meet the big challenges we are facing. Thanks for being here and enjoy the conference.
Wim Renders
© 2006 EFHSS " Updated: 15 January 2006, 10:38 [GMT]