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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Steam Sterilization - Q00103
Mixed Trays Sterilization
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From: (Australia)   Date: 16 October 2001, 11:55 [GMT]
Subject: Mixed Trays Sterilization

I have been told that it is not advisable to sterilise mixed trays. Ie trays containing instruments linen and bowls. I would just like to know if anyone has any documented proof against this practice. We currently prepare suture trays and catheter trays with a mix of instruments, bowls and instruments and are loathe to forgo the convenience of one pack if there is no steadfast evidence against the practice

From: (Netherlands)   Date: 21 November 2001, 11:58 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Mixed Trays Sterilization

The European standard EN554 gives you the necessary guidance to validate the sterilisation procedure for the trays you want to use. If you do a performance qualification in line with this standard and it shows that you have a saturated steam environment on all the surfaces to be sterilized, including the centre of the porous items for the duration of the sterilisation time and after the sterilization process alle parts of the load are dry, I do not see any reasons why the sterilization of mixed trays would not be allowed. I am not saying that it is easy though. You may find during the validation studies that it is not achievable in your sterilizer or that the sterilisation process must be modified. But that is an entire different matter.

Adrie de Bruijn
National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
PO Box 1
3720 BA Bilthoven
The Netherlands

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