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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Steam Sterilization - Q00107
Foggy Telescopes
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From: Yaffa Raz (Israel)   Date: 4 November 2001, 10:03 [GMT]
Subject: Foggy Telescopes

Lap telescopes are sterilized in our hospital in a gravity displacement autoclave (STATIM).
OR staff claims that after sterilization, the telescopes are foggy and fogginess does not evaporate/dried.
Has anyone encountered this problem? Does anyone have a solution or a suggestion?

Thank you,
Yaffa Raz
CSSD Manager

From: (Ireland)   Date: 9 November 2001, 12:19 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Foggy Telescopes


The problem with your scopes can be addressed by a two prong approach, firstly gravity sterilizers are problematic when sensible drying is required. Vacumm assisted sterilisers would resolve your problem if this is an economic option.
If the scopes were reprocessed successfully previous to this problem, try processing a long stemmed wine glass and detect if any moisture is deposited at the end of the cycle.
If this occurs then wet steam could indicate a phase control probelm then call the engineers.

From:    Date: 9 November 2001, 14:11 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Foggy Telescopes

Hi Yaffa,

If your telescopes have been immersed in a chemical sterilant at some time, this may be the cause of your problem. Chemical sterilants attack the cement joints in a telescope, then when we autoclave them, a small amount of steam penetrates the telescope clouding the optics. If this is what has happened, the solution is to return the telescopes to the manufacturer or a service agent, where they will strip and rebuild your 'scope.

Best wishes.
Head of Sterile Services.

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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00107 - English Version

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