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IFSS March 2001 Conference Papers and Speaker Contacts
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From:    Date: 10 December 2001, 08:00 [GMT]
Subject: IFSS March 2001 Conference Papers and Speaker Contacts

I am working on a project on sterilization -- how are existing technologies utilized? what are the main issues? what new technologies are emerging? -- and came across the Report written by Dr. Droop on the IFSS March 29th meeting. From the brief descriptions of the papers, I see that some of the material would be very useful for my research. Were the papers published? If yes, how may I obtain a copy of some of them? In addition, would it be possible for me to receive contact information for some of the speakers?

The individuals I would like to reach are:

  • David Hurrell, UK
  • Masato Kamitami, Japan
  • Llaus Roth, Germany
  • Nandini Shetty, UK
  • Jennifer Grainger, Australia
  • Phil Schneider, USA

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.

Alexandra Radbil
Project Director
Princeton Strategy Consultants, Inc.

From: (Belgium)   Date: 11 December 2001, 21:12 [GMT]
Subject: Re: IFSS March 2001 Conference Papers and Speaker Contacts

Dear Alexandra,
I suggest that you contact Gillian Sills, chairman of IFSS.
Her email address is:
She can provide you with all the information you want.
Kind regards,
Wim Renders
p.s.: Don't hesitate to contact us if we can be of any further help.

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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