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EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00116

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Steam Sterilization - Q00116
Double or Single Wall Sterilizer
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From: Mike   Date: 19 December 2001, 12:01 [GMT]
Subject: Double or Single Wall Sterilizer

I'm going to buy a new Sterilizer, I can't decide between Sterilizer Double wall and Single wall but single wall is cheaper more. Please give me the difference of them. Thank you


From: (Netherlands)   Date: 23 December 2001, 12:27 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Double or Single Wall Sterilizer

Which choice is most appropriate will depend on the application of your autoclave.

A single wall autoclave has a limited field of application: they are used for the sterilization of:

  • Non wrapped (non hollow) instruments
  • Watery fluids (e.g. IV fluids)
  • Materials for laboratory: such as glassware
  • (bio-medical) Waste.

These are all applications where the load does not require the presence of a vacuum system for drying. Also the requirements for air-removal are limited: usually the system of down-ward displacement of air by steam due to the difference of gravity of steam and air is sufficient.

In general hospital applications the usual load includes:

  • Wrapped surgical instruments, where instruments can be solid or hollow
  • Textile packs
  • A combination of these.

For these applications a double-wall autoclave with an active air removal system and a drying system is required. Air removal can be achieved by pulsed prevacuum or above atmospheric steam pulses. The conventional way for drying is by means of a vacuum pump, usually a water-ring pump, however also other technologies may be used.

In a single wall autoclave, the steam usually is created from water in the sterilizing chamber. When not drained, this will prevent creation of an adequate vacuum for drying. In a double wall sterilizer, the only water in the chamber is condensate, which is drained continuously. In Europe, sterilizers, also those for general hospital use, should meet the European standards. These standards define all technical reqirements for these machines and for general hospital sterilizers. This results in a double walled design of the sterilizer. For information on the European standards in relation to sterilizers, refer to the section Standards on the EFHSS wesite.

Autoclaves for general hospital use in low-income countries.

For the appplication in low-income countries, currently hardly any adequate equipment is on the market. Only few manufacturers provide equipment for this very demanding market in terms of reliability, sturdiness, simplicity of technology and adequate sterilization processes. At the moment, research takes place in order to develop a double wall manual/semi-automatic autoclave for general hospital use which meets the international standards for sterility and dryness of the load. For more information please contact . Also you can visit our website http://www.heartware.nl under header "Research".

Considerations on the choice of your sterilizer.

For the choice of an adequate sterilizer not only the consideration of whether it should be a single or double wall chamber is important. Quite a number of considerations are crucial, among others:

  • Intended application(s)
  • Anticipated required capacity
  • Availibility and quality of general services such as electricity, water and steam
  • Availibility of support by manufacturer/supplier in terms of maintenance, service and spares
  • Financial resources for procurermant and running costs.

Jan Huys
HEART Consultancy
Quadernoord 2
6871 NG Renkum
Tel: +31-(0)317-450468
Fax: +31-(0)317-450469
Internetsite: http//www.heartware.nl

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