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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Testing - Q00120
Bowie&Dick Test for Benchtop Autoclave
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From: (Kuwait)   Date: 12 January 2002, 17:04 [GMT]
Subject: Bowie&Dick Test for Benchtop Autoclave

Dear sir/madam

Regard dentistry, Bowie&Dick test been added recently to the programes in the bench top autoclave.....
I would like to have information about the correct procedure to use it for benchtop autoclave please. type,position,etc

Muneera Al-abdulsalam
Quality assurance department

From: (Ireland)   Date: 15 January 2002, 14:35 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Bowie&Dick Test for Benchtop Autoclave

Assuming the benchtop was purchased through the properly approved channels and assuming that assumption is correct. Then you have in your posession a Porous benchtop of 54 litres capacity or under.
If this assumption is incorrect and your benchtop does not have assisted vacuum then a Bowie and Dick test is an incorrect procedure.
The Bowie Dick is for the testing of air removal which allows the conditions for steam penetration AND APPROVED test packs would fail if placed in a type n type benchtop.
So you have a type B bench top then place Bowie & Dick in centre of chamber and start the indicated cycle. The cycle, if three phase (heat transfer) should be completed in 18 minutes and the chemical indicator should be uniformly exposed at 134 c for greater or equal to 3 minutes 18 seconds. The test should pass if the critical parameters are both consistent and reproducible.

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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00120 - English Version

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