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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Low Temperature Sterilization - Q00146
Fumigating Clean Rooms
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From:    Date: 20 April 2002, 08:13 [GMT]
Subject: Fumigating Clean Rooms

Dear Sirs,

We are a plant tissue culture, where we fumigate the clean rooms every weekends. We use Formaldehyde 37% along with Kmno4 for fumigating. Please let us know whether the concentration (37%) is enough to kill all the organisms or we have to go for high concentrated formaldehyde.We fumigate for not less than 30 hours.


R.Sankara Narayanan

From: Wim Renders (Belgium)   Date: 23 April 2002, 19:50 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Fumigating Clean Rooms


There are no formaldehyde solutions on the market with concentrations above 40 %. (Formaldehyde solution - Ph Eur - contains 34.5 to 38 % w/w of CH2O with methyl alcohol as a stabilising agent to delay polymerisation of the formaldehyde to solid paraformaldehyde)
Formaldehyde solutions in water become cloudy by polymerisation. This reaction is accelerated by concentrations above 40 %.The concentration of gaseous formaldehyde depends not only on the concentration of the solution but also on the evaporated volume and the temperature. At 21° C the maximum concentration is 1,75 mg/l ( Hygiene Hospitaliere Pratique ).

For more details I refer you to the answer on question Q00067.

Kind regards,
Wim Renders

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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