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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Set Inspection & Assembly - Q00015
Error rate for tray assembly, Benchmarking of staff and resources in a CS area
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From: (United States)   Date: 3 April 2000, 14:40 [GMT]
Subject: Error rate for tray assembly, Benchmarking of staff and resources in a CS area

I am looking for the following Data and or Information on the following topics.

  1. Error rate for tray assembly within a CS department.
  2. Benchmarking of staff and resources in a CS area. Example trays assembled per staff member?

Thank you in advance for your help.

S.M.Kovach, C.S.P.D.T., B.S.
Central Service Manager, Botsford General Hospital

From: (Saudi Arabia)   Date: 16 April 2000, 13:21 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Error rate for tray assembly, Benchmarking of staff and resources in a CS area

Good day,

IAHCSMM Central Service Technical Manual, Fourth Edition, Chapter 16 / Quality Assurance, Page 164 states: "Instrument sets contain correct contents. Threshold 97%.

My unit statistics exceeds 99.4% on having 100% accuracy in the sets. Accuracy includes the correct number & type of instruments, all instruments functioning correctly, all instruments clean and free of stains or rust, and the items located correctly inside the tray.

In my unit, the expectation is that trained staff assembles a minimum of 20 surgical sets per shift, or 85 floor sets, or 120 linen packs per day.

My unit statistics exceeds an average of 25 surgical sets per employee per shift. Floor sets and linen packs are at the expectation. (For performance appraisal purposes, trays are given points based on the contents of the tray and frequency of use of the set. Seldom used trays are awarded bonus points because staff had avoided these in favor of the points gained by assembling familiar trays.)

We assemble 18,800 surgical trays and 40,600 floor sets per year.

Hope this information helps with your project!
Pete Bobb

From: (Ireland)   Date: 23 April 2001, 22:57 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Error rate for tray assembly, Benchmarking of staff and resources in a CS area


I find that the "tick and sign" tray sheet for tray assembly accountability usually keeps everyone on their toes. It is very rare for the same mistake to be made twice with this simple format.

Yours understandingly,

T Mc Loughlin

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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00015 - English Version

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