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EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00158

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Low Temperature Sterilization - Q00158
Alternative to Fumigation of the Theatre with Formaldehyde Pump
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From: Venugopal (India)   Date: 23 May 2002, 22:20 [GMT]
Subject: Alternative to Fumigation of the Theatre with Formaldehyde Pump

I am working in a hospital in S. India. I have been told that Fumigation of the Theatre with formaldehyde pump for HLD/Sterilization is not an accepted practice and the use of Formaldehyde has been discontinued due to its carcinogenic nature. What is the best alternative?

From: Wim Renders (Belgium)   Date: 29 May 2002, 19:08 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Alternative to Fumigation of the Theatre with Formaldehyde Pump


Indeed, due to the problems correlated with formaldehyde fumigation such as: an operation room out of use for several hours or days, the workload, the toxicity but especially the lack of efficacy, this method became more and more regarded as a ritual. Therefor it disappeared out our hospitals 25 to 30 years ago. It is replaced simply by meticulous cleaning and disinfection. These practices are embodied in work procedures. For background information I refer you to the CDC website, www.cdc.gov/ncidod/hip/enviro/env_guide_draft.pdf: "Environmental Infection Control in Healthcare facilities". Chapter E: Environmental Services, page 67 to 79, describes the principles.

Wim Renders

See also the questions related to low temperature sterilization.

From: Bode Chemie (Germany)   Date: 3 August 2002, 17:40 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Alternative to Fumigation of the Theatre with Formaldehyde Pump

In Germany a special qualification is needed for performing a fumigation.
In former days Formaldehyde fumigation was used to disinfect a room in case of contagious diseases. Today it is known, fumigation is less effective than meticulous cleaning including disinfection of all surfaces. In Germany after a contagious disease the usage of disinfectants listed in the RKI-list (Robert Koch-Institute) are highly recommended. These products normally contain aldehydes (especially FO) or oxygen releaser.
Even after performing a fumigation it is necessary to clean and disinfect all surfaces. But still in some special cases fumigation might be indicated: like lung plaque, pulmonary anthrax, viral hemorrhagic fever, and smallpox. In general a fumigation should only be done, when arranged by a health officer. Normally, a surface disinfection with RKI-listed products should be enough.

Bode Chemie

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