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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Testing - Q00165
Bowie Dick Test Packs for 121°C
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From: Jai Shankar   Date: 6 June 2002, 07:24 [GMT]
Subject: Bowie Dick Test Packs for 121°C

Dear sir/madam

As we have Bowie-dick test packs available stating to be used at 134degree.c. since in our regular run the autoclave is runed at a temp of 121degree.c do you can let me know from where can i get the Bowie-Dick test pack which can be used at 121degree.c for a specified time. Do you can let me know how do we can justify the air removal test performed at 134degree.c for 3min holds valid for autoclave which is been used regularly at 121degree.c for a minimum time of 15min(Fo).

thanking you
Jai Shankar.K

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