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EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00167

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Testing - Q00167
Pre vacuum
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From:    Date: 7 June 2002, 21:45 [GMT]
Subject: Pre vacuum

Dear efhss,
i have been working in palace where the atomspheric pressure is lower than normal atmopheric pressure. Prevacuum assisted autoclave can reach upto - 0,75 bar in pre vacuum stage. But i have read that prevacuum should reach up to - 0,85 bar.so is the mentioned value of prevacuum sufficient to remove the air and condesiable gases to get a sterilization process. while machine always pass the bowie&dick test and there is no positive BI test. if any one could help me to get over this confusion.
Thanking you

From: (Germany)   Date: 9 June 2002, 12:32 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Pre vacuum

Hello Hafeez!

The effeciency in terms of air removal of a pre-vacuum cycle does not only rely on the absolute depths of vacuum achieved. It is also how many evacuations take place to achieve a sufficient dilution. To a certain extend a not so deep vacuum can be compensated by a higher number of "pulses". For single vacuum pulse cycle, this is different!

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