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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Packaging - Q00170
Barrier tray wrap in heat seal bag
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From: (Ireland)   Date: 14 June 2002, 16:28 [GMT]
Subject: Barrier tray wrap in heat seal bag

Can you answer my question?

I have a set that is double wrapped in barrier tray wrap and placed in a heat seal bag. If the bag tears while unloading the set from the steriliser, do I need to re-wrap the set with new barrier tray wrap? I think i only need to replace the bag, but opinion appears to vary.

LLain, Sweden

From:    Date: 15 June 2002, 19:39 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Barrier tray wrap in heat seal bag

Good day LLain,

The answer to your question depends on the purpose of the heat seal bag. Why is a double wrapped set placed in a peel package? If the function of the heat seal bag is to act as a dust cover, placing the double wrapped set in a new dust cover when the set is cool is appropriate. If, on the other hand, the function is to protect the wrappers so they may be used as sterile patient drapes, then a torn heat seal bag would require the set be rewrapped and resterilized.
This issue would be best discussed with the department supervisor or manager who understands why the heat seal bag is being used.

Warm regards,
Pete Bobb

From: Wim Renders (Belgium)   Date: 16 June 2002, 21:58 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Barrier tray wrap in heat seal bag


A bit outside the framework of your question - I join the answer of Pete - I want to call your attention to an article by A. de Bruijn and I. Kastelein: "Single or multiple wrapping of medical devices: Procedure assessment through research", Central Service, 5/99 (see Publications).

Kind regards,
Wim Renders

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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00170 - English Version

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