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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Spacial Requirements - Q00017
Color schemes in the central service area
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From: (Colombia)   Date: 19 April 2000, 06:32 [GMT]
Subject: Color schemes in the central service area

Central service
Pablo Tobon Uribe Hospital

My question is?

To delimit the differents areas into the central service, I can use a differents color for example: Red to storge room. Exist an international standard?

Gustavo Gutierrez

From: (Saudi Arabia)   Date: 24 April 2000, 03:53 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Color schemes in the central service area

Good day,

I am not aware of any international standards for colors coding different areas of the Central Service department.

Hospitals where I have seen color used to delineate different areas have only marked one area - Decontamination, and this was with a red line on the floor at the entrance to the Decontamination area. The red color was to warn people that proper protective attire is required beyond the red line.

Using colors to mark different areas of the department does sound like an inovative idea. Let us know how it works out!

Pete Bobb, BSc, CRCST, CCSMC, ACE Saudi Arabia

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