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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Testing - Q00187
Getinge/Castle washer/decontaminators test
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From: (United States)   Date: 14 August 2002, 20:49 [GMT]
Subject: Getinge/Castle washer/decontaminators test

We have started to test our washer/decontaminators (Getinge/Castle Decomat 8666) using the TOSI.
If we place the test flat on the shelf, we do not pass the test. When placed with other instruments at a slight angle, the test passes. I believe that this is because the plastic covering the "tested soil" (mimicking a box lock) covers the test and cannot be reached by the water coming straight down and up, but not from the sides from this particular model.

Has anyone used this particular washer/decontaminator and passed the test with the test laid flat on the shelf? If so, what paramenters did you use (how long for pre-wash, wash-cycle, amount of enzymatic, etc.)?

Thank you.

Don Gordon, CRCST, FEL
Network Director
North Bronx Healthcare Network
Bronx, NY, USA

From: (Germany)   Date: 19 August 2002, 15:49 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Getinge/Castle washer/decontaminators test

Dear Mr. Gordon,

we have not tested this particular washer but have many experiences in machines used in Europe and depending on the parameters used it is not a problem to clean a TOSI clipped flat on a tray. In my oppinion the main difference could probably be the stainless steel trays used and recommended in Europe whereas I believe in America probably more plastic trays are used which may block much of the mechanical efficiency. Parameters recommended for high cleaning efficiency are:
pre rinse: 3-5 minutes, alkaline wash: 5 minutes above 140°F, enzymatic wash: 10 minutes at approx. 110°F. Very important is the different performance of different types of enzymatic products tested. For further trouble-shooting we would need the TOSI results achieved during the tests.

best regards

Martin Pfeifer
General Manager

From: (Bermuda)   Date: 7 September 2002, 16:16 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Getinge/Castle washer/decontaminators test

Anyone out there using Avenatech SM 1000?

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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00187 - English Version

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