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EFHSS Questions & Answers - Question Q00199

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Steam Sterilization - Q00199
Gravity Cycle Duration
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From:    Date: 24 September 2002 [GMT]
Subject: Gravity Cycle Duration

We sterilize an item: Gravity for 20 minutes, which is recommended by the manufacturer. Is there any reason why we couldn't run that item for 30 minutes so we can sterilize it with our other gravity items and not run a special load?

From:    Date: 30 September 2002 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Gravity Cycle Duration

Dear Jamie,

In general, it should pose no problem to increase the holding time from 20 minutes to 30 minutes.
You may find that some materials and glues will not respond favorably to lengthening the holding time, but items made from glass or metal should not suffer from extending the holding time to 30 minutes. If in doubt, ask the manufacturer.

Pete Bobb

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