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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Transportation - Q00212
Transporting sterile goods from CSSD to clinics and OR
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From: (Greece)   Date: 5 November 2002, 22:12 [GMT]
Subject: Transporting sterile goods from CSSD to clinics and OR

Hi my name is Christina and I'm working in CSSD of a Greek hospital. I would like to know the best way of transporting sterile goods from CSSD to clinics and OR when these are in different buildings.

Thanks in advance
Christina Tranta

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 6 November 2002, 15:33 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Transporting sterile goods from CSSD to clinics and OR

Hi Christina

Transportation of sterile goods must be established according to the hygienic requirements (hygiene policy). Both containers and closed carts are suitable - but have to be dedicated for that purpose. For outside distribution the sterile items have to be securely packed and protected against damage and contamination along the transportation route. A solid bottom shelf on the carts can prevent the wheels picking up contaminants from the floor and spin them upwards. All transport equipment should be decontaminated and dried prior to reuse for transporting sterile goods. See also our Education page: Sterilization Basics: The sterile Supply Cycle from Jan Huys.

Kind regards
Josy Holdener

From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 27 November 2002, 13:37 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Transporting sterile goods from CSSD to clinics and OR


I would consider that it is much better to have dedicated carts or trolleys in order to distribute your sterile goods to other departments especially if they are in different buildings. It is important to ensure that the sterile products are completely sealed in the carts during transportation to avoid damage or contamination. Consideration should be given to the type of cart that is purchased and how many are needed. We use bigger carts for users such as Operating Theatres and smaller ones for the Clinics. If you are considering on using the carts for return of contaminated items as well as the transport of sterile ones each Clinic or Theatre area should be assigned at least two carts so that there is one in use or at site and one available in your department for loading sterile goods.

Although stainless steal carts are made of stronger material we use aluminium carts which we find are not as heavy to push or pull and are just as easy to clean. The wheels should be swivel type, made of non-rust material and easy to replace if necessary. The doors should be lockable if needed and there should be handles to the sides for help during transportation. You may also want to consider the placing of holders on the outside for easy labelling or identification of carts or items inside.

Don't forget that you will need to consider the cleaning of these carts especially if they are being used to return contaminated items to your department. This should ideally be done in a dedicated area if possible and can be made easier by having shelving that is light and removable.

Aisling Bonner
HSDU Manager
Altnagelvin Hospital
Derry City
Northern Ireland

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