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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Cleaning & Disinfection - Q00214
Special precautions for instruments used in radio-active procedures
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From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 14 November 2002, 14:33 [GMT]
Subject: Special precautions for instruments used in radio-active procedures

Is there a need or has anyone adopted any special precautions for instruments used in radio-active procedures? eg isotope breast surgery.

From: Walter Mertens, Luc Knaepkens (Belgium)   Date: 5 December 2002, 08:49 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Special precautions for instruments used in radio-active procedures

Dear Collegues,

We work in Middelheim General Hospital in Antwerp and we have experienced that the instruments may be treated according the classic procedures; no further special personnel protection should be taken.

  1. The amount of radioactivity is such low, that it's not necessary to use film badge dosimeters. We understand that your question is related to 'sentinel node procedures'. The amount of administered radioactivity is very low: 0.5 mCi per patient and the potential radioactive contamination of the instruments and materials returning from OP may not cause very high radiation levels.
  2. However the chance of radioactive contamination may occur. The personnel, working in sterilisation units in hospitals normally wear gloves and eye protection, which may be sufficient to protect against possible radioactive contamination.
  3. We have measured the dirty instruments post surgery and have noticed that we could not detect higher radiation levels then what we use to call the 'natural background radiation'.

We hope you will respond to our answer and wish you the best,

Walter Mertens, operational manager CCSD Middelheim General Hospital
Luc Knaepkens, operationla manager nuclear medicine department
Mideelheim General Hospital

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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00214 - English Version

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