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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Cleaning & Disinfection - Q00222
Which solution could be used to deal with rust in instrument
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From: (China)   Date: 4 December 2002, 02:38 [GMT]
Subject: Which solution could be used to deal with rust in instrument


If instrument get rust, we just clean with soft cloth with lubricant, but if still can't remove the rust on the instrument, we have to dispose it.
I have been to european medical center and find them use a solution to spray on rust of instrument, and just a while, the rust start to disapear, and could be clean freely, I think it should be a kind of anti-rust solution, but I don't know which product could be used in medical instrument, which company and its website.


Hardaway Liu

From:    Date: 4 December 2002, 21:24 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Which solution could be used to deal with rust in instrument

Dear Hardaway Liu,

One product which I have used with good results is called SurgiStain. The website for this product is:

It should be noted that this works best with high quality steel does not work well for chrome plated instruments.

I hope this helps.

Pete Bobb

From: (Germany)   Date: 6 December 2002, 10:50 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Which solution could be used to deal with rust in instrument


Have a look at http://www.a-k-i.org.

There are a lot of useful information regarding surgical instruments and free downloads of publications are available as well.

Kind regards

Klaus Hahnen
3M Laboratories (Europe)

From: (Germany)   Date: 16 December 2002, 20:13 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Which solution could be used to deal with rust in instrument


Rust on stainless steel instruments should be removed by special cleaners based on phosphoric acid like neodisher IR: 5 % solution, 40 - 50°C, 30 minutes.
More details are given: http://www.drweigert.de

Best regards,
Dr Juergen Staffeldt
Chemische Fabrik DR WEIGERT Gmbh

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