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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Cleaning & Disinfection - Q00023
Tunnel type Washer/Disinfector/Dryer fully compliant to HTM2030
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From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 5 June 2000, 16:09 [GMT]
Subject: Tunnel type Washer/Disinfector/Dryer fully compliant to HTM2030

Does anybody know of a manufacturer other than Dawmed International who make a tunnel type washer/disinfector/dryer that is fully compliant to HTM2030.

Ty Priestman
Estates Operations Manager
Peterborough Hospitals NHS Trust,
Edith Cavell Hospital, Bretton Gate,
Peterborough PE3 9GZ.
Direct dial 01733 875203 Fax 875001
E-mail: [email protected]

From: Wim Renders (Belgium)   Date: 6 July 2000, 17:56 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Tunnel type Washer/Disinfector/Dryer fully compliant to HTM2030


Two companies confirmed that they are also compliant with HTM2030.

  1. STERIS limited
    Healthcare Division
    The Stable Block
    Cornbury Park, Charlbury
    Oxfordshire, OX7 3EH
    tel: 01608 811822
    fax: 01608 811854
    They are fully HTM2030 compliant with both the 444 and 777. It is however a POP (extra cost on list price) as they are especially manufactured with HTM2030 extras included.
  2. Netzsch Belimed

Best regards,
Wim Renders

From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 31 August 2000, 07:56 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Tunnel type Washer/Disinfector/Dryer fully compliant to HTM2030

Other washers than Dawmed

Up here in Scotland we have recently purchased a HAMO tunnel washer for a hospital and this unit seems to be performing well (in fact it was 2 units the first was a 2 chamber type for processing trays bowls and hollowware, the other is a 4 chamber type for surgical instruments which consistes of a pre wash / wash chamber, Ultrasonic chamber, Disinfect chamber and a final drying chamber. The machine is fully programable so the ultrasonics don't have to be used for all loads.

If you have any furhter questions please contact me on the e-mail address above or by phone on 07785 346002

Robert Allan A.P. (s)
Email: [email protected]

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