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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Steam Sterilization - Q00024
Steam Sterilizers
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From:    Date: 6 June 2000, 01:41 [GMT]
Subject: Steam Sterilizers

Dear friends

As of lately I have noticed that a growing number of public hospitals in Mexico are using steam sterilizers that show clear signs of corrosion (rust) and mineral deposits.

Are there any health implications with the use of steam sterilizers that that are in such a condition? Please inform me of any possible health problems and/or problems caused to materials sterylized in autoclaves that are in bad condition.

Günther Trieb
email: [email protected]

From:    Date: 7 June 2000, 10:30 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Steam Sterilizers

Good day Gunther,

Sterilizer chambers need to be cleaned on a regular basis (daily, if possible) with a mild detergent such as Calgonite. Use of strong abrasives or steel wool will scratch the surface of the chamber and allow corrosion to develop. While this describes a possible cause of the problem, it doesn't answer your question.

If all the mechanical indicators (chamber and jacket pressure gauges, temperature gauges, and chart or print out), electronic sensors, and chemical indicators, biological indicators, and bowie-dick style air removal indicate the sterilization parameters are met, the items are most likely sterile and safe to use from an infection control perspective.

I hope someone can address the effects of the 'rust' interaction with items being sterilized. While I suspect this will not cause health problems, I have never conducted, or read, any studies on the effect this 'rust' has on materials being sterilized.

I also don't know how far rust can develop in the sterilizer chamber walls before the sterilizer is likely to burst from the steam pressure inside the chamber.

Pete Bobb

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