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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Spacial Requirements - Q00254
CSSD department layout
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From:    Date: 1 April 2003, 09:45 [GMT]
Subject: CSSD department layout

Dear friends

I work in CSSD and our department is planning to reconstruct the layout of room. So I am wondering if anyone of you know the correct (standard) layout of the CSSD department as well as the process of sterilizing the medical devices.

If you could direct me to the source, I would really appreciate the help



From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 3 April 2003, 06:31 [GMT]
Subject: Re: CSSD department layout


See; Graphic Standards: Central Supply, June 1999;

Kind regards
Josy Holdener

From: (France)   Date: 3 April 2003, 15:53 [GMT]
Subject: Re: CSSD department layout

Dear Scott,

I know you had an answer for the CSSD layout but regarding sterilization process for medical device, you could refer to the European & International standards:

EN 554 / EN556 / EN550 / EN 285 / ISO 14937 / EN867-4

However, it will also depend on which kind of sterilization you are interested in (EO Gas, steam, Plasma...). If you use steam sterilization, I recommend ISO 14937 which is very interesting and helpful.

Best Regards

Michael Fangon
Marketing Manager
Rexam SPS
00 33 1 64 75 60 00 (tel)
00 33 1 64 75 60 07 (fax)
00 33 6 71 58 21 40 (mobile)

From: Wim Renders (Belgium)   Date: 5 April 2003, 08:42 [GMT]
Subject: Re: CSSD department layout


Very valuable information on the design of a CSSD, you can find on the websites of our memberassociations:

  • DGSV: www.dgsv-ev.de, under Arbeitskreis Bau und Technik (in German) and
  • CSC: www.cscnl.net, under Documenten, 1. Bouwmaatstaven Centrale sterilisatie afdeling (in Dutch, with photos)

Best regards,
Wim Renders

From: Wim Renders (Belgium)   Date: 9 April 2003, 16:49 [GMT]
Subject: Re: CSSD department layout


In 2000 a very good article apeared in "Central Service": The Structural and Functional Prerequisites for a Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) by R. Frey, Centr Steril 3/2000, 136 - 140. (See under Publications for the abstract). In the last number - 1/2003 - of the same journal Peter Hooper also describes in the sterilization basics series the SSD layout.

Best regrds,
Wim Renders

From: Wim Renders (Belgium)   Date: 18 April 2003, 20:23 [GMT]
Subject: Re: CSSD department layout


Our member association AFS published - in French - a document: "Architecture et locaux en sterilisation". It only costs 20 Euro. Information you find on the page: www.afs.asso.fr/nouveaute/nouveaute_intro.html.

In the UK, Health Building note 13: "Sterile Services department" focuses on NHS Sterile Services with accomodation requirements for:

  • washing, desinfecting and sterilizing
  • Good manufacture practice
  • Storage and materials handling

Information on how to order you find on: www.tso-nhse.co.uk/details.cfm?ISBN=011321412X

Best regards,
Wim Renders

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