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Metal Detectors for Pharma Applications
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From:    Date: 18 April 2003, 16:56 [GMT]
Subject: Metal Detectors for Pharma Applications

Dear Sirs,

may I know what are the Guidelines which are given for metal Detectors which can be used in Pharmaceutical Industries. i.e. what is the minimum size of metal contamination acceptance (both Ferrous and Non Ferrous) which is acceptable by the US FDA. May I also have a detailed writeup for the same from you?

Thanks and Regards,

Rajesh K. Gopinath

From: Wim Renders (Belgium)   Date: 19 April 2003, 17:13 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Metal Detectors for Pharma Applications


The use of metal detectors in the pharmaceutical industry doesn't fall within the scope of the EFHSS activities.
Question Q00197 explains you why some hositals use them.
Sorry but I can't help you any further.

Kind regards,
Wim Renders

From: (Switzerland)   Date: 22 April 2003, 15:30 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Metal Detectors for Pharma Applications

I suggest to search under www.metal-detection.co.uk which you will find further details over product protection in the Pharmaceutical Industry. The article answers the frequently asked questions concerning inspections systems and product protection in the Pharmaceutical industry accepted bei FDA or USDA. I hope you will find the answers in this technical articles.

Kind regards
H. R. Widmer, Head of Pharmacy of the Inselspital-Bern, Switzerland

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