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EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00268

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Steam Sterilization - Q00268
Steam sterilization questionnaire
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From: (Italy)   Date: 30 April 2003, 10:35 [GMT]
Subject: Steam sterilization questionnaire

Dear forum,

where I can find a questionnaire to use in a trend on steam sterilization for my department people?

Best regards
Alberto Franceschini

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 1 May 2003, 16:33 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Steam sterilization questionnaire

Dear Alberto

Following some ideas, where you can find training question inclusive educational Material:

Self-study Series
The Central Service Self Study Lessons from Purdue University/IAHCSMM are available on the Internet at www.cll.purdue.edu. The lessons/tests can be printed off.
MSHCSP shares training documents for all interested to achieve the goals of CSSD through http://www.kurtbrowne.com/trainingdocs.html

Training Manual for Central Service Technicians with a variety of test question styles.
Publisher: American Society for Healthcare Central Service Professional (ASHCSP)
Visit their website www.ashcsp.org

The International Association of Healthcare Central Service Material Management (IAHCSMM) has published an Instructor Guide Package with the Central Service Technical Manual, a copy of the Instructor Guide and the Course Workbook (for student/trainee). Six disks of colored Power Point overheads and Question with answer keys. See www.iahcsmm.com and also our Education page.

Other resources
Ask your national health department and your infection control person for information and for teaching.
Ask your Material Management for names of manufactures along with phone numbers of the company and/or salesperson.
Ask the companies for listing of their in-services, videos and literature.

Tanti saluti
Josy Holdener

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