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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Cleaning & Disinfection - Q00274
How to disinfect and sterilize goods used by SARS patients
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From: (China)   Date: 15 May 2003, 03:35 [GMT]
Subject: How to disinfect and sterilize goods used by SARS patients

dear Sirs

i want to find more information of how to disinfect and sterilize the goods which used by SARS patients.In China,most of hospitals use chemical disinfection/sterilization. It causes heavy pollution.Can we use another methods? how to protect both working staff and environment?

the solid goods including:

  1. surgical instruments
  2. bowls
  3. bed
  4. mattress
  5. bed pan
  6. transport trolleys

thanks in advance
best regards

Wayne Xu
Getinge International AB ?China Office)

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 15 May 2003, 15:54 [GMT]
Subject: Re: How to disinfect and sterilize goods used by SARS patients

Dear Wayne

For SARS Infection Control in Healthcare Settings the standard procedures or regulations for handling contaminated (aerosol-generating/infectious) material including staff protection, should be followed. To decontaminate the items on your list hospital grade disinfectants or 1:100 dilution of household bleach (5.25% - 6%) and water for surface cleaning and disinfection (sterilization of surgical instrument after cleaning/disinfection as usual).

For more information visit:

Best regards
Josy Holdener

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 16 May 2003, 06:33 [GMT]
Subject: Re: How to disinfect and sterilize goods used by SARS patients

There are two other useful SARS Info-sites from Canada:
Ontario Nurses' Association: www.ona.org/sars/index.html
SARS: What you can do to protect yourself / SARS Infection Control Guidance for Health Care Workers.
And: www.sars.gc.ca

Josy Holdener

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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