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Sterilising of Post-mortom Room Instruments
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From: (Ireland)   Date: 30 June 2003, 13:00 [GMT]
Subject: Sterilising of Post-mortom Room Instruments

Hi, can someone please explain why instruments used in the post-mortom room should not be sterilised in C.S.S.D.

F. Doyle,
Naas General Hospital,
Co. Kildare,

From: (Netherlands)   Date: 15 July 2003, 10:27 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Sterilising of Post-mortom Room Instruments

Dear Fiona,

In question Q00273 you can see some other answers to your question. But the reason for not letting the post-mortem instruments into the CSSD is the risk of introducing CJD into the dept. The post-mortem room is THE place where the biopties are taken. The instruments are definately in close contact with high risk tissue! So they should not be mixed with the other instruments from the hospital.

groeten René Vis

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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