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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Quality Assurance - Q00293
Bowie Dick Records
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From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 10 July 2003, 08:20 [GMT]
Subject: Bowie Dick Records

Dear Colleagues

Could you help me with information about archiving Bowie Dick Test. My department currently archives the cycle printout, the data sheet completed by the technician and the indicator card from the test pack.

Do I need to archive all of these as they are accumulating a lot of space now. If I have the data sheet and the printout can I just archive these, and dispose of the indicator card as these can fade over time and all information needed is completed on the data sheet?

Another query, if the sterilizers have data loggers do I need to have a printout if I have all the cycles stored on computer?

Any information greatly appreciated,

Nick Richardson
Quality Manager - SSD

From:    Date: 13 July 2003, 04:19 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Bowie Dick Records

Dear Nick.

Archiving period is a policy issue only! Your managemenent shall decide what is the required retaining period.
Retaining on en electronic or magnetic media requires a proof that you will have access ability in the futur, and a "finger print" to proof that data was not modified along the retention period.

Michael Meyer

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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