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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Steam Sterilization - Q00295
Manufacturer/seller of Quick Cool Sterilizer
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From:    Date: 15 July 2003, 16:16 [GMT]
Subject: Manufacturer/seller of Quick Cool Sterilizer

Dear Sirs,

I would like to buy Quick Cool Sterilizer. Please tell me the website of the manufacturer or seller of it.

Thank you for your reply


From:    Date: 18 July 2003, 11:51 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Manufacturer/seller of Quick Cool Sterilizer

Hello Deecha,

Try www.getinge.com
Select "products" then "getinge" and "scientific"
Select "products" (next to the right side of "business Sectors")
Choose "sterilizers" followed by "ventilator sterilizers"

I am not sure, but i hope this is what you are looking after

Best regards
Gert Linder

From:    Date: 21 July 2003, 19:24 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Manufacturer/seller of Quick Cool Sterilizer


From: (Netherlands)   Date: 28 July 2003, 06:14 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Manufacturer/seller of Quick Cool Sterilizer

Dear Deecha,

It is important to know what you mean with a quick cool steriliser. I assume you want to sterilise liquids which have to be cooled down as quickly as possible . However, if you send me the specifications of the steriliser I will provide you with all the necessary information.

Best Regards,

Henk Ras
Export manager

Sanamij b.v.

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