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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Packaging - Q00306
Medical supply manufacturers in China that produce flat/gussett sterilization rolls
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From: Leo Tay   Date: 2 August 2003, 04:22 [GMT]
Subject: Medical supply manufacturers in China that produce flat/gussett sterilization rolls

I am looking for medical supply manufacturers in China that produce flat/gussett sterilization rolls (reels) used for steam/E.O.Gas sterilization. Would appreciate any feedback. Thks in advance.

Leo Tay, M.Sc.

From:    Date: 5 August 2003, 02:04 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Medical supply manufacturers in China that produce flat/gussett sterilization rolls


Could you explain more detail, I was work for Getinge China, I'd like to help you but more information needed, if you have photo, that will be much better and faster.

Did you means that sterilize package?


"flat/gussett sterilization rolls (reels) used for steam/E.O.Gas sterilization."

From: (Finland)   Date: 26 August 2003, 06:08 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Medical supply manufacturers in China that produce flat/gussett sterilization rolls

Dear Mr. Tay,

We are selling high quality EN868-1 and EN868-5 compliant STERIKING* sterilization pouches and reels in China. We'll ask our local dealer will contact you soonest to discuss your needs and wishes more in details.

Best regards
Anneli Haikonen

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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