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EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00307

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Steam Sterilization - Q00307
Pressure safety h.s law
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From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 12 August 2003, 14:24 [GMT]
Subject: Pressure safety h.s law

do little sisters being used in the uk have to have a safety vacuum certificate, as a hospital electrician i am asked two maintain little sisters, do they have to be inspected 6 monthly or yearly by independent inspectors, is there an h.s.a. law on this in the uk many thanks Andi

From:    Date: 13 August 2003, 19:20 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Pressure safety h.s law

Dear Andi.

Pressure is a parameter presenting a hazard. Vacuum not. Vacuum is a "negative" pressure. A vessel may explode when pressurised. It may implode under vacuum. The European Pressure Equipment Directive define a pressure (positive) of 0.5 bar as a pressure that you must consider. Even if it is out of the PED scope.
I'm not from UK but I am familiar with many Standards and Regulations.
Don't worry.sleep well


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