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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Cleaning & Disinfection - Q00309
How to sterilise Ambubag (self inflating bag) and Oxygen Face mask?
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From:    Date: 18 August 2003, 12:11 [GMT]
Subject: How to sterilise Ambubag (self inflating bag) and Oxygen Face mask?

Dear sir,

How to sterilise Ambubag (self inflating bag) & Oxygen Face mask?

Is it really need to sterilize? Can we only clean with warm water and detergent and then drying at 70 degree celcius due to we are working in the small hospitals that don't have any low temp. sterilizer?

Thanks and best regards

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 22 August 2003, 13:14 [GMT]
Subject: Re: How to sterilise Ambubag (self inflating bag) and Oxygen Face mask?

Dear Maliwan

The rule of thumb should be that anything that can be sterilized should be sterilized: however, deciding how to decontaminate depends on the type of item involved and how it relates to the procedures to be performed.
There has been a system developed for hospitals to help in simplifying the determination process for decontamination procedures. The Spaulding classification; it is based on the premise that instruments and items for patient care can be divided into the following three categories:
Critical Item: defined as items that enter sterile tissue, the vascular system or broken mucosal barrier and require sterilization before each use.
Semi-Critical Items: defined, as items that come in contact with patients' mucus membrane and are required a minimum of high-level disinfection.
Non-Critical Items: defined as items that are used on patient's intact skin only and are required to be kept clean for use.
Items like Ambu-bag set and Oxygen mask fall into the category of Semi-Critical Items, they don't necessarily have to be sterilized but have to undergo cleaning and disinfection e.g. clean then wipe with 70% alcohol and air dried.
Decontamination options for heat-tolerant items are: Disinfection by boiling in water (100°C for 10 minutes at sea level), which kills all organisms except a few bacterial spores. Also low-temperature steam or washer disinfector can be used.
For heat-sensitive items: disinfection can be achieved by using chemicals, which however may be toxic when allowed contact with skin or are inhaled. (Ask for detail information by the Pharmacist or supplier).

I hope this is of some help!

Kind regards
Josy Holdener

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