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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Low Temperature Sterilization - Q00030
Plasma Gas Sterilisation
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From: (Kuwait)   Date: 4 July 2000, 06:59 [GMT]
Subject: Plasma Gas Sterilisation

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to know the limitations of plasma gas sterilisation using hydrogen peroxide as the sterilant and currently what type of biological indicator used?

Best regards,
Savio Araujo,

From: (Netherlands)   Date: 21 July 2000, 06:42 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Plasma Gas Sterilisation

The limitations are: (general spoken)

* no fluids, powders and absorbent materials (cellulose)
* Sterrad 50, 100 or 100 S

- instruments with lumens made from synthetic materials such as Telfon, PP, PE lumens (no silicone): without a booster: < 1 meter and > 1mm diameter, with a booster: < 2 meter and > 1mm diameter

- instruments with stainless steel lumens: without booster: <40 cm and 3mm diameter, with a booster: <50 cm and 1mm diameter

The bioindicator:
CycleSure, self contained bio-indicator with b.Stearothermophilus (106).
Manufactured by ASP Johnson & Johnson.

With regards,

Renald E. van der Werf
Sterilization Technologist
Advanced Sterilization Products
a Johnson & Johnson company
email: [email protected]

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