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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Quality Assurance - Q00314
Instrument Tracking System
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From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 22 August 2003, 08:30 [GMT]
Subject: Instrument Tracking System
  1. During the process within the HSDU (from return from user), at which stages of the sterilisation process are packs/sets 'swiped' with a barcode.
  2. How are single instruments tracked.
  3. At user end e.g. Theatres, at which stages within theatres are the packs/sets 'swiped'.


Clive Richards,
Solutions Developer
Patient Care Applications Team
Finance Block
H.M.Stanley Hospital
LL17 0YH

From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 25 August 2003, 13:31 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Instrument Tracking System
  1. Barcodes can be scanned as few or as many times as is required, provided the software is flexible enought to handle different set-ups. A typical installation would however have:
    • One scan in Decontamination arrival
    • One scan when loading into the washer
    • One scan when removing from the washer
    • One scan for arrival in packing
    • One scan for loading into the steriliser
    • One scan when removing from the steriliser
    • One scan when placing in the store
    • One scan when removing from the store
    • One scan when linking to the patient.
  2. Single instruments are uniquely marked, and then during the packing process individually scanned and "linked" to the tray in which they are travelling.
  3. Typically, items are associated to the patient following completion of the procedure. The instrument trays are scanned, and recorded against the patient number.

Please call if you would like to discuss in detail.

Simon L James

Managing Director
ScanTrack Healthcare Systems (UK) Limited
Duoro House
Riseley Business Park
Basingstoke Road
Berkshire, RG7 1NW
United Kingdom

Tel: +44(0)1189 840 900
Fax: +44(0)1189 840 901

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