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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Packaging - Q00315
Label Indicators
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From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 22 August 2003, 08:35 [GMT]
Subject: Label Indicators

Dear Colleagues

Does anyone know of a manufacturer who can supply a label with a chemical indicator on it, along with a peel off indicator that can be placed into a surgical set / pack.


Nicholas Richardson
Quality Manager
Sterile Services
Queen Alexandra / St. Mary's Hospital

From: (Israel)   Date: 22 August 2003, 10:25 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Label Indicators

GKE (www.gke-mbh.de) provides lables with chemical indicators.

Yaffa Raz

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 24 August 2003, 14:49 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Label Indicators

Dear Nicholas,

Also Interlock Medizintechnik GmbH provides Dokumentation Labels with chemical indicators:

Best regards
Josy Holdener

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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00315 - English Version

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