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CSS departement merger
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From:    Date: 2 October 2003, 11:48 [GMT]
Subject: CSS departement merger

Is it possible for two CSS department (from two hospital) to merge in order to ensure the maximum sterile supply for the two hospital? I'm sure you have your own opinion on this.

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 4 October 2003, 16:24 [GMT]
Subject: Re: CSS departement merger

Dear Tazri

I am convinced it is an option to consider. There are pros and cons. It depends on the department, its organization and responsibilities, the size and nature of the equipment inventor, the size of your and the other facility location and many other factors.
I think the answer to question Q00203 by Aisling Bonner can give you helpful information. Other Answers under the Category "Outsourcing" might also be of interest for you.

Good luck
Josy Holdener

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