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Procedure or guidelines for in case there is a fire at the cssd?
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From: (Belgium)   Date: 7 October 2003, 18:29 [GMT]
Subject: Procedure or guidelines for in case there is a fire at the cssd?


Does anybody has a procedure or guidelines for in case there is a fire at the cssd?
What to do first, everything is welcome .
The purpose is to come to a procedure that is specified for cssd.

Thank you
Mertens Walter
AZ Middelheim
Belgium, Antwerp

From: (Germany)   Date: 9 October 2003, 05:49 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Procedure or guidelines for in case there is a fire at the cssd?


IMHO the CSSD is not a very special place, so regular emergency rules should apply. Paramount is the safety of people. I assume you have a "Safety Officer" or similar in your institution which should be capable of assessing any specific risks at your department. Unobstructed emergency exists, drills for personnel, secure storage of any flammable or explosive materials are key words. The local fire brigade might be happy to assist.

Best regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Klaus Hahnen

From:    Date: 10 October 2003, 20:57 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Procedure or guidelines for in case there is a fire at the cssd?


In case of fire find the way out as fast as possible, calling all other persons to do the same. Call the Fire Brigade and do your best to free the way for them. Nothing, but nothing is more important than your life and other human being life. dont "help" if you were not trained.


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