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EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00336

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Miscellaneous - Q00336
Surgical instruments reprocessing parameters for ISO certification
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From: (Netherlands)   Date: 8 October 2003, 12:48 [GMT]
Subject: Surgical instruments reprocessing parameters for ISO certification


For our ISO certification project we need to define the different functional control parameters for the surgical instruments etc we reprocess.
I have found the well know "red and yellow book" on this website and here and there some bits and pieces of information. But this does not cover by far, the hundreds if not thousands, of different types of instruments we have to reprocess. The range of instruments vary from scissors to powerdrills, fragile instruments for eye surgery and so on.
I know nowadays the manufacturer has to provide all the relevant information but as everyone will know it is very hard to get the information on items bought years ago. And even today it is sometimes hard to convert the manufacturers instructions to usable instructions for your own department.
Any information is welcome such as, links to websites, parts of educational material on this subject, and all other related documentation.
I sure hope anyone within the sterilising community can provide some help here.


Jaap Veldhuis
Academisch Medisch Centrum

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