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Use same surgical instruments for human being and pig cardiac surgery?
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From: (Brazil)   Date: 3 August 2000, 19:07 [GMT]
Subject: Use same surgical instruments for human being and pig cardiac surgery?

Dear Collegues,

I know this subject could sound a little strange. But we had a request for a special event with five pig surgeries (demonstration of beating heart Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)-without cardiopulmonary bypass), and as The Experimental Operating Room Center do not have the specific material they asked our instruments used in human being surgery. The nurses do not want to lend the instruments, although the Infection Control Committe has demonstrated a favorable position. We would like to hear from others because we are worried about unkown virus these animals could have and the special reprocess with the instruments.

I appreciate your help soon (before 9 august)
Thank You
Yours Sincerely

Ribeiro, F.G.

From: Wim Renders (Belgium)   Date: 8 August 2000, 09:26 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Use same surgical instruments for human being and pig cardiac surgery?


In hospitals where experimental surgery is performed, such a situation occurs more often. It is obvious that all possible precautions have to be taken to prevent the transmission of infections. The first measure is - in my eyes - the use of pathogen free pigs (are available on the market). If this is your case, the problem is less acute. Instruments that are used on animals should in principle not be used clinically. If this is inevitable the instruments should be treated as Creutzfeldt-Jacob contaminated (see also question 29). This means:

  1. After an adequate washing and desinfection procedure (without the use of aldehydes, NAOH, NAOCL etc.)
  2. the instruments shall be autoclaved in 6 consecutive cycli of 3 minutes at 134°.
  3. Hereafter the instruments are treated as dirty instruments.

In my opinion these measures will be sufficient to guarantee the safe reuse of the instruments.

Kind regards
Wim Renders

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