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How to set up printing date and time on Hallo Sekuriklav?
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From:    Date: 10 November 2003, 00:58 [GMT]
Subject: How to set up printing date and time on Hallo Sekuriklav?

How to set up printing date and time on Hallo Sekuriklav?

From: (Italy)   Date: 8 December 2003, 12:26 [GMT]
Subject: Re: How to set up printing date and time on Hallo Sekuriklav?

Dear Milan,

I had some experience time ago.
If I well remember you should switch on the sterilizer keeping pressed the top button of the front panel.
In this way you should enter in the time adjusting mode, then try with the buttons to set year, month hour and minute.

Fulvio Toresani

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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