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Sterilization of petroleum jelly (vaseline)
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From: (Saudi Arabia)   Date: 1 December 2003, 02:44 [GMT]
Subject: Sterilization of petroleum jelly (vaseline)

Dear Experts,

Many thanks for having advised me earlier regarding autoclave tapes. Today I would appreciate your advice regarding a different matter relating to sterilization of petroleum jelly (vaseline).

One of our hospitals sterilize vaseline i various ways.
In one case a small plastic bottle, sealed, containing vaseline is sterilized in ethylene oxide.
In another case different sizes of gauze are drenched with vaseline, placed on metal tray and in a metal container. In this case the vaseline is steam sterilized.

I have tried to search the Internet for information regarding this matter but to no avail. I am mainly interested in what effect steam and EO gas have on vaseline. In addition I am interested in your opinion about a CSSD unit sterilizing vaseline.

Many thanks for your assistance.

Best regards,

Mona Krieg
Saudi Arabia

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 1 December 2003, 18:11 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Sterilization of petroleum jelly (vaseline)

Hi Mona,

Oils and substances as petrolatum (Vaseline) contain little, if any, water. Because of their nature, Steam and ETO cannot penetrate into these substances oils and greases have to be sterilized by dry heat.
According to Perkins (1982) the quantity of Petroleum jelly (Vaseline) should be limited to a layer of approx. 1 oz. (28 gramme) in a glass jar or Petri dish. Exposure period from the time the sterilizer shows temperature of 170°C/60 minutes or by 160°C/ 120 minutes.
The vaseline impregnated gauze strips should be placed in a stainless steel container covered with a layer of petroleum jelly limited to 6 mm (one-half inch).
If you provide petroleum jelly for patient use, it has to be in compliance with the Quality Regulation for manufacturers of drugs and medical devices. Sterilizing this products is, all in all a complicated and risky procedures. If sterile, prepackaged impregnated gauze strips, oils and powder are available I wouldn't process them in CSSD.

Best regards
Josy Holdener

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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