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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Packaging - Q00361
What is the best way packing for the green towel?
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From: (Saudi Arabia)   Date: 5 December 2003, 03:35 [GMT]
Subject: What is the best way packing for the green towel?


can u help me .

what is the best way packing for the green towel? we are using a differint sizes of conainer for the green towel

we have a different sizes of green towel no.20 no. 19. no 26 we put 5 pcs. no 20 and 5 pcs no.19 and 4pcs no 26 in one conainer we are preparing more than 14 container daily . ithink we should not use this container for the green towel i think we should seprate evry pices in one pack by the size because in OR they will open the container and they will use some time 4 pcs or 7 pcs for one case and they will close it for reuse for another case that is mean the green towel was contaminated
so please tell what is the right way for packing of green towel? separating pics by pics or using the conainer?


From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 6 December 2003, 09:12 [GMT]
Subject: Re: What is the best way packing for the green towel?

Hallo Ahmed,

You already have answered your question. By opening the container several times the possibility is almost certain that the rest of the towels get contaminated. It is safer and at the end also more economical to pack the towels separately in wraps or pouches so that they can be used when ever needed.

Best regards
Josy Holdener

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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