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EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00367

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Low Temperature Sterilization - Q00367
Number of low temperature sterilisers installed in the EU
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From:    Date: 10 December 2003, 03:32 [GMT]
Subject: Number of low temperature sterilisers installed in the EU

Do any members of the forum have a good idea as to the number of low temperature sterilisers installed in the EU? If so, what is the breakdown of this number by type (ethylene oxide, LTSF, Sterrad, etc.)

Jon Wilder

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 3 January 2004, 12:29 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Number of low temperature sterilisers installed in the EU

Dear Jon,

I can't give you the answer you are looking for - to my knowledge there is no EU survey done yet. But I can give a you a representative number from the current Sterilization methods in Swiss Hospitals. The survey "Inquiry over the used sterilization methods in Swiss hospitals" was done in June 2001 by the Swiss NOSO CJD task Force working group. The main concern of the survey was the question what problem would arise, if all surgical material had to be sterilized with 134°C during 18 minutes. All 274 H+-accredidated hospitals asked gave information to this 6 questions survey. These are the result of the question; what sterilization method in the individual CSD's are in use:

Sterilization method Number of hospitals Per cent
Steam generally 274 100.0
Ethylenoxide 61 22.3
Plasma sterilization 22 8.0
Formaldehyde 40 14.6

You can find the whole article on www.hospvd.ch/swiss-noso/d94a3.htm in German or French. With "Google Translation tools" you get the website not in a perfect - but understandable English.

Kind regards
Josy Holdener

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