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EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00373

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Miscellaneous - Q00373
Period of time a sterile instrument trolley can be left covered for before being disposed of
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From: (Australia)   Date: 20 January 2004, 04:38 [GMT]
Subject: Period of time a sterile instrument trolley can be left covered for before being disposed of


Has anyone carried out research into the period of time a sterile instrument trolley can be left covered for before being disposed of???

Sarah Szlatoszlavek
Nurse Manager
Operating Theatres
Page 2057 Ext 41012

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 24 January 2004, 08:04 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Period of time a sterile instrument trolley can be left covered for before being disposed of

Dear Sarah

The following recommendations are based on rational and suggestive evidence, even though strong definitive scientific studies may not have been done.

According to the AORN Recommended Practices. (AORN J 1991 Oct; 54 (4): 819-23):
"Sterile Fields should not be covered, because the physical act of uncovering them may result in their contamination. As a result, a covered field is considered contaminated."

According to Alexander's; Care of the Patient in Surgery (the OR-Bible in the USA):
"Preparation of sterile setups hours before needed and covering of setups with sterile sheets are not acceptable for two reasons: setups are left unguarded and prey to source of contamination, and removal of cover sheets without contamination is impossible. Therefore, sterile fields should be prepared as close as possible to scheduled time of use. If sterile setups are left unguarded or covered, they should be considered contaminated."

Hope this helps.
Josy Holdener

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