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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Testing - Q00376
How permeable are glassine envelopes to bacteria or other organisms?
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From: (United States)   Date: 21 January 2004, 15:48 [GMT]
Subject: How permeable are glassine envelopes to bacteria or other organisms?

How permeable are glassine envelopes to bacteria or other organisms?

I know they are permeable to water vapor (steam) and gas (EtO). I read an abstract several years ago that indicated glassine envelopes of the type to contain bacterial spore strips are a good bacterial/microoganism barrier.

Edward Krisiunas, MT(ASCP), CIC, MPH
WNWN International
PO Box 1164
Burlington, Connecticut
Phone 860-675-1217
Fax 860-675-1311
Mobile - 860-944-2373

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