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Question about hair in regards to working in a C.S.R environment
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From: (Canada)   Date: 28 January 2004, 11:13 [GMT]
Subject: Question about hair in regards to working in a C.S.R environment

I have a question about hair in regards to working in a C.S.R environment. For male staff working in the department are they required to be clean shaven, are they required to wear a beard cover even though they only have a moustache, can they wear surgeons caps that leaves the hear on the neck exposed, what about arm & chest hair - are they required to wear long sleeves?
We are reviewing our policy on dress code in regards to hair coverage and these are some issues we are facing. We are Canadian so we base our policies on CSA (Canadian Standards Association).
Hopefully someone can shed on light on this issue.

Thank You.

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 2 February 2004, 17:01 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Question about hair in regards to working in a C.S.R environment

Hi Rod,

CSSD is as a producer of sterile medical devices. You will get the best picture of how the attire in CSSD should look like if you visit an ISO certified industrial manufacturer of pharmaceutical or sterile medical devices. (International standards for CSSD's are in the waiting room)
The actual standards and recommendation for the CSSD packaging area are:
All hair (head, facial, arm and chest) except for eyebrows and eyelashes should be prevented from adding debris and bioburden to the products being assembled and sterilized, i.e., all head and facial hear, including sideburns, moustaches and neckline should be covered with a surgical-type hair covering. If you can't convince your male staff that they look much smarter without moustache and beard ;-), they have to wear a cabala - lava type head covering tucked into the collar. All staff member in the pack area should wear lint free, long sleeved pants suits.

Kind regards
Josy Holdener

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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